Artolis looked at Morgan in front of him with a look of surprise and surprise on his face. Morgan had never admitted that she was his sister before, nor had she admitted that she was her sister, but now Morgan admitted that she was his sister. By yourself?

Seeing Artolis's surprised look, Morgan had a look of disgust on his face:"What are you looking at? Do you still want to fight me for this outsider?"

Artolis smiled. Smile then said to Morgan:"Because this is the first time, Sister Wang, that you recognize me and admit that we are family."

Morgan sighed lightly when he heard that Artolis looked at him because of this incident. He snorted and said nothing, but Artolis looked at Morgan and said:"Sister Wang, although Yinglili sometimes does some wrong things, can she"

"That's enough, Artolis, you have to remember one thing, and that is to stay away from Eri Sawamura. Otherwise, when this woman dies, you will be splashed with blood, and you think this woman has fainted now. ? She is just pretending to be faint. This woman's scheming is much deeper than you think, because she knows that once he passes out, you will take the initiative to plead for mercy."

Morgan, as a witch, how could I not see through Sawamura Eiri's little thoughts? She sneered 970 and reminded Artolis.

Maybe it's because Xiao Bai said Artolis was the last one. Care about her relatives, Morgan's attitude towards Artolis has changed a lot!

So Morgan is not willing to see his silly sister being played around by Eri Sawamura.

Artolis listened to Morgan's words After that, there was a slightly surprised look on her face, and then she fell into silence when she looked at Eri Sawamura, who still had a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, but then she still looked at Morgan firmly.

"Sister Wang, this matter is no longer just Yinglili’s matter. It is also related to the face of the British royal family, so I hope Sister Wang can put Britain first!"

Looking at the appearance of his stupid sister, Morgan's face suddenly turned cold.

"Don’t even think about it. It is inevitable that Eri Sawamura will be ruined. No one can change it. Artolis, if you persist in your stubbornness, then the fire will be burned on you. Now as long as If you push Eri Sawamura out as a scapegoat, you can protect yourself wisely."

Morgan looked at Artolis expressionlessly. Sure enough, his stupid sister was so ridiculous that he was toyed with by a bitch like Eri Sawamura.

"Sorry Sister Wang, I can't sit back and watch an innocent person suffer! Morgan had a sneer on his face when he heard what Artolis said:"In that case, it has nothing to do with me, you can do whatever you want, but don't even think about asking me to testify for Eri Sawamura."."

The look on Artolis's face was a little awkward, but at this moment a voice came over

"In this case, Morgan, you will be responsible for this matter. Artolis cannot have any stain!"

An old lady walked in from outside. After seeing her, Artolis greeted her respectfully:"Mother!"

The old lady who walked in looked at Artolis with a look of love in her eyes!

"Don't worry, Artolis, leave things here to me, I won't let you bear any stigma!"

Morgan looked at the old lady in front of him coldly. This old lady was Morgan's mother, the Queen of Britain. However, Morgan could not feel any affection for the old lady in front of him. The look of the Queen of Britain Looking at Morgan, the kindness in his eyes disappeared instantly and turned into indifference:"Artolis can't have any stain, understand Morgan."

Morgan looked at the Queen of Britain (bece) in front of him with a sneer:"I don't understand!

The old lady didn't care about Morgan's attitude. She just looked at Morgan calmly and said,"The British royal family will announce to the outside world that what happened this time was what you did to frame Artolis. You will bear all the consequences." responsibility!

Artoris looked at the Queen of Britain in shock and said,"Mother, how is this possible!""

"Artolis, this is the best way, and since this matter was initiated by Morgan, it is natural for Morgan to solve it himself!

Morgan looked at the Queen of Britain and asked lightly:"What if I don't agree?""

"The royal family will unilaterally announce this matter, and will remove you from the royal family and deprive you of your inheritance rights. You will not be able to leave here again for life. This is just my notification to you and not a discussion with you! Artolis looked at the Queen of Britain and exclaimed:"Mother, this is too much for Sister Wang!""

The Queen of Britain looked at Artolis and said:"You bear the expectations of the British royal family and the expectations of all the people of Britain. You are the ideal king. You are the most perfect king. You cannot have any The stain, Artolis, is not only for you, but also for the British royal family and the British people!"

Artolis opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but facing the sharp gaze of the Queen of Britain, he finally lowered his head in despair. Morgan, however, seemed to have been accustomed to this kind of thing, and looked at the eyes of his mother in front of him. It is full of ridicule. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In this case, why do you need to tell me? If you want me to cooperate, then there is no need. I will not cooperate with you."

The Queen of Britain looked at Morgan with cold eyes:"I'm just here to warn you not to do anything against Artolis, otherwise it will be unforgivable even if you are my daughter! Hearing this

, a sneer appeared on Morgan's face:"Do you regard me as your daughter?""

In response to Morgan's resentful words, the Queen of Britain was expressionless:"It can be, or it can't be!"

Morgan's resentment completely broke out, and a trace of ferocity appeared on that delicate face, but then Morgan suppressed the anger and resentment in his heart.

"Sooner or later, I will destroy your country and I will make you regret it!"

In response to Morgan's speech, the Queen of Britain just chuckled:"Ha!".

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