"Come out, Fengqi! Tu

Shan Fengqi came out from the shadows and looked at Xiao Bai with a trace of exploration in his eyes:"How did you find me? I think I hid it well.""

"Just think that you are in tune with each other and tell me why you came to me."

Although Tushan Fengqi didn't cause any trouble to Xiao Bai these days, Xiao Bai didn't believe that Tushan Fengqi was keeping to himself. He guessed that he was planning something and was ready to hit him with one strike!"

"I come here to make a deal with you. I can use a legendary kitchen utensil in exchange for you. As long as you agree to one thing, I will give you the legendary kitchen utensil with both hands."

Xiao Bai's expression moved slightly. It is true that Xiao Bai needs the legendary kitchen utensils, but Tu Shan Fengqi is also untrustworthy. Xiao Bai is not stupid. In the end, he will probably have to bear all the people and bones in the deal with Tu Shan Fengqi. Tushan Fengqi swallowed it.

So Xiao Bai didn't even intend to listen to what Tushan Fengqi wanted to do, and simply rejected Tushan Fengqi:"Interested, I also don’t want to do business with you. Tushan

Fengqi said with a seductive tone:"Don't you want to hear what kind of deal I have with you?""

Xiao Bai glanced at Tu Shan Fengqi and had no intention of answering. Anyway, no matter what Tu Shan Fengqi said, Xiao Bai refused.

As for the legendary kitchen utensils?

This is even simpler. Since Tu Shan Fengqi Now that you're here, don't leave. Xiao Bai felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that Tushan Fengqi actually brought him a legendary kitchen utensil.

Xiao Bai was naturally enthusiastic about the other party being so polite. No.

In short, since Fengqi is here, don’t think about leaving again. Xiao Bai has no intention of letting Fengqi go just like that. Not only can he solve Fengqi’s troubles, but he can also I was so happy to have harvested a legendary kitchen utensil.

After noticing Xiao Bai's thoughts, Tu Shan Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Is the young master so sure that I will keep my concubine?"

"You'll know if you try it, and it's not good to have you outside. Although you haven't caused me any trouble yet, you might cause trouble to me one day, so just in case you do It's better to stay, it's just right. I still need a flute boy by my side. I think you will be suitable? Tushan

Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai with a black line, and couldn't hold back the desire to complain in his heart:"Young Master is becoming more and more out of tune. How can those other women tolerate you?""

But Tushan Fengqi's expression soon changed. Tushan Fengqi actually found that he could not leave and was trapped in this place!

"How can it be! Tushan

Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai with eyes full of disbelief, but Xiao Bai said calmly:"If I wasn't sure, how dare I ask you to stay and be a flute player for me!""

In an instant, Tushan Fengqi's whole body felt bad. Is it possible that he is really going to fall here today?

Tushan Fengqi had a headache, but more of it was helpless and speechless. He had a premonition in his heart that this time he There is a high probability that the car is really going to overturn, but even if Tushan Fengqi knows that it is very likely to overturn, he will never sit back and die, so Tushan Fengqi is still looking for any way to escape.

"Stop looking. I have turned this space into a sealed space from the beginning. Otherwise, if I call you out, wouldn’t it be a warning?"

"There's only one way to get out of here, and that's for me to take you away."

"Even if you catch this clone of my concubine, there are endless clones of my concubine outside."

Tushan Fengqi couldn't help but gritted his teeth, Xiao Bai was so despicable!

"Since I dare to catch you, I am naturally confident that I will get rid of all your clones one by one. From now on, you can just be a flute player by my side, and you won’t have to worry about the others. No need to think too much!"

A black fox appeared in Xiao Bai's hand, but this black fox was only the size of a fingernail. However, Tushan Fengqi felt a strong threat.

"What's this?"

Although they are both black foxes, the black fox on Xiao Bai's fingertips is definitely not the same kind as himself. On the contrary, Tushan Fengqi felt an unparalleled feeling from the black fox on Xiao Bai's fingertips. Threat, as if it could be swallowed by the black fox on Xiao Bai's fingertips at any time, this is simply outrageous

"what is that?"

Tushan Fengqi looked at the black fox on Xiao Pai's fingertips with extremely vigilant eyes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This one is the anti-black fox monster I created, specifically for you!"

When Tushan Fengqi heard that it was specifically directed at him, Tushan Fengqi was so angry that his chest almost burst. Xiao Bai is such a bastard!!!

"Master, don’t you think this is really unfair to me? How could I be so virtuous as to allow you to target me like this? Xiao

Bai looked at Tushan Fengqi and said,"Don't you have any idea what you are like?" You also asked me if it was fair or not. If you were more honest, why would I target you like this?"

After saying that, the black fox on Xiao Bai's fingertips instantly fell on Tushan Fengqi. Tushan Fengqi only felt that his power was being continuously absorbed by the black fox, but he was helpless, but in his heart I'm secretly glad that luckily it's just a clone!


This part of (Qian Li Zhao's) happiness soon turned into dumbfounding:"How is it possible? How did you do it? This is impossible, I don't believe it!"

This black fox actually passed through himself and then destroyed all the clones. After being absorbed, the last black fox broke away from Tushan Fengqi's body and then came to Xiao Bai. The previous black fox, which was only as big as a fingernail, has now grown to the size of a cat.

And the power of this black fox's growth was completely absorbed from Tushan Fengqi. Now Tushan Fengqi has completely become a useless person!

Tushan Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai with sadness in his heart:"Why do you treat me like this, sir!""

"I don’t want to either, but you are too dangerous. Please stay with me from now on and be a secretary, the kind of secretary who can do what you need and do when you have nothing to do! Tushan Fengqi gritted his teeth:"

Is there any other choice for me?"".

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