Xiao Bai on this side used Warcraft Creation to immediately create countless Warcraft after hanging up the phone from Koizumi Hongzi. These Warcraft did not have any combat power, and some only had the ability to find people. As long as these Warcraft were found Kirishima Shoko will notify Xiao Bai as soon as possible. Xiao Bai will rush over after receiving the news. Xiao Bai can even use any door to appear directly.

Koizumi Hongzi on the other side was feeling completely bad at this moment!

Koizumi Hongzi never expected that Xiao Bai would be such a lunatic. As for that?

Koizumi Hongzi just wants to ask about it?

As long as Xiao Bai took out the black pearl, he would put Kirishima Shoko back, but in the end, Xiao Bai, a crazy guy, actually hung up the phone without asking any questions, regardless of Kirishima Shoko. Life or death.

Didn't Xiao Bai definitely want to kill Kirishima Shoko with his own hands?

Koizumi Anko looked at Kirishima Shoko with an extremely ugly look on her face, but Kirishima Shoko just looked at Koizumi Anko calmly in front of her, with some mockery on her face, without any fear.

"Do you think this guy Xiao Bai is crazy? I just want to get the black pearl from him. As long as Xiao Bai gives me the black pearl, I will let you go. But why would he rather die together than fight for it? He even died without even negotiating the conditions. Phone, are you sure he doesn't want to use my hand to kill you?"

Koizumi Hongzi has fallen into a life of doubt. Are Xiaobaizhen and Kirishima Shoko a normal couple, not superficial lovers?

Koizumi Hongzi, who has completely fallen into a life of doubt, has no way out now. Now, Koizumi Anko will either go all the way to the dark side, and then be found by Xiao Bai, and the final end will definitely not be much better. The other option is to just lie flat and put Kirishima Shoko back. Then maybe Xiao Bai will Bai will still let Koizumi Anko go for this reason.

But there is no insurance for this one. If Kirishima Shoko is let go and Xiao Bai doesn't let him go, then Koizumi Anko It's the same as dying without a burial place.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but secretly scolded Xiao Bai for being a lunatic. Xiao Bai was something that a normal person wouldn't do and didn't even discuss the conditions. Duoduo's brain is sick.

Kirishima Shoko laughed when he saw Koizumi Hongzi's appearance:"Xiao Bai will not accept any threats. You can kill me and torture me, but after you are caught by Xiao Bai Xiao Bai will take revenge a hundred times and a thousand times on you."

Koizumi Hongzi said nothing with a dark face. Xiao Bai just hung up the phone without even discussing the conditions. Koizumi Hongzi could imagine that Xiao Bai would definitely be able to do such a thing.

How can anyone negotiate like this? Yes, no matter what, you and I should have a good talk, and then if we can't reach an agreement, we will make threats or other things, but Xiao Bai didn't even talk about it and let Koizumi Anko break the defense.

Kirishima Shoko didn't As she spoke, she looked at the Koizumi Anko in front of her with mockery. Since the other party kidnapped her, she had to be prepared to endure everything. Kirishima Shoko was not afraid of death, but felt a little pity.

If she wanted to die , If that were the case, then at least he would let himself have sex with Xiao Bai before he died. Unfortunately, he would still be a virgin even until death!

"Are you really not afraid of death at all?"

Koizumi Anko looked at Kirishima Shoko and couldn't understand. Could it be that the other party was really not afraid of death at all? Isn't there something unreasonable?

Kirishima Shoko looked at Koizumi Anko in front of her and said calmly:"Because I believe Xiao Bai will avenge me, and even if I die, he will always remember me."

Crazy, Xiao Bai is a psycho, and the Kirishima Shoko in front of him is also a psycho. At this time, Koizumi Anko has completely seen clearly that both Xiao Bai and Kirishima Shoko are both crazy.

Xiao Shiro didn't care about Kirishima Shoko's life at all, and Kirishima Shoko also didn't care about his own life at all. No normal person would be like them.

But he happened to encounter these two psychopaths!

And now it's even more embarrassing The sad thing is that Koizumi Anko found herself in a dilemma!

Koizumi Anko found that no matter whether she was advancing or retreating, there was no way out!

Before kidnapping Kirishima Shoko, Koizumi Anko considered many situations, but the only one was I just haven't considered such a situation. Damn it, it's poisonous, isn't it? What kind of lunatics are these two men and women!

".Do you think there is a possibility that I let you go, and then you asked Xiao Bai to let me go?"

Koizumi Anko is scared. If she were a normal person, Koizumi Anko would not be afraid, but Xiao Bai is not a normal person at all, and neither is Kirishima Shoko.

One is not afraid of Kirishima Shoko's death, and the other is not afraid of his own death. , just like this, these two lunatics are not afraid of even one of them. Can you expect them to let him go?

Don’t even think about it, okay? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So Koizumi Hongzi Afraid, Koizumi Anko is not afraid of death but is afraid that life would be worse than death. Previously, Kirishima Shoko said that she would use a scalpel to cut her flesh into pieces the size of fingernails. Koizumi Anko didn’t even know how many cuts it would take.

Qian It's too little to cut into pieces!

That's why Koizumi Anko was afraid, so she asked Kirishima Shoko if letting go of Kirishima Shoko would allow Xiao Bai to let him go too.

"Give me your cell phone and I'll ask (Wang Hao) Xiao Bai if he is willing to let you go."

Koizumi Anko handed the phone to Kirishima Shoko, Kirishima Shoko dialed the number, and the call was connected to Fuyu!

"it's me!"

Kirishima Shoko's voice reached Xiao Bai's ears through the mobile phone.

"This kidnapper asked me to ask you, if you offend me, can you let her go?"

"Impossible, but I can not kill him, but it requires a certain amount of punishment!"

Kirishima Shoko was driving the speaker phone, so Koizumi Hongzi also heard Xiao Bai's words.

"Are you really not worried about me killing Kirishima Shoko?"

"Worry, but if something happens to Xiangzi, you'd better commit suicide, otherwise, as long as you live, even death will be just a luxury wish for you.

Koizumi Hongzi finally broke down:"You are just a lunatic!"".

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