Seeing the extra Tushan Fengqi beside Xiao Bai, Rem asked Xiao Bai with some confusion:"Master, who is this young lady?""

"Tushan Fengqi will stay with me as a little secretary from now on. By the way, don’t believe too much in what she says. Tushan Fengqi is the best at lying and taking advantage of people’s weaknesses. You are the best at it. It's best to stay away from her, otherwise she might be taken into the pit at any time!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's explanation, a group of people suddenly looked at Tushan Fengqi and became wary.

Tushan Fengqi, on the other hand, had a dark face and said nothing. Xiao Bai is really a bad guy. He actually said bad things about himself, and also exposed all his old background. How could this benefit him? This child is his son.

It turns out that this woman is Tushan Fengqi, and they still have some feelings towards Tushan Fengqi. As I know, they were from the same era as Bai Yuokui, and Tu Shan Rongrong and the other three sisters were the mortal enemies. He used to do some shady things around Xiao Bai. To put it simply, 723 was doing some dirty work for Xiao Bai. Tired of work, and then he wanted to monopolize Xiao Bai, so he controlled the dark cooking world, and then he seemed to want to cause trouble outside, but now he was directly arrested by Xiao Bai?

Looking at this Tu Shanfeng in front of him Qi, there is an inexplicable feeling that makes these girls feel that this Tushan Fengqi is inferior!

Tushan Fengqi felt the thoughts in other people's hearts, and there was a sudden anger in his heart. If it hadn't been done by Xiao Bai now Tushan Fengqi tried his best to let these blind girls know what it means to respect their seniors.

"Calm down, although Fengqi has overturned this time, it is still very simple to handle you easily."

"Ram, from now on you will be responsible for keeping an eye on Fengqi when I'm not around and don't let Fengqi cause trouble!

Patting his plain chest, Ram said to Xiao Bai:"Leave it to Ram, we will never let this bad woman succeed!""

Tushan Fengqi glanced at Ram with a sneer, his eyes full of disdain. How could he still not be able to deal with Ram?

It's ridiculous. Xiao Bai underestimates himself too much. Tushan Fengqi Looking at Ram, there was a trace of provocation in his eyes.

After Ram noticed Tushan Fengqi's condition, his face showed the same provocative look. The two people looked at each other in a direct way, as if there was something. It was like electric sparks.

Xiao Bai looked at Tushan Fengqi with a slightly satisfied look in his eyes. Tushan Fengqi now had an opponent. With Ram staring at Tushan Fengqi, the chance of Tushan Fengqi causing trouble was even smaller. But

Xiao Bai still warned Tushan Fengqi:"Don't mess with me, otherwise I will send you back to Tushan, and then Honghong and the others will hang out in front of you and laugh at you every day!" Tushan

Fengqi suddenly hardened his fists and looked at Xiao Bai in front of him:"How can you be so vicious? How can your 37-degree mouth say such cold words!""

Tu Shan Fengqi is the adoptive mother of the three sisters Tu Shan Honghong. Although she later parted ways with Tu Shan Honghong and the others, it was not like she had gone through so many things in the original plot. Their relationship is still there now, and Tu Shan Honghong and the others parted ways. The difference between Shan Fengqi and Tushan Honghong is just a difference in philosophy.

But if Tushan Fengqi is captured by Xiao Bai like this, then where will Tushan Fengqi's face be put? They will definitely be laughed at crazily by the three sisters Tu Shan Honghong.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong are okay, but what really worries Tu Shan Fengqi is Tu Shan Yaya, a guy who is like a fool. Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rong Rong Hui knows propriety (caaa), but Tu Shan Yaya, don’t expect her to know what propriety is!

When thinking of the scene of being laughed at by Tu Shan Ya Ya crazily, Tu Shan Fengqi suddenly felt like fuck

"So be honest and don’t tell me the whole thing, okay?"

"I know it, sir, don’t worry!"

Tushan Fengqi said through gritted teeth. Anyone who was not deaf could hear the dissatisfaction in his words.

But in the end, Tushan Fengqi chose to settle the matter. In any case, Tushan Fengqi's arms can't twist his thighs now. This tone can be tolerated for the time being.

When Xiao Bai saw Tu Shan Fengqi's look, he knew that the other party had absolutely no intention of compromising. He was even thinking about when he would turn around.

But Xiao Bai would give Is this a chance for Tushan Fengqi?

It’s clearly impossible!

Xiao Bai is sure of Tushan Fengqi, even if Jesus comes, he won’t be able to keep it.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Tushan Fengqi:"Then let’s talk about the legendary kitchen utensils Where!"

Tushan Fengqi had a legendary kitchen utensil in his hand, which Xiao Bai had never expected. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you want legendary kitchen utensils, then you have to promise me something. Otherwise, even if you beat me to death, I will never say anything."

Tushan Fengqi looked determined. As long as Xiao Bai doesn't agree to her conditions, Tushan Fengqi will not say anything even if he is beaten to death. With Xiao Bai's understanding of Tushan Fengqi, this is really possible.

"Please tell me first what is going on!"

"You are absolutely not allowed to tell the three little foxes of Tushan about my humiliation, otherwise I would rather die!"

Looking at Tushan Fengqi's determined look, Xiao Bai nodded.

"Okay, I won’t tell Honghong and the other three sisters about this. That’s okay. You should know my credibility. Tushan

Fengqi breathed a sigh of relief and then said to Xiao Bai:"In the dark cooking world, the whereabouts of a legendary kitchen utensil have been found, and now the legendary kitchen utensil is in the hands of Mao Xiong!""

"Furry bear?"

"That's right, it's in the hands of the bear. If you want it, you can only go to the bear. Xiao

Bai looked at Tushan Fengqi and said,"You dare to trade with me just by bringing a piece of information here. You are deliberately trying to trick me, but forget it, I will make the profit in the end anyway!""

Tushan Fengqi came to trick Xiao Bai. If Xiao Bai had agreed before, it would have been a blood loss. Tushan Fengqi just wanted to be a white wolf with nothing.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai came directly to take advantage of the black wolf. Tu Shanfengqi Shan Fengqi's whole person now belongs to Xiao Bai. It's not a loss. It's good to get a piece of news from Bai Bai!

Tushan Fengqi's face turned black with anger and he was shaking with anger. When did villains like them become Able to truly stand up...

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