Xiao Bai took two maids, Rem and Ram, to the place where the Suzuki Group held a banquet. The Suzuki Group chose to hold this banquet on its own luxury cruise ship. Of course, there is a bigger reason besides this. It's a place like this where the Suzuki Group wants to catch Kaitou Kidd.

Xiao Bai's two men, Rem and Ram, took out invitations. Immediately afterwards, the Suzuki family came out to greet Xiao Bai in person. The Suzuki family did not dare to show any indifference to Xiao Bai, a distinguished guest of the family.

After entering the banquet hall, Suzuki Shiro personally handed a black pearl to Xiao Bai.

In the end, Shiro Suzuki personally went to Xiaobai to tell the story of the Suzuki family's plan to capture Kaito Kidd. Every guest who boarded this cruise ship would receive a black pearl from the Suzuki family. Black pearls are obviously not real.

But it is also possible that he really wants to disturb Kaitou Kidd's gaze in this way.

Xiao Bai took the black pearl in his hand and looked at Suzuki Shiro, smiled, and then accepted it. Seeing Xiao Bai accept it, Suzuki Shiro felt relieved. He had done so many things just to get this 08 black pearl. Did you give the pearl to Xiao Bai? Now Xiao Bai finally accepted it.

Xiao Bai naturally guessed the Suzuki family's little thoughts, but Xiao Bai didn't expose it because there was no need. Moreover, although he said he didn't know what the black pearl was, Xiao Bai could indeed feel it. It's very unusual, so I just accepted it.

"Then I won't bother you. If you need anything, please feel free to ask."

Shiro Suzuki left with his wife, but Shiro Suzuki's two daughters, Ayako Suzuki and Sonoko Suzuki, stayed. Xiao Bai looked at Sonoko Suzuki and said,"Shiro Suzuki wants to use a beauty trap on me!"

Suzuki Sonoko asked Xiao Bai with a smile:"Will it be successful?"

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko in front of me, after taking off her hairband, her appearance suddenly improved from 70 to 80 to over 90.

"What about the uncertainty of success?"

Lingzuki Sonoko's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Xiao Bai's words. On the contrary, a trace of resistance flashed in Suzuki Ayako's eyes. Xiao Bai really looked at Suzuki Ayako and said:"If something happens to Miss Suzuki Ayako, you can leave without accompanying her. Me, I think it’s enough to leave Sonoko alone!

A forced smile suddenly appeared on Suzuki Ayako's face:"No, I"

"Don't worry, I won't blame you for this, and I won't implicate the Suzuki family for this."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her sister's appearance and then explained to Xiao Bai:"My sister already has someone she likes, but in the end she was dragged over by my parents, so don't mind.

Xiao Bai said with a smile:"I'm not a bully and I won't do things like bullying men and women. You can rest assured. And to be honest, although Miss Suzuki Ayako is beautiful, she doesn't fascinate me." , not to mention that some bloody things will not happen because of this! After hearing what Xiao

Bai said, Suzuki Sonoko said to her sister:"Okay, okay, sister, go find the person you like. I will take care of Xiao Bai here.""

Suzuki Ayako hesitated for a moment, then bowed slightly to thank Xiao Bai, and finally left.

"To be honest, I personally am quite disgusted with this so-called honey trap. Suzuki

Sonoko said indifferently:"Children of big families are like this, and my sister may not really have someone she likes. It is more likely that she is resisting the family arrangements.""

Xiao Bai looked in surprise at the carefree second lady of the Suzuki family in the plot of Suzuki Sonoko. She didn't seem to be completely carefree.

But also, how could a child born in a big family really be like that? With her Erha character, Suzuki Sonoko really deceived a lot of people.

Then the weird smile appeared on Suzuki Sonoko's face again:"I said that if you are really interested, there is a high probability that my sister will not resist. Don't want to give it a try?"

Xiao Bai:!!!

The Suzuki Sonoko in front of me is probably poisonous. Just now, I thought it was good to praise Suzuki Sonoko, but the next moment, Suzuki Sonoko gave me a big mouth.

"Don't think I'm betraying my sister, but I think it's better to be by your side than other people. At least I have to be by your side. My sister won't have any big problems. The boyfriend my sister is dating now His name is Tomizawa Yuzo. Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with this guy, in fact, I know very well that the most common thing about such people is that they have no problems on the surface. In fact, they secretly don’t know what kind of male thieves and female prostitutes are, and more importantly. What's more, the other person is a loser and is not worthy of my sister at all."

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko, Xiao Bai was a little surprised and speechless. This Suzuki Sonoko really has a vicious vision!


"How are you sure that your sister didn't choose the other party because he is a waste? The Suzuki family is inherited by you 753. The Tomizawa Yumitsukoshi chosen by your sister is a waste, so in the end, your sister may be the one instead. Able to control everything about the other party."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly widened her eyes with an expression of disbelief. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suzuki Sonoko didn't believe it, but she had to admit that what Xiao Bai said was very strange. It's possible.

Suzuki Sonoko was determined to be the heir of the Suzuki Group very early, and her sister Suzuki Ayako was the marriage partner. Will her sister be willing to do so?

"Sometimes people can't just look at his performance. Performance can be disguised. You have to observe his heart to confirm whether the other person is pretending."

Suzuki Sonoko's expression became a little solemn. If it is really as Xiao Bai said that her sister has always been pretending, then it is really terrible.

"Garden, what are you talking about?"

A voice came out at this time, and the majestic appearance immediately reminded people of the other party's name, Mao Lilan!


Seeing Mao Lilan coming over, Suzuki Yuanzi immediately smiled and said hello to Mao Lilan, but Xiao Bai next to Suzuki Yuanzi just looked at this Mao Lilan with a playful look.

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