At this time, Xiao Bai was on the phone with Akita Kazuo in Britain:"Give all the power in Britain to Morgan, and then you come back to take over the Yamada group!"

Akita Kazuo in Britain never thought that he would be called back by Xiao Bai. He managed the Yamada group, but immediately a look of surprise appeared on Kazuo Akita's face. This unexpected surprise made Kazuo Akita almost crazy with joy.

"Yes, my lord, I will immediately hand over all the power in Britain to His Highness Morgan and return to Neon immediately!"

Xiao Bai made this call without even going behind Yamada Tifeng's back. Yamada Tifeng had no objection to Xiao Bai's decision. Even if Xiao Bai wanted his life, Yamada Tifeng would give it up without hesitation. Don't just have a Yamada group.

But Yamada Tifeng was secretly reflecting in his heart, looking forward to getting Xiao Bai's attention again next time, and then taking back his own Yamada group!

Xiao Bai ignored Yamada Tifeng's After thinking about it, he looked at Kirishima Shoko next to him and said:"Okay, then I will send you back!""

Kirishima Shoko didn't force it anymore, and while holding Xiao Bai's hand, she and Xiao Bai left the Yamada group.

After Xiao Bai left, Yamada Tifeng's face showed an angry look. His useless son actually gave it to him. After causing such a big trouble, then we can no longer leave such a waste.

I originally wanted to let this waste live a normal life and then give birth to a child to inherit the family line, but this waste is causing trouble. After reaching the master, the other party has no value in living anymore!

Yamada Torifu came to the basement, and then looked at Yamada Danzo who was already covered in blood and covered with minor wounds!


Yamada Chouji shouted respectfully, and Yamada Tifeng nodded and then looked at Yamada Danzo, a loser, with cold eyes!

Completely different from Yamada Chouji, Yamada Danzo was a loser who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun. Originally, he was a loser. It's nothing, but today it turned out to be a big disaster for the family.

"The master asked us to clean up the Yamada group, and the subsequent leader of the Yamada group will be replaced by Akita Kazuo."

A trace of anger flashed in Yamada Choji's eyes, and then he quickly controlled it. Then Yamada Choji assured Yamada Tifeng:"I will make the master believe in me and regain the master's trust as soon as possible.."

Yamada Tifeng nodded slightly and quite recognized the eldest son, but then looked at Yamada Danzo with a gloomy look in his eyes:"We absolutely cannot let this waste die easily, do you understand? ?"

"Don't worry, father, I know what to do!"

Yamada Chouji's words made Yamada Torifu nod with satisfaction, and then Yamada Torifu walked out of the basement full of blood.

As for Yamada Danzo's look for help, Yamada Torifu didn't have any regrets at all. Being soft-hearted, it was Yamada Tifeng's last act of mercy that he did not cut Yamada Danzo into pieces with his own hands.

Xiao Bai sent Kirishima Shoko home, and then Xiao Bai left. He hesitated to retain Kirishima Shoko. After a while, he still refused.

However, not long after Xiao Bai left, he received a call from Shoko Bada.

After answering Kirishima Shoko's call, Xiao Bai said:"Xiangzi, do you have anything to do with me?"

However, what came from the other end of the phone was not Kirishima Shoko's voice, but a strange female voice!

"Sorry I'm not that girl."

The expression on Xiao Bai's face froze slightly, and the next moment his voice became deeper:"Who are you!"

"Aren't you looking for me now? So I'm here, use black pearls in exchange for this girl, otherwise I don't guarantee what I will do to this girl!"

Koizumi Hongzi's voice came from the other end of the phone. Xiao Bai's eyes became gloomy. A mere Koizumi Hongzi dared to threaten him!

Xiao Bai hung up the phone without saying anything and returned!

Back to the island Xiao Bai did not see Kirishima Shoko at Xiangzi's house. It was obvious that Koizumi Anko would not stay there and wait for Xiao Bai to come over. There was a slight flash of lightning in Xiao Bai's eyes!

What was in Xiao Bai's pocket The phone rang again, Xiao Bai answered the call, and then the call came from the other end. Xiao Bai answered the phone again, and Koizumi Hongzi's voice came again on the phone. (Read the Baoshuang novel, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I think you have confirmed it now, so we can talk about it. As long as you give me the black pearl, I will ensure that your girlfriend returns safely!

Xiao Bai said to Koizumi Hongzi expressionlessly:"Give the phone to Xiangzi!""

Koizumi Anko put the phone next to Kirishima Shoko, and Xiao Bai said to Kirishima Shoko on the other end of the phone:"Shoko!"

"Sorry, I caused you trouble"

"Xiangzi, are you scared?

Kirishima Shoko said to Xiao Bai on the other end of the phone:"No, I will support you no matter what you want to do!""

As if he had guessed what Xiao Bai was thinking, Kirishima Shoko said to Xiao Bai!

"Okay, after you die, I will avenge you, and Koizumi Hongzi will definitely let her die a bad death!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, 087 hung up the phone. Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Koizumi Hongzi was stunned. Shouldn't we have a good discussion about the terms, and then you give me the black pearl and I will release it? Hostage?

Why do you seem to want to quarrel more than me?

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Kirishima Shoko holding the mobile phone for a while before saying to Kirishima Shoko:"Is it possible? In fact, Xiao Bai simply do not like you? Kirishima

Shoko looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said,"Xiao Bai loves me, but Xiao Bai will not accept threats, at least not from you!""

Koizumi Hongzi's face suddenly turned green. Are you looking down on yourself? Are you looking down on yourself?

But not to mention that Koizumi Hongzi is really a little timid. Faced with this kind of psychosis, Koizumi Hongzi really doesn't know what he is. How to deal with

"Aren't you afraid? If he rejects my terms, I won't let you go easily."

"Whatever, I'm mentally prepared, and Xiao Bai will avenge me. When the time comes, you will be a thousand times, ten thousand times worse than me. Xiao Bai's anger will be poured out on you, and maybe Xiao Bai's anger will be poured out on you. Bai will have someone use a scalpel to cut your flesh into pieces the size of a fingernail, bit by bit!"

Koizumi Hongzi suddenly trembled all over!.

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