After saying this, Fei Yingli reacted instantly and her face suddenly became embarrassed. She actually said such words by some mistake. Fei Yingli felt that she was probably crazy. He stopped talking to Xiao Bai and left quickly in a bit of embarrassment.

Xiao Bai smiled and shook his head and then took out the door, but just when Xiao Bai was about to leave, he saw a small figure.

Xiao Bai stopped about to leave and looked at Hui Yuan Ai who came to him:"Long time no see!"

Hui Yuan Ai exhaled and then said to Xiao Bai:"Thank you very much this time. If it wasn't you, it would be a big mistake." There is a probability that we will all be finished this time."

Haiyuan Ai felt terrible when he thought about what happened before. Xiao Bai looked at Haiyuan Ai's appearance and said:"How can you run away if you say you are"340" well? Come to elementary school"

"I was not at home, but my sister felt that I stayed at home every day and felt that I could not continue like this, so she went through the enrollment procedures for me and waited for me to come to school."

The expression on Xiao Bai's face became weird when he heard this. Without the threat of the black organization, these two sisters are really...

"Forget it, I won't say anything to you. In short, just ask for your own blessings. I don't know how this world will change in the future. If you have nothing to do, stay at home and don't go out."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Xiao Bai and rolled his eyes and then said:"Then we want to move to your house, okay?"

"If you want to come, of course I welcome you, but are you sure about this? When you come to my house, you and your sister will definitely change from girls to women!"

In response to Xiao Bai's words, Huiyuan Ai just rolled his eyes:"If you have the ability, come.

He smiled at Hui Yuan Ai and said,"Let's go then. I'll take you home.""

Xiao Bai opened the door and said to Hui Yuan Ai. Hui Yuan Ai looked at the door curiously.

Then after stepping through the door, Hui Yuan Ai found that he had actually appeared in the house.

"Okay, now that you're home, it's time for me to go back!"

Xiao Bai closed any door, and then opened it again and Xiao Bai appeared in the house.

After Xiao Bai came back, he realized that so much time had passed before and after he entered the space in Didan Elementary School. In reality, only a minute passed

"Welcome back master."

Rem looked at Xiao Bai walking out of any door and bowed slightly. Xiao Bai nodded and then said to Rem:"I'm going to take a bath first!"

After entering the bathroom, Xiao Bai soaked himself in the bathtub and fell into deep thought.

After entering the space of Didan Elementary School, Xiao Bai felt that something was vaguely wrong with him. As if being led by the nose

"Nayako, I know you are here, come out, I have something to ask you."

The next moment, a beautiful girl wearing white silk stockings appeared next to Xiao Bai. Unfortunately, Xiao Bai ignored her and asked:"I felt something was not right before. What happened?"

"I don’t know, but I can probably guess what Yog-Sothoth wants to do. He is guiding you, Master, to create your own Familia, but it is obvious that your Familia is not up to standard. If Master hadn’t stopped you, If so, then by now, that Fei Yingli should be completely dead."

"What's the reason?"

"Master, what do you think a qualified dependent should be like? Although I don’t know how Fei Yingli passed the assessment, in fact, the other party should have failed. After finishing speaking, a gloomy expression appeared on his face

:"Do you need me to get rid of this unqualified dependent for you?""

"Don't do unnecessary things. It's best for you not to make your own decisions when I don't ask you to do anything. Otherwise, I'm not sure what will happen!"

"Okay, okay, can you stop looking at me like that? It's really scary. I'm scared by you."

Naiyako looked like I was scared and patted her chest.

Xiao Bai closed his eyes again and leaned against the bathtub, but the next moment, Xiao Bai suddenly opened his eyes again and looked at Naiya who was undressing. Zi’s eyelids twitched slightly:"Get out!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, get out of here!"

Nayako disappeared in front of Xiao Bai's eyes in a flash. As Nayako disappeared, the bathroom door was quickly opened again, and Rem walked in from the outside.....

"Master, let me wipe your back"

"Give me a massage, I feel a little tired lately!"

Xiao Bai feels that he is not feeling well lately. He puts all kinds of things together, and he does almost everything by himself. This makes Xiao Bai feel tired for a while, and at the same time, it also makes Xiao Bai feel tired. There was a desire to let go and let other people handle it, but Xiao Bai was worried. Moreover, the times have changed, and Xiao Bai's way of handling it can no longer be the same as before.

If it had been Neon before, There is a Liberation Society here. Xiao Bai's most likely possibility is to directly issue an order to massacre the entire Neon. As long as everyone is killed, then naturally there will be no Liberation Society.

"Otherwise, Master, please take a rest. The Suzuki Group has sent an invitation, inviting you to attend a banquet. It is said that Kaitou Kidd is going to steal a black pearl held by the Suzuki Group, so Suzuki The group held this banquet. Master, how about you take a break and attend the Suzuki Group's banquet?"1.8" Suzuki Group's banquet? And Kaitou Kidd, okay, just relax!"

Xiao Bai, who felt that he should take it easy, agreed to this matter, while Rem said with some joy:"Then, Rem will prepare a dress for you, Master!"

Feeling Rem's joy, Xiao Bai was a little confused.

"I made a dress for the master before and never had the chance to let you try it on, but this time it is just right for you to wear.

Xiao Bai looked at Rem with a smile on his face:"Is it really just like this?" no others? For example, Rem and Ram will go with me?"

Rem's face turned red. Xiao Bai smiled, then turned over and pulled Rem into his arms. Soon there was applause in the bathroom.

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