While the girls trapped in the extra-dimensional space were trying to explore the island, a monster quietly appeared on the island where they were located, and then found the girls as quickly as possible.

Looking at the Void Skull in front of them, the corners of these girls' eyes couldn't help but twitch. If Nangong hadn't informed them that month that the monster created by Xiao Bai was this Void Skull, these girls would have been frightened to death.

"Isn't it possible for Xiao Bai to create some cute monsters? Who do you want to scare by creating this void skull!"

Yuki Asuna complained speechlessly, but Ichinose Honami smiled and said:"I guess Xiao Bai was in a hurry to create this kind of monster, so he didn't think too much about the shape."

As the skull swallowed everyone in one gulp, everyone appeared at Xiao Bai's home in the next moment.

Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw these people back. 20

"I'll be relieved to see you come back safely."

When these girls came back, Xiao Bai was completely relieved. However, Xiao Bai glanced sideways at Rgentia Kobayashi. He must teach Xiao Bai a lesson after the culprit. He almost failed in a team building. A group was wiped out, and Xiao Bai just wanted to open their heads to see what was inside his head.

Although Xiao Bai knew that this time it was just because of bad luck, and it was not really Xiaolin Ringtong's fault. But at this time, it can only be Kobayashi Rgenta who takes the blame. Who knows it was Kobayashi Rgenta who suggested it!

"Well, we found this one on that island, so for this one's sake, please forgive me."

Rentan Kobayashi took out the Devil Fruit and handed it to Xiao Bai as if to please. Xiao Bai was a little surprised when he saw the Devil Fruit, but then he frowned. The

Void Skull appeared again and swallowed Xiao Bai, and then Xiao Bai appeared on the island where the previous girls were. The moment he saw this island, Xiao Bai immediately knew the name of the island, Little Garden! The ancient island where the two giants fought in One Piece! Then he got Xiao Bai came back again:"The island you were on before should be the Ancient Island Garden in the world of One Piece, but there were no two giants seen, so there is a high probability that it was not the period when Luffy, the Pirate King, went to sea. Maybe the two giants haven't even reached the island yet."

"We don't care about this. Do you think we can just ignore it for the sake of this devil fruit?"

Xiao Lin Long Dan timidly said to Xiao Bai. Although he knew that Xiao Bai would not really punish him, Xiao Lin Long Dan also knew that he would take the blame this time.

"We all agreed on what happened this time. If you want to blame, you can’t blame Rong Dan alone!"

Then these girls talked to each other so much that Xiao Bai just rolled his eyes:"I didn't say what I was going to do, why are you so nervous!"

Then Xiao Bai took the Devil Fruit from Xiaobayashi Rgentan's hand:"I don't know what kind of fruit this Devil Fruit is!"

Xiao Bai took this Devil Fruit and looked at it. The whole fruit was green, but Xiao Bai couldn't tell what kind of Devil Fruit it was. The main thing is that there is no illustration of the Devil Fruit in the One Piece world.

"Otherwise, I create a monster and let it eat it?"

"It's up to you to decide, but if it's a powerful devil fruit, wouldn't it be a pity to be eaten by a monster like this?"

If it's a powerful devil fruit, then this look is really a waste.

"If you think too much, you can just regenerate the Devil Fruit when the time comes. Even if you fail, it doesn't matter. Go to the island in the Little Garden. Even if the Devil Fruit is regenerated, you will only be able to find it in the Little Garden. A devil fruit is not difficult."

That makes sense, everyone nodded subconsciously!

"Let's go too!"

Everyone was also curious about what kind of devil fruit this devil fruit was. They immediately expressed that they wanted to go with them.

Xiao Bai had no objection to this. He was not worried about any accidents happening to these girls.

The Void Skull came again. He swallowed Xiao Bai and the others and then appeared in the small garden.

Then Xiao Bai created a magical beast and let it eat the devil fruit.

The result really made Xiao Bai and the others stare. Eyes. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Oh my god, it’s actually the blue dragon form of a fish-fruit phantom beast!

The devil fruit owned by Kaido, one of the four emperors.

This is really awesome.!

Xiao Bai couldn't help but sigh, but then Xiao Bai fell into silence while looking at the regenerated Devil Fruit.

"Does any of you want to eat?"

A group of people were quite interested in this devil fruit, but then they all shook their heads.

"I do have an idea!

Nangong Nayue, who came along to join in the fun, said with a smile.

"Talk about it"

"Leave it to Bai Yuekui, let Bai Yuekui study it, and then the best thing is to be able to create 457 artificial devil fruits, and then find a way to remove the shortcomings of the devil fruits."

"You can give this a try!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but feel excited. If the Devil Fruit has no weaknesses, then the value of the Devil Fruit will naturally increase exponentially.

Xiao Bai looked at Kobayashi Ringtong!

"What do you think!"

After all, this devil fruit was found by Xiao Bai. It's natural that I need to ask Kobayashi Rgentan what he thinks."

"I have no objection, I just want to give you one if you can!"

"When the time comes, I will give it to you after removing the shortcomings, so I decided to give this Devil Fruit to Boss Bai to research, and after the research results are available, I will arrange another one for you."

"Then I have no objection!"

Kobayashi Rgentan shook his head and said he had no objection.

"Okay, then let’s go back!"

Xiao Bai brought the people back to the real world. After sending these individuals back, they found Boss Bai and handed over the Green Dragon Fruit to Boss Bai.

After returning, Xiao Bai locked himself up and continued to increase his spiritual power. Reserve, a real man can't do it in three seconds!

And the more spiritual power Xiao Bai has, the more powerful the monster he creates.

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