Xiao Bai looked at the Thunder Emperor with a smile on his face:"Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya, this one is indeed more powerful than the one just now, but it is only to this extent, then Now it's your turn."

The expression on Lei Di's face suddenly became gloomy, but then he looked at the egg fried rice made by Xiao Bai, gritted his teeth, picked it up and ate it in his mouth.

As soon as the egg fried rice was eaten, Lei Di's body began to tremble slightly. He held his body with both hands and trembled slightly, as if he was suppressing something.

"Yoyoyo, you have to hold it back. If you don't hold it back, you will be embarrassed."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Lei Di wanted to raise his head and glare at Xiao Bai, but the next moment, Lei Di seemed to forcefully bite his lower lip with his teeth for some reason, and made some whimpering sounds in his mouth.

Listening to these voices, Xiao Bai continued:"Do you think the next dish will be more intense than this? If you don't control yourself, you will be completely dead."

I don't know how much time has passed. Lei Di finally returned to normal, but there was still a trace of unnatural flushing on his face. Looking at Xiao Bai's hateful face in front of him, Lei Di's face was a little ugly.

"Of course, you can also bet that I will die in the next wave. As long as I die, you will probably not have to make a fool of yourself, but if you lose the bet,I guarantee you will never survive the next wave. You will definitely become incontinent on the spot. Do you want to give it a try?"

Xiao Bai said to Lei Di in a voice that only he and Lei Di could hear. The look on Lei Di's face was a little ugly. Although Xiao Bai said that Lei Di was reluctant to admit it, he was I have to admit that this is true. I almost couldn't hold it back just now. If the next wave is more intense, I will really lose control on the spot.

This will make Lei Di more uncomfortable than killing Lei Di. Lei Di would rather die. I don’t want to lose control in this situation, but I would be equally unwilling to let the Thunder Emperor admit defeat.

"I can admit defeat, as long as you give me the legendary kitchen utensils!"

Thunder Emperor's expression turned gloomy instantly. Xiao Bai's words were simply an insult to Thunder Emperor. Now Lei Emperor looks at Xiao Bai as if he wants to eat Xiao Bai.

But if he continues If it goes on, it is obviously impossible that he will definitely lose. Even Lei Di feels that his current body is still a little (cbfd) sensitive.

"I surrender!"

I said this sentence with difficulty, and then the Thunder Emperor looked at Xiao Bai:"I remember you, and I will definitely repay this shame today."

After saying that, the Thunder Emperor left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the leaving Thunder Emperor, Xiao Bai also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Bai was really worried that this Thunder Emperor would hold on until then. If there is really incontinence here, I am afraid that Mao Xiong may choose to take action in order to cover up this matter. Now the Thunder Emperor admits defeat is the most perfect result.

Xiao Bai looked at Jiang Xiaobai:"Leave the affairs here to you, I will Come back to receive legendary kitchenware!"

After saying that, Xiao Bai also left in a hurry.

In a room, Lei Emperor was curling up at this moment. The feeling as if a volcano was about to erupt made Lei Emperor very uncomfortable.

"Bastard, what on earth did you do to me!"

It was difficult to curse out such a sentence from his mouth. Lei Di couldn't help but hug himself tightly.

"Sorry, there are a lot of medicines just in case, so I'm not here to help you solve it."

A sudden voice appeared in Lei Di's ears, and then Lei Di Manlan looked at Xiao Bai who appeared next to him in shock. However, before Lei Di could scream in surprise, the next moment Xiao Bai suddenly A hand was already covering Lei Emperor's mouth:"Don't make any sound!"

Crackling, a golden current eroded from Lei Emperor's body toward Xiao Bai in an instant.

"I told you that I am here to solve your problem!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and looked at Lei Di with a speechless expression on his face before complaining to him.

Then he took out a poached egg from the storage ring and stuffed it directly into Lei Di's mouth.

"Hurry up!!!"

Forced to swallow the poached egg, the Thunder Emperor instantly burst out with a golden current and the shadow of a thunder dragon appeared behind the Thunder Emperor. However, the appearance of Hasta at the next moment firmly protected Xiao Bai. Up, the cyan wind formed a barrier, and those thunder and lightning could not pass through the barrier to cause harm to Xiao Bai.

"I helped you solve your problem. Is this how you thank me?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai jumped away from Lei Di, and then said to Lei Di.

Lei Di looked at Xiao Bai with a dark face and clenched his fists. Part of the red dress had turned dark due to being wet. Xiao Bai discovered this and Lei Di just wanted to kill people and silence them.

"You can't kill me. If you continue to do it, I can't guarantee whether everyone will know what happened here."

Lei Di's face turned blue and white.

Xiao Bai looked at Lei Di's appearance and walked directly in front of Lei Li and said:"God knows this matter, you know it and I know it, but you need to let me take it with you. Legend Kitchenware has left. As for if you want to seek revenge from me, you are welcome to do so at any time!"

Although she was threatened by Xiao Bai, Lei Di also knew that she could only compromise at this time. Otherwise, if what happened today was revealed, her majesty would be ruined, and she would probably become a laughing stock among others from now on.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you leak what happened today to the ends of the world, even if it means destroying the world, I will definitely kill you!"

"It’s a deal, then I’ll leave first!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in front of the Thunder Emperor. After Xiao Bai disappeared, the Thunder Emperor suddenly became furious. With a wave of his hand, the entire bed was turned into ashes by lightning!

But in this ashes There was a diary among them. A copy of Xiaobai's diary (exclusive to Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya).

Looking at this diary, the Thunder Emperor frowned and then picked it up.

Following Looking through the diary, Lei Di's eyes gradually lit up!

"He is actually His Majesty the Holy Sect!".

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