Xiao Bai received a call from Yuuki Asuna, which felt a little unexpected, but Xiao Bai didn't expect it. Then Xiao Bai met Yuuki Asuna in a coffee shop. Yuuki Asuna was more mature than two years ago. mature and beautiful.

Xiao Bai was slightly surprised, then looked at Yuuki Asuna and went straight to the point and asked: Asuna, what are you looking for me for?"

Yuki Asuna smiled awkwardly and then said:"There is one thing I want to ask you for help. Recently, our company seems to have been attacked by some unknown forces, so that the company is now in bankruptcy. On the edge, even though I asked Kaguya to find out who was behind this, I can only come to you for help."

Xiao Bai was a little shocked, but he soon understood. Even Shinomiya Kaguya didn't find out that"683" was coming, so Yuki Asuna really had no choice but to come to him. It was normal.

"I'll make a call in a moment to inquire."

Xiao Bai picked up the phone and dialed Yamada Tifeng.

The call was quickly connected, and then Xiao Bai asked about what happened at Asuna Yuki's house. Yamada Tifeng's answer also surprised Xiao Bai. Now he has The Yamada-gumi, who control the entire neon underground force, actually have no news about this.

"There is no news from my side for the time being, but give me some time and I will find out what the situation is as soon as possible."

It actually made the current Yamada team unable to find any clues. This made Xiao Bai interested. There are not many people who can do this, and even fewer who have the need to do this..The company in Yuuki Asuna's family is just an agency factory. Just like the original assembly and sale of Sword Art Online helmets was just an agent. What is there to think about in such a company, so Xiao Bai is very curious about Yuuki. What is the reason for Asuna and his company to attract the covetous attention of others?

"So I'm sorry to trouble you."

Looking at Xiao Bai's enthusiastic look in front of her, Yuuki Asuna felt embarrassed. Yuuki Asuna still planned to take this opportunity to get closer to Xiao Bai, otherwise the company would be squeezed even if it were really squeezed. You will definitely not go bankrupt even if you keep suppressing it. This is a problem that Shinomiya Kaguya and Suzuki Sonoko can solve with just one hand.

"By the way, why don't you go to our company and have a look? Maybe you will find something."

Yuki Asuna suddenly invited Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Yuuki Asuna's invitation. Xiao Bai was also very curious about what the company in Yuuki Asuna's family had that others could covet. You might be able to find something if you look at it.

Then Xiao Bai and Yuuki Asuna came to the company inside Yuuki Asuna's house. Originally, Xiao Bai planned to meet Yuuki Asuna's father first. However, she was stopped by Asuna Yuuki.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Bai looked at Yuuki Asuna and asked strangely why she was not allowed to meet Yuuki Shozo. Yuuki Asuna blushed and couldn't explain the reason. In fact, in the end, she was looked at by Xiao Bai's doubtful eyes. , Yuuki Asuna finally explained the reason:"I'm afraid my father will misunderstand it then!"

What Yuki Asuna said made Xiao Bai suddenly understand, but then Xiao Bai became calm and said:"If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanting shadows. There is nothing between the two of us, so why should we care about this."

Yuki Asuna looked at Xiao Bai and didn't say anything. She just looked at Xiao Bai coldly. That look in her eyes made Xiao Bai feel that he had done something negative.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Bai looked at Yuuki Asuna in front of him and asked. Yuuki Asuna's face was still expressionless when he confirmed his fate. Seeing Xiao Bai's look, he finally couldn't help but said:"Do you really don't understand or are you pretending not to? Understand?"

Yuki Asuna was a little annoyed. Isn't it enough that she had already made it so obvious?

After hearing Yuuki Asuna's words, Xiao Bai touched his nose and said with some embarrassment:"I'm just a little unsure, after all, between us There is not much contact, so I am worried that this is one of the three major misconceptions in life. You like me!"

"This is not an illusion, but I really like you and have a good impression of you!"

Although Xiao Bai said that he didn't know why Yuuki Asuna liked him, it was enough as long as the other party liked him. He broke the casserole and asked what the point was. 0....

"Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s take a walk around your company to see if we can find out why your company was targeted. I’m also very curious about who actually escaped my intelligence network."

Xiao Bai is no longer the lonely man he was two years ago. The Yamada Group in Xiao Bai's hands has integrated all the underground forces of Neon.

Not many people can do this. , Guangfuhui counts one, Tushan Fengqi counts as one, and the rest should be gone, so Xiao Bai thinks that this matter was either done by Tushan Fengqi or Guangfuhui, but which one is temporary? I don’t know.

It’s just that it’s really puzzling why the company in Yuuki Asuna’s family is targeted.

What is there about this company in Yuuki Asuna’s family that deserves to be targeted like this?

It’s really weird.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon Yuki Asuna took Xiao Bai around the company, but found nothing, which made Xiao Bai doubt himself. Was it a misunderstanding? But with the arrival of the three people, Xiao Bai suddenly felt that he most likely did not think too much.

【Damn it, who did the Asuna family offend? Not only did they want to bankrupt people, but they also invited Edogawa Conan, the god of death, here because they thought it was too peaceful here, so I wanted to have some 4.3 Exciting. 】

Yuki Asuna next to Xiao Bai suddenly felt bad?

Edogawa Conan, isn't this Kudo Shinichi?

I remember that Xiao Bai recorded in his diary that the other party died wherever he went!

【Wearing a small suit with a red bow tie and Edogawa Conan, as well as the tall and handsome Mouri Ran, and Mouri Kogoro who looks like a wretched middle-aged uncle, it is almost certain that a murder case will occur next. 】

The moment after the longing in Xiao Bai's heart was over, a fierce scream sounded:"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Xiao Bai subconsciously covered his face with his hands. , Yuuki Asuna next to Xiao Bai even twitched her eyelids..

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