Because of the Evil God Families sent by the British side, the Ming Dynasty also summoned strangers who knew everything to go to the battlefield to deal with the Evil God Families from Britain, but something happened that made Xiao Bai and the entire Ming Dynasty furious!

The appearance of the strangers who knew everything on the battlefield did save the situation for a moment, but what no one expected was that a group of omnipotent strangers stabbed Daming in the back. The aliens who had access to anywhere suffered heavy casualties.

Later, the British army took the opportunity to launch an attack, which directly caused heavy losses to the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, the people who came to support this time were all out of ten!

Xiao Bai became furious immediately after hearing this!

If it was said that he was defeated by Britain head-on, then Xiao Bai could accept it, but the result was that he was defeated by his own people who should be defeated by Waihe. Xiao Bai couldn't accept it. In an instant, Xiao Bai and the Ming Dynasty were furious!

Not only Xiao Bai, but what Quan Xing did this time also made Daming angry. This group of people usually do evil things, but now they are actually colluding with Britain, so there is no need for the other party to exist.!

However, before the Ming Dynasty officials took action, Xiao Bai said that he would handle the matter himself so that the Ming Dynasty officials no longer had to worry about it!

Xiao Bai would not be merciful to these reckless things. Xiao Bai would not care if the other party was fighting and killing in the country, but the other party should never collude with Britain!

So this time Xiao Bai will personally deal with these people!

Xiao Bai will not continue to waste time with these people, but there is one more thing Xiao Bai needs to do before taking action, that is to find the Heavenly Master!

Nowadays, the old Celestial Master in the alien world can be said to be the same as the leader of the martial arts alliance. If the old Celestial Master does not allow it, Xiao Bai, who is uncertain, will have to fight with the old Celestial Master first.

After such a long time, Xiao Bai came to Longhu Mountain again. After meeting the Heavenly Master, Xiao Bai directly stated the purpose of his visit without any secret!

"Heavenly Master, I don’t know what you think about what Quanxing Yaoren did this time!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's question, the Heavenly Master scratched his head and said,"I see with my eyes!"

Xiao Bai:

Although he knew that Old Heavenly Master could be a bit naughty occasionally, Xiao Bai did not expect that Old Heavenly Master would be so naughty. Looking at Old Heavenly Master with a black line, Xiao Bai said directly:"To put it simply, I want to cleanse the aliens." Jie, if you want to stop me, I will tell you directly. If you stop me, then we will have a fight now. What I hate most are those trash who betray the country and seek glory, so these people This guy must die!"

When the old master heard what Xiao Bai said, he looked at Xiao Bai strangely:"Why are you talking to me about this? I'm not treason, and why should I blame the whole alien world for the good deeds done by those full-blooded monsters? In the human world, you can just go after those omnipotent monsters."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes one day when the Heavenly Master was trying to fight with me here. I'll tell you directly. It just so happens that I want to take this opportunity to clean up the alien world. Just like the Wang family in the alien world, you should have heard of the things they did!"

God! The master sighed after hearing this, knowing that Xiao Bai would not change his mind because of him, and said helplessly:"Okay, I agree, but I still hope that you can be merciful and avoid killing more people."

Xiao Bai heard that the old man After what the Heavenly Master said, he rolled his eyes:"Okay, I will try to reduce the number of killings as much as possible, but the mission of eradicating evil will never change!"

"This is enough!"

"Then I plan to start with the Wang family first. When the time comes, don’t change your mind just because those strangers come to beg you."

"Don't worry, old man, my ears are not that soft yet (bgbb). As long as you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, old man, I don't care about these things!"

"Okay, then it’s settled, if there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first!"

Seeing that the Heavenly Master had nothing else to say, Xiao Bai left Longhu Mountain directly.

Looking at Xiao Bai's leaving back, the Heavenly Master sighed:"It's another bloody storm, but unlike me, What does it matter to the old man?"

After receiving the answer from the old Heavenly Master, Xiao Bai immediately began to investigate the aliens to be purged. The first one to deal with was the Wang family, one of the ten.

On the surface, this family is the Zhengdao family. But the reality is that he is colluding with the Omnisexual Demon.

The information from the investigation this time shows that the Wang family has colluded with Britain. Even the fact that the Omnisexual Demon was able to obtain the location of the alien who has access to everywhere is all the information given by the Wang family!

With a family like this, how could Xiao Bai let the other side go and take advantage of the other side, so Xiao Bai was ready to use the other side to scare the monkeys! The

Jinyiwei Intelligence Department at the center of the empire. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai Bai is looking through the information in his hand. It has never been a problem for the empire what information it is looking for. The only question is whether the empire wants to cause trouble for you. Now, since it is necessary to kill chickens to scare monkeys, it is natural to do so!

If these pieces of evidence in Xiao Bai's hands are released, then the Wang family can only be said to have deserved their death even if they die 100 times or 1,000 times.

Bai Yuekui walked in and saw Xiao Bai looking through the information and said to Xiao Bai:"Why waste it?" At this time, we can just kill them directly!"

"Since you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, then naturally you have to make the other party speechless and let the other party die clearly! Bai

Yuekui was noncommittal, asking Xiao Bai:"Then when will we do it?""

"It’s better to choose the day than to hit it. Since you are here, then let’s go. I am slightly interested in Ju Lingsend General!"

"I'm afraid that thing is not as solid as your knife. What's the use of that flashy thing?"

"It is true that being strong is not a strong thing, but being handsome is a temporary matter. Whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime!"

Bai Yuekui rolled his eyes speechlessly. He obviously didn't expect Xiao Bai to answer like this, and it was also beyond Bai Yuekui's expectation.

"You really are"

Bai Yuekui really didn't know what to say to Xiao Bai.

"Okay, let’s go then!".

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