In the end, Xiao Bai did not agree to Morgan's proposal to design Artolis to do this. It was not that Xiao Bai couldn't do anything to Artolis, but that Xiao Bai was a little worried about Morgan.

This woman is a lunatic. No one knows what kind of things the other party will do. If Xiao Bai agrees to the other party now, who knows if this lunatic woman will do something even more crazy in the next moment.

However, Xiao Bai did not refuse directly, but told Morgan that he needed to think about it.

Then Xiao Bai took out any door and returned.

When Xiao Bai came back, he saw that Kirishima Shoko had woken up and was leaning on the bed. When Xiao Bai came back, Kirishima Shoko asked Xiao Bai:"Is the matter done?"

"There is no result for the time being, just leave it alone. I was still thinking of rushing back before you woke up, but I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon!"

"I'm fine, you don't have to rush back in a hurry!"

Xiao Bai smiled and did not continue this topic. Instead, he looked at Kirishima Shoko and asked:"Xiaozi, do you think we should cooperate with a woman who is full of hatred?"

Kirishima Shoko had a look of hesitation on his face when he heard what Xiao Bai said:"I don't know about this kind of thing, but maybe you can consider discussing it with Sakayanagi Yusu. Sakayanagi Yusu is a scheming person. Few can compare with him. Xiao

Bai smiled and pinched Kirishima Shoko's nose:"If I hadn't known that you were just talking about the matter and not deliberately targeting it, other people would probably think that you were deliberately smearing Arisu!""

Kirishima Shoko's face turned red immediately, but then Xiao Bai figured it out. One person is short-sighted and the other is wise. He is used to thinking about everything by himself, so Xiao Bai feels a little tired, and now he is reminded like this. Xiao Bai suddenly felt that he could use it to ask other people, and then make his own decision!

No one in the Ming Dynasty could keep up with his thinking, so Xiao Bai was used to being arbitrary in the world. What was he used to? Everyone has to figure things out by himself, but things are different now.

Xiao Bai directly initiated the video chat, and then Sakayanagi Yuqi, Tushan Rongrong, Yae Shenzi, Bai Yuekui, Nangong Nayue, Shitori Cangna and others all started Appeared in the video

"Oops, what do you want from us? You probably want to gather people for a bank party!"

Yae Shenzi asked Xiao Bai after connecting to the video. Xiao Bai ignored Dan Fox, told the story about Morgan, and then asked others:"Do you think I should agree to Morgan?"

A few people communicated quickly and then gave an answer to Xiao Bai:"We think we can promise Morgan that Artolis and we are not in the same boat, so there is no need to care about Artolis. Saying that you are worried about Morgan losing control is actually easy to solve."

Xiao Bai doesn't care what will happen to Artolis, he is just worried about Morgan losing control. If the problem of Morgan losing control can be solved, then Xiao Bai has no need to refuse.

"It is also very simple to control Morgan. Based on our information about Morgan, we can develop a psychological profile of Morgan. We can be sure that as long as you conquer Morgan, Morgan will become your shape! Xiao Bai had a black line on his forehead:"

Speak humanly!""

"To put it simply, Morgan needs to be conquered, and you have conquered Morgan physically. What is missing now is the psychological conquest! Although Xiao

Bai felt something was strange, he also asked:"Then what do you think I should do to conquer Morgan?""

"Never heard of that sentence? If you want to enter a woman's heart, you must first enter her body. To put it simply, it means that Morgan can't live without you and change into your shape!"

Ye Shenzi's words immediately made a group of people angry!

Bai Yuekui glanced sideways at Yae Shenzi and said,"I wonder if you, the fox, can stop being so rude? You have the nerve to say this, but I am too embarrassed to hear it."

Xiao Bai interrupted these people:"Can you be more serious? We are talking about business now!"

"What we are talking about now is business. The best way is the way we mentioned. I can tell you clearly that there is only one way to conquer Morgan. However, there are two consequences of doing so. The first consequence is You have to make sure that you don't get conquered by Morgan and become Morgan's shape."

Xiao Bai:

"The second consequence is that even if you conquer Morgan, the final result may be that you are completely disgusted with Morgan. After all, even if you like to eat a dish, you will get tired of it if you eat it every day. When Morgan becomes you If you don't eat it at that time, Morgan will become a sickly girl, which will be very troublesome, so you have to ensure that you can still eat it in the future!"

Xiao Bai felt that he had made some mistakes in finding these people?

No, to be precise, the pink-furred fox Yae Shenzi must be excluded next time! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"Although what Yaegamiko said is a bit unpleasant, the main point is this. Morgan needs a man to conquer him. Once Morgan is successfully conquered by you, he will completely become your shape in her heart. It is no longer hatred080 but love!"

What Tu Shan Rongrong said made Xiao Bai think it was a bit nonsense, but Xiao Bai looked at these people and asked in an uncertain tone:"Are you sure you are not kidding me?"

"Even if I want to joke with you, I won’t joke with you, so you can rest assured!"

"Are you sure Morgan will change?"

"We know for sure!"

"Okay, let me give it a try!"

【I was really speechless. I found a group of people to come up with a way to make Morgan cry, and I was actually worried that I would be conquered by Morgan. How much do you look down on me? Isn't it just a Morgan that I can control? 】

Morgan's face turned livid when he saw the diary. He grabbed it with his hands, right? We'll see who conquers whom when the time comes!

And those people who gave Xiao Bai advice, do you think you can successfully plot against me?

So let's see, in the end, whether Xiao Bai was conquered by me or I was conquered by Xiao Bai. Do you think I can't see that you use this kind of provocation method?

But so what, I want to thank you very much for bringing Xiao Bai to me!.

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