"Who is this? This is the Wang family. You are not allowed to break into it. Get out of here!"

Xiao Bai brought Bai Yuekui and the Jin Yiwei people to the front of the Wang family. Suddenly the security guard of the Wang family shouted and stopped in front of Xiao Bai and the others. By the way,

Jin Yiwei is no longer called Jin Yiwei. The external name is National Intelligence Processing Bureau.

Naturally, Xiao Bai would not sacrifice his worth to talk to such a gatekeeper. Immediately, someone from Jinyiwei stepped forward and slapped the other person in the face.

Xiao Bai couldn't understand himself. With so many people coming here, shouldn’t the other party have any sharp eyesight? If the other party has a little bit of sharp eyesight, they should be able to tell that Xiao Bai and the others are not good people.

"Boss Bai, go in and control everyone. If there is resistance, kill them without mercy. I want to see who is getting impatient!"

Boss Bai nodded directly when he heard Xiao Bai's words:"Okay, then leave it to me."

Boss Bai led the people directly to the front door of the Wang family. He kicked the door of the Wang family away with his long legs, and then the people with the royal guards rushed in, while Xiao Bai stood at the door and did not go in.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Naturally, other chickens have to know, otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain? Xiao Bai is going to make a bigger noise now. The bigger the noise, the faster others will know about it. When the time comes, things will naturally happen. It was even easier to handle.

After about 10 minutes, Xiao Bai didn't hear the sound of fighting coming from the Wang family, and he probably understood that the Wang family did not choose to resist with force. After all, this was the Ming Dynasty official. If the other party dares to confront them, they are going against the Ming Dynasty officials.

Even though the other party has done so many dirty things, they probably feel that there is nothing they can do against them without evidence, so they are confident.

Not long after, a Jinyiwei came out. Xiao Bai reported the situation:"Sir, everyone in the Wang family is under control."

"Then go in and meet these traitorous scum seeking glory."

Walking into the main hall of the Wang family, Xiao Bai saw everyone from the Wang family waiting in the main hall. When

Bai Yuekui saw Xiao Bai arriving, he said,"Fortunately, everyone is here, not one of them is here." few!"

Xiao Bai nodded and then looked at the people present. All of these people present have names in the National Security Intelligence Bureau. Everyone outside is considered a big shot for ordinary people, but now these people All individuals have become prisoners and will be executed soon.

"The Wang family colluded with the British and Quanxing demons to trap and kill many strangers everywhere, which led to the defeat of our Ming Dynasty on the battlefield of Asan Kingdom. The evidence was conclusive and everyone was killed on the spot!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he picked up the folder, pulled out a verdict and threw it on the ground casually!

Everyone in the Wang family was in disbelief, while Wang Ai squinted his eyes with murderous intent. He was also concerned about Xiao Bai in front of him. These Jin Yiwei Wang Ai knew that they were no longer good today. The only way to survive was to kill all of these individuals!

But killing these individuals also comes at a price!

Once these people are killed, the Wang family will not be able to survive in this world. The country has stayed, but now the verdict has been issued. If the Wang family does not resist, they will just sit back and wait for death. It is better to kill these royal guards and flee to Britain!

"Kill, rush out!"

Wang Ai shouted. In an instant, two dark spirits fell into Wang Ai's hands, but the Tang knife in Bai Yuekui's hand was faster. It had already cut directly through Wang Ai's neck, and a blood line appeared on Wang Ai's neck. The next moment, Wang Ai's head tilted and his whole head detached from his neck and fell to the ground.

Wang Ai, one of the ten people in the alien world, had his head cut off and died in Bai Yuekui's hands without even making a move.


With Wang Ai's death, the entire Wang family suddenly remembered the screams, but Xiao Bai waved his hand and the Jin Yiwei behind Xiao Bai rushed out instantly and began to massacre the Wang family. But for a moment, the entire Wang family was just Only Wang Bing is left

"Take him down for a thorough questioning and ask General Ju Ling for me."


These Jin Yiwei didn't ask at all why they just carried out Xiao Bai's orders faithfully.

However, in less than half an hour, Wang Bing, the young master, couldn't bear the torture and honestly explained everything. Then Xiao Bai took the The complete version of Ju Lingqiang left the Wang family.

At the same time, the entire Ming Dynasty was arresting all kinds of aliens, and began to settle accounts. Any aliens who had made mistakes or committed crimes were Everyone is killed or captured one by one!

Xiao Bai also appeared in the sight of others. For Xiao Bai, a decisive butcher who shows no mercy at all, he can be said to be a child in the alien world. , even the Heavenly Master called Xiao Bai

"I said you kid is not restless at all, but you promised me that you would try your best not to commit murder."

"I just said to kill less, I didn’t say not to kill, and I don’t care about the fighting between these aliens, but if these aliens kill ordinary people, it is natural that they should be calculated according to the laws of ordinary people. Killing people to pay for their lives, I guess the Heavenly Master would have no problem with that, right?"

"So what if I have an opinion? You kid doesn't give me any face at all."

"Why didn't I give it? If I hadn't given it, I wouldn't have locked up those people who committed murder now, but would have directly killed them. Moreover, the evidence for each one is conclusive!"

"Okay, okay, just watch and deal with it. I only have one request, let those people who are begging the old man for help in front of the old man's door go away and cry outside every day. Old man, I will lose two years of my life because of their age. Year"

"Okay, I'll let someone handle it."

Xiao Bai hung up the phone and asked people to deal with those on the Heavenly Master's side. If there were no ghosts in his heart, why should he be worried?

"The Wang family has been wiped out. What's the news outside?"

Xiao Bai asked Bai Yuekui who walked in.

"Everyone kept silent, fearing that one day the Jinyi Guards would find them, haha!"

Boss Bai's laughter contained a trace of disdain. There is a saying that if you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. The reason why those individuals are afraid of Xiao Bai is simply because they are afraid of Xiao Bai knocking on their door if they do bad things.

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