In the evening, Xiao Bai couldn't help but raised his eyebrows while watching the TV news report.

"This Britain is interesting, and it treats Morgan really cruelly, but I don’t know who came up with this idea. Morgan is probably going to cry now, not to cry, but to kill someone!"

Now Morgan should be thinking about destroying Britain!

Xiao Bai thought to himself, but then Xiao Bai also thought of another thing, that is, the current situation of Morgan may not be very good.

Xiao Bai decided to meet Morgan to see what Morgan planned to do. What Britain did this time may have completely made Morgan give up. This appearance is just a Britain and there is nothing worth cherishing. Xiao

Bai Bai took out any door, and finally opened the door and appeared in Morgan's room!

Looking at Morgan sitting in front of the dressing table, Morgan took the lead and said before Xiao Bai opened his mouth:"You're here!"

"It seems that you are in a good mood and don't need me to worry too much.

Morgan stood up and turned his head and said to Xiao Bai:"Then let's go.""

Xiao Bai looked at Morgan in a daze, and Morgan looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Didn't you take me away?"

"I just didn't expect you to be so straightforward. If that's the case, then let's go."

Xiao Bai took Morgan back to his home, and then Morgan kissed Xiao Bai directly. Morgan needed to vent his anger and resentment. If he didn't vent his anger and resentment, Morgan thought he would go crazy!

With Xiao Bai's help, After the madness, Morgan finally regained his composure

"So what do you want me to do next?"

After the battle, Morgan asked Xiao Bai. Morgan knew very well that Xiao Bai would not let Eri Sawamura go so easily. Similarly, he would never let Britain go or his mother!

So whatever happens next is Whatever Xiao Bai wants, Morgan will do his best to cooperate with Xiao Bai. Morgan will make his mother, the Queen of Britain, who decides her own destiny, pay the price.

"Go to the Ming Dynasty to apply for political asylum, and then publicly announce that Britain deliberately framed you in order to cover up the scandal. But you have to think carefully. Once you do this, you will want to become the Queen of Britain unless you occupy the entire Britain. Basically no chance!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Morgan showed a strange smile:"Since you can't legitimately become the Queen of Britain, then you might as well become the Queen of Britain!"

Xiao Bai watched Morgan then take out a blank card:"Since you have made such a decision, let me help you."

Looking at the blank card in Xiao Bai's hand, Morgan immediately knew what it was, a blank spiritual card! It might have been useful to the previous Morgan, but it was completely useless to the current Morgan.

Because Morgan had already used the Goblin Queen of Britain Morgan’s Spirit Card!

So Morgan can no longer use it.

"Before you came to pick me up, I obtained the Spirit Card of the Queen of the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, so I no longer need it."

Xiao Bai had a look of astonishment on his face when he heard Morgan's words. Morgan had actually obtained the spiritual foundation!

"I don’t know what happened. I was extremely angry before and wanted to destroy Britain. Then suddenly a power emerged from me. Only after I mastered it did I realize that this power came from another person. The Morgan of a world, King Arthur's sister, the witch Morgan!"

Xiao Bai didn't doubt anything. The current world is like a sieve, and something might come out tomorrow.

"Okay, since you are of no use, I will take it back and take good control of your power. With this power, you may be able to destroy Britain even without my help! Morgan nodded but still said to Xiao Bai:"But I still need to use the Ming Dynasty to deal with Britain!""

"It's up to you. Anyway, I want to take revenge on Eiri Sawamura, and you want to take revenge on Britain. Our goals are exactly the same!"

"Then please help me arrange it. I will announce the British conspiracy immediately! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Morgan getting into the mood so quickly. Xiao Bai smiled and then said to Morgan:"Don't even look at what time it is now!""

"Then go ahead!"

After Morgan finished speaking, he directly turned Xiao Bai into a female knight.

On the second day, the original plot that had just been reversed in Britain immediately reversed again.

Morgan directly announced through the TV station of the Ming Dynasty that Britain was going to Covering up the scandal, he poured dirty water on himself, and had to seriously point out that the person on the video and photo was Eri Sawamura. At this time, Britain exploded. Britain, which had just calmed down, suddenly became boiling again..The

British royal family!

Artolis, Eri Sawamura and the Queen of Britain were all silent at this time watching how Morgan on the TV accused Britain of slandering herself in order to cover up the scandal.

The Queen of Britain looked at Artolis :"How did Morgan leave?"

"I'm sorry, mother, I don't know how Sister Wang left. I haven't seen Sister Wang again since I left with you!"

The Queen of Britain naturally knew that Artolis was not lying, but how did Morgan leave?

Eri Sawamura looked at the Queen of Britain in front of her!

"Her Majesty the Queen, it is no longer useful to investigate how Morgan left. What we should consider now is how to solve the problem this time!"

The Queen of Britain saw that Sawamura Eiri didn't speak. If she hadn't checked that Sawamura Eiri was still a virgin, she might not be able to stand here now.

"In that case, tell me what you think!"

The Queen of Britain looked at this and said to Eri Sawamura

"Morgan has now appeared in the Ming Dynasty, which is so inferior. We directly throw dirty water on Morgan. In addition to the previous things, we can also say that Morgan colluded with the Ming Dynasty to subvert Britain."

"What good would this do to Britain?"

The Queen of Britain asked calmly

"Testing, if Ming Dynasty does not make further moves, then Britain may not have a chance to stand on top of the world."

Sawamura Eiri's eyes shone with the light of ambition.

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