Xiao Bai came back and nodded to Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xiao Bai with a somewhat uneasy expression. Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai narrowed his eyes and asked what happened.

"Mao Xiong is unwilling to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils!"

Hearing this news, Xiao Bai's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light!

It would be okay if Xiao Bai didn't win, but now that Xiao Bai has won, then Mao Xiong is still unwilling to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils, then Xiao Bai But you won't be polite to the other party. If you win, then the legendary kitchen utensils now belong to you. What does the other party want to do by occupying your legendary kitchen utensils? He wants to be a robber. If the other party is smart, hand over the legendary kitchen utensils. Xiao Bai can still pretend that this matter has not happened. If the other party refuses to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils, then Xiao Bai does not mind letting the other party understand that Mao Xiong is not a big deal. Nowadays, the world is dominated by the Ming Dynasty, and Mao Xiong's so-called The Tsar Bomb is not irresistible, it just requires paying a certain price. If Xiao Bai is annoyed, it is not impossible to directly wipe the bear from the map.

【This furry bear is really ignorant of current affairs. Even though the Thunder Emperor has already lost, he still wants to default on his debt. He really thinks that no one will dare to mess with him because he has the Tsar Bomb, right? If you make me anxious, I will wipe out your entire country. I really don’t know what to say. I don’t want to cause trouble, but it doesn’t mean I am afraid of trouble. If it weren’t for the current inability to act at will, I would have directly robbed you and started a cooking showdown with you. Now that you've lost, you still want to default on your debt. Damn, you've never died before!】

【Forget it, let the Ming side prepare for the ordinary Mao Xiong to fuck him directly if he dares to cheat on me. The previous example of Britain does not seem to have made the Mao Xiong realize that Da Ming is always the same Da Ming!】

【I don’t know if Lei Emperor knows about this? She probably doesn't know, after all, that woman is too arrogant to do such a thing, but I can't be sure, never mind what she is doing, Mao Xiong, this bear, thinks that he can compete with the Ming Dynasty because of his strong wings. Already? In this case, just tell this furry bear that your dad is still your dad. ]

Lei Di, who was changing clothes, saw the diary entry written by Xiao Bai, and the expression on his face instantly turned ugly. Mao Xiong actually lost and wanted to - repudiate?

This was undoubtedly a slap in the face of Thunder Emperor, who now wanted to kill others.

He quickly changed his clothes and then destroyed a large part of his long skirt that was wet. After destroying the evidence, Lei Di immediately called the maid outside.

"Someone come!"

"What are your orders from His Majesty the Thunder Emperor?"

Lei Di said to the maid with a cold face:"Go and inform Mao Xiong's people to hand over the spiritual treasure trove to Xiao Bai. Anyone who disobeys my order will wait to be struck into ashes by lightning. No matter who it is, Even the emperor is the same, tell those politicians!"

"Yes, His Majesty the Thunder Emperor!"

Regarding the order from Emperor Lei, the maid did not dare to delay and immediately went to convey the order from Emperor Lei.

On this side, Jiang Xiaobai also negotiated with Mao Xiong's officials, but Mao Xiong's officials always refused and said that it was It will take some time to deliver the Lingzang Treasury.

After hearing this, Xiao Bai said to Jiang Xiaobai expressionlessly:"Okay, there is no need to continue negotiating. Let's go. Since the other party is not willing now, then when the time comes Let's get it ourselves. I want to see if the czar of the bear can give the bear such confidence!"

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Xiao Bai's words, and then he stopped talking. What Xiao Bai decided was not something he could change, and

Who knows if this person has any trump cards? No one will doubt whether Emperor Shengzong has left any trump cards for himself. Why do the elders in the cabinet respect and fear Emperor Shengzong?

Isn't it because Emperor Shengzong has so many tricks? Even those old foxes in the cabinet dare not say that they can guess what tricks Emperor Shengzong left behind. What if Emperor Shengzong thinks it is fun to be the emperor one day and wants to start again? Being an emperor, I'm afraid

It is precisely for this reason that these pavilion elders have been offering Xiao Bai to the Buddha.

Although Mao Xiong's officials didn't show any expression when they heard Xiao Bai's words, their indifferent attitude clearly showed that they didn't care about the threat from Xiao Bai and the others.

Asking for flowers.

Just when Xiao Bai and the others were about to leave, someone ran in from outside:"His Majesty the Thunder Emperor ordered us to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils to each other!"

Official Mao Xiong showed a stiff expression on his face. He wanted to say something more, but that one But the person said directly:"His Majesty the Thunder Emperor said that anyone who disobeys His Majesty the Thunder Emperor's orders will be chopped into ashes, even if it is the Great Emperor."

Official Mao Xiong was completely silent and looked at Xiao Bai and Jiang Xiaobai gritted their teeth and shouted:"Please wait a moment, we will hand over the legendary kitchen utensils to you immediately!"

Not long after, the legendary kitchen utensils spiritual storage library was carried over, and Xiao Bai gave it a cold look. This furry-bear bureaucrat still has an inexorable coldness in his life!

However, Xiao Bai didn't say anything more and left directly with Jiang Xiaobai. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mao Xiong, haha!

The Mao Xiong official behind Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Bai and the others with a gloomy look in their eyes!

Then he immediately called the people around him and gave instructions in the other person's ear. After a while, the other person left.

"The legendary kitchen utensils can only belong to our furry bears forever!"

Looking at Xiao Bai and Jiang Xiaobai leaving, they murmured to each other.

After Jiang Xiaobai and Xiao Bai left, they immediately said to Xiao Bai:"Mao Xiong's attitude is a bit strange. The one before was so iron-clad. I was conscientiously unwilling to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils, but suddenly changed my mind. I was worried that the other party might want to take action halfway!"

"It is said that leave the kitchen utensils to me, and you can go back directly. If the other party really wants to do it, then let him do it. I want to see how strong the hairy bear's head is and how hard its bones are."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xiao Bai, nodded without hesitation, and then left directly. This kind of thing is not something that he, a civilian employee, can participate in.

Soon after Jiang Xiaobai left, Xiao Bai felt a series of malicious eyes staring at him. Xiao Bai had a sneer on his face in response to these malicious intentions. Xiao Bai wanted to see how much this bear weighed...

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