After knowing the whereabouts of the others, Xiao Bai felt relieved. He was no longer like an active volcano as before.

Xiao Bai swore that next time he would not let these women go to team building one by one unless he was determined. He would almost wipe out the team when he started a team building.

There is actually no way for Xiao Bai to find the door to another world, that is, the Warcraft Creation owned by Xiao Bai. As long as Xiao Bai uses the Warcraft Creation to create a Warcraft that can control space, will it be able to solve Xiao Bai's current situation? problem?

However, World of Warcraft Creation is not simply something that can be created, but Xiao Bai is confident that he can create it in a short time. There is no doubt that World of Warcraft Creation is the most suitable divine annihilation tool for Xiao Bai. He must be so small. The monsters created by Bai are more comprehensive with the same"693".

But there is one thing that makes Xiao Bai a little unhappy, that is,

Xiao Bai is a bit slow in creating. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could create the Warcraft he wanted with just one thought.

But if you want to reach that level, Xiao Bai thinks that you should at least use the hand-forbidden form. Only in this way can you create the Warcraft you want with just one thought.

It is said that these artifacts feed on the will of those who miss them, but the problem is that Xiao Bai can't figure out why his creation of Warcraft has not reached the level of hand-forbidden.

Logically speaking, the creation of Warcraft should have been able to reach the level of hand-banning a long time ago, but why has it never been able to truly reach the level of hand-banning?

Xiao Bai held his head and felt a little troubled. Suddenly Xiao Bai seemed to understand something, magic power!

Xiao Bai has never possessed any spiritual power or magic power. Xiao Bai simply relies on his own will to suppress the so-called spiritual power or magic power in the air.

In other words, Xiao Bai himself does not have such a thing, and although the requirements for artifacts are not high, you must at least have it. Although the creation of Warcraft can still be used, it is because of this reason that I have always There is no way to reach the level of hand ban

"In other words, first of all, I need to obtain magic power or something like that?"

Xiao Bai said to himself, Ze crossed his arms

"Give it a try and sharpen your knife before chopping wood!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he sent a message.

Nangong appeared in front of Xiao Bai not long after that month.

"Why do you suddenly want to practice?"

"If I want to take the creation of Warcraft further, it may require mysterious power, and my pure will may not be enough, so I can only practice my spiritual power to see if I can solve the current problem."

Nangong didn't say anything more that month and handed a spiritual power training manual to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai picked it up, took a look at it, and then began to practice according to the methods in the manual.

After a while, Xiao Bai felt the power of the air. Something was frantically getting into Xiao Bai's body, and then Xiao Bai felt that those things formed a warm airflow that rushed around in his body, and was finally controlled by Xiao Bai.

"Is this spiritual power?"

A ball of light appeared in Xiao Bai's hand. The light was bright but not dazzling. Instead, it had a faint warmth like the sun shining on the body in winter!

Then Xiao Bai withdrew his spiritual power, and then The next moment, the creation of Warcraft becomes hand-free and liberated.

As Xiao Bai guessed, the reason why the Warcraft creation owned by Xiao Bai cannot be hand-free is because Xiao Bai does not have any supernatural power in his body.

But Now that Xiao Bai has spiritual power, it is logical for Xiao Bai to become a hand-forbidden person.

"Warcraft creation!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, a magical beast appeared in front of Xiao Bai at the next moment. As soon as this magical beast appeared, Xiao Bai's face showed a smile.

"Go, find them, and then bring them back to me!"

The monster disappeared instantly. Nangong Nayue looked at the disappeared monster and asked curiously:"Can this monster find the missing person?"

"As long as you are still alive, you will definitely be able to find it."

Xiao Bai's seriousness shone, Nangong Nayue nodded slightly and then told others about this in the chat group...0

After everyone knew, Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai:"Logically speaking, you should go looking for me at this time, but you didn't go."

According to Nangong's understanding of Xiao Bai's character that month, Xiao Bai would definitely go if he could.

But in the end, Xiao Bai stayed at home and did not leave. What does this mean? What does this mean? There was no way to go for some reason.

Xiao Bai smiled bitterly:"The monster I just created caused all the spiritual power in my body to be drained, and now I can't stand firmly."

Xiao Bai smiled bitterly. Nangong Nayue laughed and looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with eyes full of smiles.

"Okay, then take a good rest, lest you end up weak after waiting for them to come back."

Xiao Bai clearly heard that Nangong was taking this opportunity to tease himself that month. But what could Xiao Bai do? Now Xiao Bai really couldn't even stand up. I don't know if

Xiao Bai really didn't expect it. , this magical beast created by the magical beast actually consumes so much spiritual energy, and even directly drains Xiao Bai's physical strength when the spiritual energy is not enough, draining Xiao Bai's physical strength in one fell swoop.

In order to create that The monster alone really exhausted Xiao Bai to death.

That is, Xiao Bai, 0.6 It would be impossible for other people in the demon world to do such a thing. With Xiao Bai's current kind, even lower-level demons can't do it. It is simply a fantasy that an uncounted level can make the artifact reach the level of pure hands, isn't it? But in the end, Xiao Bai did it

"It seems that the cultivation of spiritual power is also on your agenda!"

Nangong Nayue chuckled. Xiao Bai looked a little funny now.

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and said nothing more. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But But in his heart, he had already made up his mind to cultivate his spiritual power as soon as possible.

Xiao Bai did not want to experience this kind of three-second real man life again.

It was simply embarrassing. Fortunately, he knew about it. It’s just Xiao Bai and Nangong that month!.

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