As expected, Mao Xiong sent people, but the strength of these people sent by Mao Xiong was not very good. Xiao Bai did not kill them, he just broke their limbs and threw them on the road. After that, Mao Xiong treated these individuals. Whether he abandons these people directly or not has nothing to do with Xiao Bai.

"Speaking of which, you guys should be the kind of people who get paid to do things, right? Mercenaries, if you become like this, Mao Xiong will be responsible for the rest of your life? I have always been kind and unwilling to kill you, so if you feel unhappy, think of a way to die."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he was about to leave, but suddenly Xiao Bai found a missile with a long tail flame falling towards him. Almost in the blink of an eye, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The next moment Xiao Bai walked out of the mushroom cloud"Two Four Seven" with a gloomy face. The invisible wind wrapped around Xiao Bai. Hasta's wind firmly protected Xiao Bai in it, and all harmful things Everything was isolated.

Whether it was the radiation caused by the nuclear bomb or anything else, everything was isolated and excluded. Xiao Bai was not harmed at all, but Xiao Bai was not harmed. This does not mean that this matter is just like this. Got it

【Very good, really good. The furry bear is indeed a furry bear. It has a strong head and even threw a nuclear bomb. Unfortunately, it didn't kill me, but since it looks like this, let's fight to the death! 】

In an instant, everyone is crazy because they can’t believe the furry bear?

How dare you use a nuclear bomb to blow up Xiao Bai!

These people are crazy.

At this time, the Thunder Emperor was also angry. How dare those idiots, idiots, and trash use nuclear bombs to blow up His Majesty the Holy Sect? Damn it, those lunatics, damn it!!!

However, what worries Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya even more is Xiao Bai’s upcoming revenge. After reading Xiao Bai’s diary, Vasilisa clearly understands how unyielding Xiao Bai is. Calculate.

Now that Mao Xiong actually used a nuclear bomb to blow up Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai then dared to use 10 or 100 nuclear bombs to directly wipe Mao Xiong off the world map.

When Vasilisa thought of this scene, she wanted to tear the person who ordered Xiao Bai to launch the nuclear bomb into pieces.

But now Vasilisa knows that she is not angry. Now she has to find a way to deal with Xiao Bai's anger. If Xiao Bai's anger cannot be resolved, the entire furry bear will probably disappear completely. The Vatican is the best evidence!

The former Vatican and now even the country have been wiped out. It is hard to say that Xiao Bai will not do such a thing again.

"Someone come! Vasilisa shouted immediately, and soon the maid came in from the outside:"What are your orders from Your Majesty the Thunder Emperor!""

"I want to know who gave the order to launch the nuclear bomb today!"

Although I didn't understand why Vasilisa wanted to ask about this kind of thing, the maid serving Vasilisa didn't ask any more questions and immediately obeyed Vasilisa's order to ask about this matter.

Soon Vasilisa Lisa got the answer she wanted

"Irabicimovich? Who gave him the order to launch his nuclear bomb?"

As a senior official of Mao Xiong, it is absolutely impossible for Irabichmovich to issue an order to launch a nuclear bomb, so I am afraid there is an inside story about this matter. We must find out who gave the password, even though Vasily In fact, Sha had already made a guess in her heart, but Vasilisa didn't say it out loud.

As long as she didn't say it out, it didn't matter even if it was yes, but if she asked and got a yes answer, then it wouldn't be good. It's over.

Suddenly Vasilisa felt something was wrong in the sky and immediately walked out of the room to the balcony. The sky was gloomy, but Vasilisa felt something different.

I'm afraid

Just because Vasilisa wanted to play, a gust of wind suddenly blew up. Vasilisa's face changed in this gust of wind. In this gust of wind, Vasilisa noticed something very evil and chaotic.

Damn it!

Vasilisa immediately realized that this should be Xiao Bai's revenge. I came. As expected, the next moment, someone immediately came to report to Vasilisa....

"Your Majesty the Thunder Emperor, the entire country of Mao Xiong is surrounded by a wall formed by a blue wind. No matter what kind of tools it is, it cannot pass through. The Great Emperor is looking for you to discuss!"

Vasilysa expressionlessly walked out. Vasilisa really didn't know what to say to these idiots. They actually wanted to use a nuclear bomb to blow up Xiaobai. Why don't you go to heaven! ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Arriving at the Winter Palace, Vasilisa met the Great Emperor, the current supreme leader of the Bear Kingdom.


Greetings like an emperor, Vasilisa then pointed the gun directly at Irabicimovich:"How dare you, an idiot, use nuclear bombs to bomb Xiao Bai, you idiot, you know Will you bring any disaster to the furry bear?"

The corner of Irabicimovich's mouth twitched and he subconsciously looked at the emperor. However, he found that the emperor did not look at him. He immediately knew that he would take the blame for this incident.

"Your Majesty the Thunder Emperor, we just want to keep the legendary kitchen utensils in Mao Xiong forever. Vasilisa sneered:"Originally, the legendary kitchen utensils do not belong to the bear, so if you give it to the other party, you will give it to the other party. But do you know what the consequences will be if you use a nuclear bomb to kill Xiao Bai?""

"You don’t know, so now the entire furry bear will be in a state of destruction because of your stupidity!"

The emperor who heard this couldn't help but interjected:"Vasilisa, it shouldn't be the case!"

"Once a nuclear bomb is used to bomb Xiao Bai, as long as Xiao Bai is not dead, Mao Xiong will be finished. As for your trump card, it is nothing more than the Tsar Bomb, but if the Tsar Bomb cannot be effective, then what else do you have?"

Hearing these words, the emperor and the top management of a furry bear fell into thinking.

The emperor looked at Vasilisa:"Even you can't do it? Vasilisa?"

Vasilisa, who has a contract with the god-level thunder dragon, is the strongest trump card besides the Tsar Bomb, so the emperor asked Vasilisa

"Xiao Bai contracted with a spirit above God and is stronger than me!"

There was silence in the Winter Palace.

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