Xiao Bai and Koro-sensei reached a deal, and then Xiao Bai also proposed to Koro-sensei that if Koro-sensei was willing, Xiao Bai could turn Koro-sensei back into a human.

Xiao Bai asked the succubus about this question, and the succubus told Xiao Bai that it was indeed possible.

So if Koro-sensei was willing, Xiao Bai could help him turn back into a human, but Koro-sensei ultimately chose to refuse and planned to complete the final journey of his life in his current form.

For Koro-sensei, his life had already ended when that girl Akuri Yukimura died. The reason why he is still alive now is just to fulfill that girl's wish, nothing more.

In this regard, Xiao Bai chose to respect Koro-sensei's idea and did not suggest that Koro-sensei should be transformed back into a human being.

After saying goodbye to Koro-sensei, Xiao Bai went to find Kayano Kaede!

"I still think you look good with your hair down!"

Looking at Mao Yefeng pulling up her hair, Xiao Bai pinched her chin and said to Mao Yefeng, Xiao Bai likes women with long hair!

Of course, he does not exclude short hair.It just depends on the individual's situation. For example, like Sakayanagi Yusu, it doesn't matter even if he has short hair. The main thing is to see Xiao Bai's XP.

"If I let my hair down, people would easily recognize my disguise, but after I find that person, I will let my hair down."

Xiao Bai nodded and then talked with Mao Yefeng for a while before letting him leave. Not long after Mao Yefeng left, a man quietly came to Xiao Bai. If Mao Yefeng saw it at this time, then You will definitely recognize who this person is.

Yukiko Kanzaki!

"You continue to do what I ask you to do. As long as you catch the person I want to catch, no one will stop you from whatever you want to do next."

"I know that I will do my best to do it, but when will the other party come, and how will I inform you then?"

"When the time comes, all you need to do is pull a hair out of your head."

Kanzaki Yukiko looked at the hair that Xiao Bai handed over!

It had not been sorted for more than two years, and now Xiao Bai also has long hair.

And Xiao Bai is too lazy to take care of this hair. It's not a problem anyway!

So Xiao Bai directly pulled off one and covered his will on this hair. As long as Kanzaki Yukiko breaks this hair, Xiao Bai will feel it and can use it later. The other door came here immediately.

Kanzaki Yukiko looked at this hair and was speechless. Where should she put this hair? If she accidentally loses this hair, okay?

Xiao Bai He seemed to be aware of the subsequent embarrassment and said:"You can find a way to save it yourself. If it doesn't work, just tie it to your wrist."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Kanzaki Yukiko looked at Xiao Bai speechlessly, but then Kanzaki Yukiko still followed Xiao Bai's words and wrapped the hair around her wrist.

"Okay, then keep working hard for your future happy life."

Kanzaki Yukiko:""

After leaving school, Xiao Bai originally wanted to take a walk around casually to give himself a vacation, but what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that as soon as he left, he met Suzuki Sonoko, and she even came up to talk to him!

"What's up?"

Suzuki Sonoko, who was asked by Tiandao Xiao Bai, showed a tangled look, and then looked at Xiao Bai:"I found that my sister seemed to have joined a mysterious organization."

Xiao Bai raised his eyebrows.

Suzuki Ayako?"

"What mysterious organization?"

"I heard that you seem to be looking for someone from the Liberation Society. If I say that my sister joined the Liberation Society,"

Xiao Bai looked at Lingmu Yuanzi:"For your sake, I don't have to kill your sister!"

Xiao Bai promised Lingmu Yuanzi and Lingmu Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief. Consider it, Suzuki Sonoko is not stupid!

After hearing Xiao Bai's promise, Suzuki Sonoko said to Xiao Bai:"My sister has joined the Liberation Association, and if nothing else happens, she should be a high-ranking official." The corner of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched slightly, which was really disappointing. People were shocked, but after the shock, Xiao Bai found it a little funny.

These members of the Restoration Association were really giving away their heads one after another. Xiao Bai didn't even have to look for them, and someone came to his door.

Before, there were Yukinoshita Harano and her daughter, and now there is Suzuki Sonoko!

But for Xiao Bai, there is no doubt that this is a good thing

"Come and accompany me to meet your sister. If your sister is still willing to look back, then I don’t think anyone will target your sister!"

Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, as others said, Xiao Bai did not target them!

This matter has already been discussed in the chat group. Now what Suzuki Sonoko is doing is just following the chat It was just a planned action discussed by other people in the group.

Now it seems to be working well!

Suzuki Sonoko was also a little lucky in her heart. Fortunately, she found out early, otherwise, her sister would have been completely ruined when she really couldn't look back.

Xiao Bai and Suzuki Sonoko arrived at Suzuki's house, and soon Suzuki Shiro, Suzuki Tomoko, and Suzuki Ayako rushed back.

After seeing Xiao Bai, Suzuki Shiro was very respectful!

The more he knew, Suzuki Shiro He was even more in awe of Xiao Bai. Shirou Suzuki didn't know what kind of person Xiao Bai was, but his identity and background were absolutely boundless.

So for Xiao Bai, Shiro Suzuki was just in complete awe.

"Yuanzi, tell me!"

Suzuki Sonoko instantly became the focus of the scene. All the members of the Suzuki Sonoko family looked at Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko felt a little embarrassed. Then she took a deep breath and said to her sister:"Why do you want to join the Liberation Association!"

Suzuki Ayako's expression suddenly changed, and the Suzuki family also took a liking to Suzuki Ayako.

"What kind of liberation meeting, Ayako, what kind of organization have you joined? Suzuki

Tomoko asked Suzuki Ayako, her face full of shock and anger.

Suzuki Ayako did not answer but looked at Suzuki Sonoko:"Sonoko, how do you know?"".

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