This sentence of Suzuki Ayako is equivalent to completely acknowledging what Suzuki Sonoko said!

Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Shiro looked at Suzuki Ayako with disbelief in their eyes. Suzuki Ayako made the couple feel very strange at this moment.

Is this really his daughter?

"The last time we were on the cruise ship, Xiao Bai reminded me that people are unlikely to be willing candidates for marriage, so I was told not to be fooled by appearances. So I did a little research, and the result was unexpected."

Suzuki Ayako looked at Xiao Bai sitting on the sofa:"Have you investigated me?"

"No, it’s just that I don’t believe that there is really a kind of person who lives in peace with the world. As the eldest sister, how can you be willing to be used as a tool for marriage? Of course, I just said it casually, even if Even if you say it wrong, it doesn't matter, right?"

Suzuki Ayako burst out laughing after hearing this:"I didn't expect it to be for such a ridiculous reason!"

"This reason is not funny at all. It’s just that you disguised yourself too perfectly. Similarly, Sonoko and the others have never had the slightest suspicion of you because of their family. As long as there is such a trace of suspicion, you will be exposed soon.!"

"This is the reason why Yuanzi easily picked you out like this."

Suzuki Ayako did not continue to ask!

"So what are you going to do now to kill me? The Restoration Society wants to restore Neon, so as a member of the Ming Dynasty, you should choose to kill me if nothing unexpected happens!"

"It would be a pity to kill you, and Yuanzi also hopes that you can live, so I give you a choice to work for me and dig out everyone in the Restoration Society for me."

"What if I refuse!"

Suzuki Ayako looked at Xiao Bai with a trace of madness in her eyes.

Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko on the side looked at Suzuki Ayako and shouted:"Ayako, what are you talking nonsense!"

"Even if you refuse, it doesn't matter, I will turn you into a family member who is completely loyal to me."

"So now you have two choices. The first choice is that I turn you into my dependent. This choice almost erases all your autonomy and completely becomes my puppet. By the way, I already have many Such a subordinate"

"The other is your self-awareness. In this case, the most I can do is leave some means to not erase your sense of self-awareness."

Suzuki Ayako's face turned a little pale when she heard what Xiao Bai said. What Xiao Bai said was completely unacceptable to Suzuki Ayako. Suzuki Ayako is not afraid of death, but Suzuki Ayako cannot accept the result of becoming a puppet.

"I choose the 2nd one!"

Suzuki Ayako finally made a compromise. If she didn't compromise, she probably wouldn't even be able to see the sun tomorrow. No, it should be said that her consciousness couldn't see the sun tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Suzuki Ayako's mouth A trace of bitterness was revealed.

She couldn't accept this kind of thing. Suzuki Ayako could accept her own death normally, but Suzuki Ayako couldn't accept the fact that she lost all consciousness and became a puppet in Xiao Bai's hands, so Suzuki Ayako surrendered and surrendered.

The Suzuki Sonoko family breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I will give you a piece of news as a declaration of surrender!"

"Mouri Kogoro is also a member of the Restoration Society. Of course, I don’t have any evidence, it’s just my guess, but I think you can definitely find out the flaws of Moori Kogoro."

Xiao Bai looked at Suzuki Ayako for a while before laughing.

"Since I was found out, I can't make others feel better? Suzuki Ayako, I have to say that you are really a very special person."

Xiao Bai stood up without saying anything more and then got up and left. Suzuki Ayako was silent. After leaving, Xiao Bai took out his mobile phone and dialed Fei Yingli's number. The call was quickly connected. Xiao Bai will talk about Maori. When Kogoro's matter was told to Fei Yingli, Fei Yingli fell silent after listening and Fei Yingli didn't say much.

"Do what you want to do. I have nothing to do with Mouri Kogoro now, as long as I don't hurt Xiaolan!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai was noncommittal about Fei Yingli's answer, but he didn't say much. Originally, Xiao Bai planned to let Fei Yingli go to Maori Kogoro to expose him. identity, but unexpectedly Fei Yingli saw Xiao Bai's thoughts in advance, and in the end she directly said that Xiao Bai would do whatever he wanted, everything had nothing to do with him, and there was no longer anything between him and Maori Kogoro. It has no relationship whatsoever.

Since Fei Yingli refused, Xiao Bai would naturally not hold on to her forever!

Xiao Bai didn’t intend to waste time, so he directly approached Maori Kogoro, walked into the Maori Detective Agency, and saw Xiao Bai Xiao Bai looked at Mao Lilan with a look of surprise in his eyes. Xiao Bai looked at Mao Li Kogoro and then nodded and said:"No wonder everyone was deceived by you. It's hard to predict whether there will be a councilor like you in Guangfu." Really, one day everything will turn around."

Xiao Bai was not nervous, and just looked at Maori Kogoro in front of him.

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Maori Kogoro's expression gradually became serious.

"I didn't expect that the day would finally come. Sooner or later, my identity would be revealed, but I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly."

Mouri Kogoro looked at Xiao Bai in front of him, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. How could Maori Kogoro not know about the matter between Xiao Bai and Fei Yingli? Although his daughter said that he wanted to help Fei Yingli hide this matter , but how could Mouri Kogoro not know his daughter’s personality? Mao Lilan was tricked by Moori Kogoro into leaking the news in a few moments. How could

Mouri Kogoro still deal with the subsequent incident between Fei Yingli and Xiao Bai? Do you know

"Mouri Kogoro has two choices, one is to die, the other is to become my dependent!"

Mouri Kogoro did not answer. With lightning speed, he took out a gun from the drawer of his desk and fired at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai instantly avoided the bullet. Just now Xiao Bai's original idea was not to be ignored, but a sense of danger made Xiao Bai avoid it.

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