When Xiao Bai came, the Ming cabinet was obviously discussing the war with Britain. Everyone found it incredible that Britain dared to go to war with Ming. Could it be that Britain was so ambitious that it dared to go to war with Ming?

Could it be that Britain really thinks that it can compete with the Ming Dynasty because of its strong wings?

However, with the return of Xiao Bai, Ming finally understood why Britain dared to start a war. The relationship was overturned on Britain's side. Now the whole of Britain is controlled by the evil god's lackeys.

"Your Majesty the Holy Sect, then I know what you think of Britain this time."

The implication is that I want to ask Xiao Bai how he plans to deal with this matter. Xiao Bai replied decisively:"You can handle it yourself. I will only take action when those evil gods take action. As for other things, you can't. Count on me. If you can't deal with even one Britain, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

"Cough cough cough!"

This group of cabinet ministers, the youngest of whom were in their fifties and sixties, coughed one after another. Naturally, they were not worried about the war with Britain, but they were worried about Xiao Bai's thoughts.

What action should Xiao Bai take now? None, but this does not mean that Xiao Bai will never take action. For this legendary emperor, no one dares to underestimate Xiao Bai

"I said that I am not interested in the throne now, and there is no need to try every means to test me. Compared to the so-called imperial power, I still prefer cute girls now."

The group of men saw Xiao Bai's eyelids twitching slightly. This Emperor of the Holy Sect looked a little unserious. Did they open it in the wrong way?

"By the way, if they had children, would all the people in the Ming Dynasty royal family call that child, Emperor Shengzong,"ancestor"?"

A group of people looked at each other, and Xiao Bai looked at the person who was speaking and said to the other person with a smile but not a smile:"Your thoughts are really strange, and it is very important to have thoughts like yours!"

The person who just subconsciously said what he said immediately realized that he was going to be doomed. He immediately laughed and said that he had said it wrong.

Xiao Bai actually patted the other person's shoulder and shook his head. :"But although I admire you very much, other people don't seem to be so easy to talk to!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he gestured to the other cabinet ministers. They all looked at the one who just spoke with sneers on their faces.

Especially the Ming Emperor. The Ming Emperor looked at the speaker. That attic has eyes like knives.

Good guy, are you going to have countless ancestors above your head?

The person who spoke wants to give himself a mouth. Why can't he control his mouth? You must control yourself once and for all

"Okay, let’s get down to business. This time I’m here to tell you that you can fight at will on the British side. The next crown prince of Britain is already ours!"

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, are you referring to Morgan?"

"Not only Morgan, but also Artolis. These two sisters are mine now. The task I give you is to solve Britain. If you have the opportunity, kill the current Queen of Britain, and then I can support Artolis. Si takes the position!"

There was a moment of silence in the cabinet!

Isn't this Holy Emperor a little fierce? He has taken down all the sisters in Britain, etc.

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, do you mean that the current Crown Prince of Britain, Artolis, is a woman?"

It was the same elder who just said that Xiao Bai had a child. Xiao Bai glanced at him and narrowed his eyes:"Do you still think that I am interested in men?"

Suddenly, there was a lot of amusement in the cabinet. They looked at the cabinet boss who was speaking one by one and almost laughed. This guy just can't learn well. He was almost slapped in the face just now, and now he dares to ask this question. This kind of question has never been asked, has it?

Mr. Ge, who was stared at by everyone, also had some embarrassment on his face, and then he reacted and said to the others:"Sorry, sorry, I am an outspoken person!"

"In short, I will not intervene in this war until Ming Dynasty is in a life-and-death crisis. If you can't solve even this kind of thing, go home and sell sweet potatoes."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he left.

And the result was just as Xiao Bai expected. How could a mere Britain be the opponent of the Ming Dynasty? Within a few days, the Ming Dynasty and Britain were within the Asan Kingdom. A test was completed.

After just one collision, Britain was defeated directly. The Ming Dynasty obviously did not expect that Britain's army was not much better than the Three Kingdoms. It was originally thought that Britain should be at least stronger than the Three Kingdoms, but who I know that there is no difference from Asan. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just when Ming Dynasty thought that Britain would be like this, what he didn't expect was that Britain's side suddenly caught Ming Dynasty off guard. , by the time the Ming Dynasty reacted, it had already suffered heavy losses.

When Xiao Bai heard the news, his face was confused. He immediately understood what was going on. A large number of cloned evil god lackeys in Britain then These clones were placed on the battlefield.

After knowing what happened, Xiao Bai had no intention of taking action (Li Zhao). This matter should be left to the Ming Dynasty to handle. Now The lackeys of these evil gods are not even on the stage. If Xiao Bai handles it personally, it will be a bit priceless.

Daming also immediately conveyed the order to Nadu Tong and asked the Yiren, who is omnipotent, to solve it. Get rid of these clones

".That bitch Eri Sawamura!"

Morgan cursed angrily. Every time a clone is cloned, a lot of resources are consumed. A bitch like Sawamura Eiri actually dares to clone those evil lackeys at any cost. It is conceivable that Sawamura Eiri is not like this. Just fishing in a dry lake!

"After all, it’s not my own to bring home and I don’t feel bad at all."

Xiao Bai said sarcastic words on the side, which immediately made Morgan and Artolis glare at him. Xiao Bai spread his hands and stopped talking.

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