Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning looked at Xiao Bai helplessly and said:"I know you are worried about other people, but you still have to eat what you should eat!"

"I have temporarily lost my appetite. Ning Ning, don’t worry about me. It doesn’t matter to me if you skip one or two meals. You can go to bed early!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning really wanted to tell Xiao Bai that everyone was fine, but that they were in other places for the time being, but she couldn't say.

She looked at Xiao Bai with helpless eyes:"I think there will be news tomorrow. , so you don’t have to look like this!"

"Okay, you don’t need to comfort me, Ning Ning."

Xiao Bai knew that Ji Zhiguo Ningning was just comforting him, but now Xiao Bai really couldn't calm down. When Ji Zhiguo Ningning saw Xiao Bai's look, he didn't say anything more and just stayed with her silently. By Xiao Bai's side, maybe what Xiao Bai needs at this time is quiet company.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning looked at Xiao Bai helplessly and said nothing. Now she can only wait until after 12 o'clock in the evening. He asked Sona Shitori to contact Xiao Bai. After the contact was completed, Xiao Bai was able to calm down.

Time passed by and came to 12 o'clock.

Xiao Bai was stunned when he looked at Sona Shitori who suddenly appeared in front of him. ~Down!

"We are all fine now and are trapped under an island. We have tried to locate it, but it turned out that there is no way at all, and it is always day and night, so I think we should be trapped on a certain island. In the different dimensional space, there is no danger for us here. Don't worry about us. We will find a way to go back, and I will contact you every one or two days using the cross-world communicator I made."

After Shitori Sona finished speaking, Xiao Bai was a little stunned.

In the end, Xiao Bai had some doubts. Is this one really Shitori Sona?

"If you don’t believe it, you can ask other people to tell you, but a cross-world communicator can only last for 10 minutes, and it can no longer be used after 10 minutes."

"You don’t need to worry about our lack of food on this island. There are some dinosaurs and a lot of fruits. Judging from the animals eating them, they should be edible."

As the communication ended, Xiao Bai felt slightly relieved.

At least he had reported that he was safe, and then all he had to do next was to find some people as soon as possible and open the door to another dimension to bring them back.

Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji Silently he pressed the noodles in front of Xiao Bai:"You can eat what you have now!"

Xiao Bai was a little embarrassed, but he still reached out and took it.

On the other side, in a different dimensional space, Shitori Cangna put away the inter-world communicator:"Okay, after reporting safety to Xiao Bai, let's look for it next. The way to go back is to collect some food and water at the same time."

"I don’t know where this place is, but there are actually dinosaurs there. Could it be Atlantis or the Bermuda Triangle?"

"Definitely not, because some of the plants here are completely new to me."

Mukuchi Yuanguo said with some distress.

"So, is it possible that this is another world?"

"According to Xiao Bai's speculation, we are still in the original world, but have entered a certain one-dimensional space, just like a pocket on a pair of pants."

"Let's not talk about this first. Let's prepare the survival supplies we need. I don't want to be hungry tonight, so I will allocate everyone to do some work."

Mujiuzhi Yuanguo said with some embarrassment:"I can help with other things, I guess I can only help."

The ones who responded to Kikushienka were Alice and Erina.

"Rem can go hunting"

"Ram and Rem should go together!"

Sakayanagi Yuqi looked at Shitori Sona and said:"As for the others, how about following Sona to see if there are any wild fruits nearby, and to pick up some branches and bring them back to light a fire?"

Of course Shitori Cangna had no objection. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They quickly assigned their respective tasks and then began to investigate.

If Xiao Bai is not around, they need to work hard on their own. If they can't, they will Sitting here and waiting for Xiao Bai to rescue them, they couldn't do this kind of thing, so they had to find a way to save themselves.

0Please give me flowers0After about half an hour passed, Rem and Ram came back. Mu also dragged a dinosaur that was as high as a story.

Then a group of people lit a fire and barbecued themselves. Although there was no seasoning, the meat of this dinosaur was quite delicious.

"We are now on an upside down island, and this island is quite big!"

"There is a distance of about 100 meters between the edge of the island and the sea. There is an invisible wall of air there. The range of our activities is this island and the sea 100 meters away."

Everyone in the group looks at me and I don't know what to say!

"I also found this one."

Suddenly, Kobayashi Ryuden took out a piece of fruit, but this piece of fruit looked a little weird. There were countless spiral patterns on the surface of this piece of fruit.

"Could this thing beDevil Fruit!"

"There’s no mistaking this thing, it’s definitely a devil fruit!"

"Then our island is not an island in the world of One Piece!"

"So what is this devil fruit?"

Looking at the Devil Fruit in Kobayashi Ryodan's hand, a group of people couldn't help but become curious, and they didn't know what kind of fruit this fruit was.

"Otherwise, who of you will eat and watch?"

A group of people shook their heads decisively. Who would eat this thing when they have nothing to do? Although they can gain abilities, it is better to die if they turn into cockroaches or dung beetles. And more importantly, After eating it, it is inevitable that you will not be able to swim.

So no one wants to eat devil fruits.

"Since no one is eating it, forget it and put it away first."

Kobayashi Gentian doesn't want to eat it either. It would be okay if he gained powerful abilities, butThat probability is really too low, and their luck is obviously not very good. If it is good, the plane will not crash.

"Let’s explore this island tomorrow. After exploring the island, we can then think of ways to explore the three sea areas."

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