Looking at Kirishima Shoko who still had a smile on her face even though she had fallen asleep, Xiao Bai couldn't help but gently caressed Kirishima Shoko's pretty face. However, the next moment he became a little uncomfortable because of the ringing of the phone. nice.

Xiao Bai silenced the ringtone of his cell phone, then got up and got out of bed and walked to the balcony to answer the phone.

"Morgan, why are you calling me?"

The call was from Morgan. Xiao Bai wanted to know what Morgan was calling for. If nothing happens, then Morgan will be blocked by Xiao Bai directly.

"Don’t you want the Holy Sword? And this time, in addition to the holy sword, I also found a legendary kitchen utensil. If you are not interested, I will hang up the phone now! Morgan was confident that he could control Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai did not answer, but"823" asked Morgan directly:"Is there anyone around you now?""

"no one!"

Xiao Bai hung up the phone directly, and the next moment after getting dressed, Xiao Pai took out any door and appeared directly in front of Morgan!

Looking at the appearanceMorgan was slightly startled by the sight of Xiao Bai in front of him, but then Morgan wrapped around Xiao Bai like a beautiful snake. Xiao Bai pushed Morgan away who wanted to kiss him with his hands.

"Where are the legendary kitchen utensils!"

Compared to that holy sword, what Xiao Bai wants more is the legendary kitchen utensils. Now that the Kyushu barrier is about to be unsustainable, Xiao Bai must find a way to collect these legendary kitchen utensils as soon as possible. Now that I have found one, I must get it in my hands no matter what.

Morgan was pushed away by Xiao Bai with a somewhat dissatisfied look on his face:"If you want to know the legendary kitchen utensils, please satisfy me first!"

Morgan clearly told Xiao Bai that if he wanted to know where the legendary kitchen utensils were, he had to satisfy himself first, otherwise there would be no need to talk!

Xiao Bai was a little unhappy with Morgan's bargaining behavior, and stared coldly at Morgan in front of him..

But Morgan held his head high and said,"Even if you kill me, I won't tell you as long as you don't satisfy me."

"I can hand over all the forces in Britain to you!"

Morgan: If I hadn't owned your diary, I would have believed your lies. You are really good at doing business by exchanging the things you were originally going to give me!

"I don’t want it, I want you!"

The corners of Xiao Bai's eyes twitched. Xiao Bai no longer knew what to say about Morgan's behavior. Where did this idiot come from? Or was she a female gangster?

But although he felt helpless about Morgan's behavior, for the sake of the legend Xiao Bai, the kitchen utensil, directly picked up Morgan and then threw Morgan on the big bed.

In order to deal with Morgan as soon as possible, Xiao Bai was not as gentle as he was with Kirishima Shoko and the others. Soon Morgan was in the violent storm. The boat has capsized!

Looking at Morgan who rolled his eyes and fell into a coma, Xiao Bai directly slapped Morgan awake:"Now tell me where the legendary kitchen utensils are! Morgan , who had not yet regained consciousness, subconsciously replied:"Platinum Palace, there is a hidden underground treasure house in Platinum Palace, and the legendary kitchen utensils are in it!""

After receiving Morgan's answer, Xiao Bai began to think about how he wanted to obtain the legendary kitchen utensils. Should he go directly into the Platinum Palace?

It's not impossible, but if the other party were to jump over the wall in a hurry, then Xiao Bai would also It will be very troublesome, and it is difficult to guarantee what trump card the other party has. After all, after the death of Xiao Bai's first Holy Emperor, these pirate pairs also started to plunder the world. No one knows how much these pirates hide.!

And if the other party is really determined to drag the world along with him, then nuclear bombs may be used to wipe out the land. After all, the other party is also a country with nuclear bombs!

"Is there any way you can bring me the legendary kitchen utensils from the underground treasure house? The Holy Sword is not necessary but the legendary kitchen utensils must be obtained!"

"I can't help it, but Artolis can, so you might as well think of a way to get Artolis to give you the legendary kitchen utensils. I think with your ability, you must be able to find a way, right?"

Morgan, who regained consciousness, looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes. Xiao Bai saw that Morgan's plan was to use himself to get Artolis to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils to him. , and then Morgan went to report Artolis in order to achieve the purpose of attacking Artolis....

However, Xiao Bai did not refuse. As long as he could get the legendary kitchen utensils, Xiao Bai didn't care too much about the means used.

Artolis and Xiao Bai have nothing to do with each other. Xiao Bai doesn't care what happens to Artolis. but

"Your ability to obtain the Holy Sword means that you are also capable of obtaining the legendary kitchen utensils. If you give the legendary kitchen utensils to me, I will directly kill all the members of the British royal family and help you ascend to the position of queen. A so-called Your recognition is not important at all. If you need it, I can even ask the Ming Dynasty royal family to recognize you as the Queen of Britain. How about that?"

"I believe that Ming’s recognition should be more valuable than Britain’s recognition!"

Morgan was indeed a little excited, but the excitement soon disappeared. Morgan looked at Xiao Bai and said:"If you want to get the legendary kitchen utensils, you must have Artolis!"

The hatred for Artolis in his heart made Morgan reject Xiao Bai's proposal. Morgan had only one idea in his heart, and that was to let Artolis fall to the mortal world!

In short, as long as Artolis If my life is not good, then I will be 2.2 happy. As long as Artolis is miserable, then I will be happy!

To sum up, the worse Artolis is, the happier I will be!

Looking at Morgan’s twisted look, Xiao Bai couldn’t help but He pinched his eyebrows, this woman is crazy!

【Sure enough, I read it right. Morgan, a woman, is a lunatic. What’s the use of fighting against Artolis? Artolis probably doesn’t care about you, Sister Wang, at all, or has never thought about targeting you, but you But he is hot-headed, so he says that this woman is a psycho and has a brain problem. 】

Morgan looked at Xiao Bai and his face turned dark. Xiao Bai had slandered her not once or twice in the diary, but now he was doing it in front of her as the client..

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