"Sawamura Eiri is really crazy. Under such circumstances, she still ignores the blast troops. But she really doesn't feel bad for her, not her own?"

The balance of war between the Ming Dynasty and Britain on the battlefield of the Asan Kingdom gradually tilted towards the Ming Dynasty. However, seeing this situation, Eiri Sawamura not only did not stop, but also increased the military strength on the Asan Kingdom's side and planned to Daming continues to fight to the death

"Should I say that she really deserves to be Eri Sawamura? You are really stubborn. Do you really think that by increasing the military power on the side of Asan Kingdom, you can defeat the Ming Dynasty?"

When it comes to war potential, Britain is no match for the Ming Dynasty, but the other side is selectively blind!

"Could it be a trap? Even though he knew he was no match, he still chose to fight. The only possibility was that the"May 13" opponent had some conspiracy."

Bai Yuekui made a guess after taking a look at the relevant information, but Xiao Bai smiled casually. He didn't need to worry about the battlefield matters. The people in the cabinet and the Ming Dynasty's generals could naturally handle it.

"We don't need to worry about the battlefield. The next thing we have to do is simple, which is to send those captured aliens to the battlefield and use the waste!"

"Will those individuals go there honestly? I don't believe they will go to the battlefield honestly"

"They have to go even if they don't go. If they go, at most they will die. If they don't go, their relatives and friends, hehe"

Bai Yuekui's slender eyebrows twitched slightly:"What time of year are you still trying to implicate the nine tribes?"

"I didn’t say that I wanted to implicate the Nine Tribes. It’s just that their relatives and friends will not be able to apply for loans and enjoy official welfare policies and so on. We just need to make some restrictions on them. After all, their relatives and friends are criminals. Elements, isn’t it normal for the government to impose certain restrictions on these individuals?"

The political methods are really clear to Xiao Bai, especially since Xiao Bai almost catches them without any regard for ordinary people. Those who are caught for breaking the law unless they have no relatives or friends. They could only do what Xiao Bai asked honestly.

Xiao Bai's cell phone placed on the table suddenly rang, and he looked at the caller ID.

"I'm going back. I'll leave the things here to you. You can handle it."

"Okay, I'll take care of things here!"

Xiao Bai took out any door and returned home.

"Xiao Bai, Britain can't continue to waste away. If Eiri Sawamura continues to attack Britain, all of Britain's war potential will be defeated by Eiri Sawamura. When the war is over, Britain will be in ruins!"

Xiao Bai already understood the purpose of Artolis's call when Artolis called him, so when Artolis said such words, Xiao Bai didn't feel any sense at all. Any surprises!

After thinking about it for a while, I finally agreed. If Britain continues to fight, all its war potential will be exhausted. However, if the Ming Dynasty continues to fight, there will also be considerable losses. After all, Britain Although it is much worse than the Ming Dynasty, if the Ming Dynasty continues to fight on one side, it will also affect the Ming Dynasty, so continuing to fight is not a good thing for the Ming Dynasty.

"Okay, so what are you going to do, enter the palace directly and kill Eri Sawamura?"

"At the very least, we must first confirm the life and death of Her Majesty the Queen!"

Artolis said and glanced at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai was noncommittal:"I can understand your thoughts, but I think there is a high probability that the Queen of Britain should collude with Sawamura Eiri, but if I say so, you also You won’t believe it. If that’s the case, then go ahead. With your strength, Eri Sawamura shouldn’t be able to cause any trouble to you."

"You don't want to go? You must hate Eri Sawamura very much, right?"

"You can't kill Eiri Sawamura this time, she will definitely run away!"

Morgan felt that Xiao Bai had underestimated him. Is it possible that Eri Sawamura could change the world?

When Artolis and Morgan arrived at the palace, they were silent. Xiao Bai actually predicted it right........

The Queen of Britain has indeed colluded with Eri Sawamura. Looking at the young Queen of Britain, Artolis and Morgan still don't know what happened!

"Welcome back Artolis, as long as you are willing to come back, then we can forgive you for everything you have done before! Artolis looked at his mother with a hint of anger in his eyes:"Her Majesty, why are you colluding with Eiri Sawamura?""

It's hard for Artolis to believe that his mother actually colluded with Eri Sawamura to commit adultery, but the facts are right in front of him and he has to believe it.

"Artolis, I know it's hard for you to believe, but this is reality!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sawamura Eiri said plainly to Artolis. Sawamura Eiri sat on the queen's throne, but the real Queen of Britain stood on the throne. By Sawamura Eiri's side

"In fact, I only used the two conditions of restoration of youth and immortality to successfully get this woman to agree to be my dog. It was not that I controlled her, but that she took the initiative to join me."

Hearing this, Artolis suddenly seemed to understand why Xiao Bai said that the Queen of Britain must die. It turned out that Xiao Bai had seen through the true face of the Queen of Britain from the beginning.

0.1 A greedy and selfish person A woman, it’s ridiculous that she doesn’t know anything about this!

Artolis thinks he’s a little funny!

"Britain cannot continue to make mistakes!"

Artolis looked at the Queen of Britain in front of him, and his mother raised the holy spear!

"Are you going to disobey me? Artolis!"

The Queen of Britain scolded Artolis!"

"For the sake of Britain, please die like this!"

Artolis fully understands what he should do at this moment!

"I'm a little impressed by Artolis, so I'll give you a little help!"

Morgan glanced at Artolis and said.

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