Xiao Bai originally thought that Kudo Yusaku should be on America's side, but what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that Kudo Yusaku was not with America but with Neon.

But think about it, the reason why Yusaku Kudo was in America in the original plot was because America was the most powerful country in the world at that time, but now, it’s nothing like that!

After searching for a while, Xiao Bai discovered that Kudo Yusaku's whereabouts at this time were still quite secretive. Kudo Yusaku was more or less a celebrity in Neon, and his mystery novels also had many fans!

Under normal circumstances, it would make sense for the other party to be so secretive, but now Xiao Bai doesn't think that the other party is really that simple.

Especially when he knew that Kudo Yusaku and Mouri Kogoro were likely to be involved in the May 10th Incident, Xiao Bai felt that Kudo Yusaku's behavior was full of suspicion.

So in this situation, Xiao Bai approached Kudo Yusaku. Although Kudo Yusaku seemed to have no change in the sudden appearance of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai clearly noticed that Kudo Yusaku was seeing him. At that moment, my emotions fluctuated. It was a feeling of shock and disbelief that I would be found.

"It seems like you were surprised that I found you."

Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku and said calmly, while Kudo Yusaku pretended to be relaxed and said:"I'm just curious, what do you want from me?"

"Originally, I was just doubtful. Now I am basically sure that you have a problem. Kudo

Yusaku looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and pretended to be relaxed and said:"I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku and said calmly:"You have a beautiful wife and a lively and lovely son. Why bother to throw everything you have into it for some completely unnecessary things? Why bother?" ,Am I right! Kudo Yusaku's expression did not change at all, and he said to Xiao Bai:"I don't know what you are talking about.

Leave my house now or I will call the police!""

"So please do as you please. If you want to call the police, you are welcome to call the police!"

Kudo Yusaku looked ugly, looking at Xiao Bai in front of him with a hint of anger and a hint of murderous intent in his eyes!

"Do you want to kill me? However, I would like to remind you that you must be well prepared before taking action, because if you lose, the consequences will be quite serious. I have never understood what it means to be merciful. Once you take action, you will die. A beautiful wife may end up with someone else. If another man comes along and sleeps with your wife, lives in your house, spends your money, and beats your son, I don’t know if you can handle it!"

Kudo Yusaku's face was extremely ugly. Xiao Bai was clearly threatening.

"Okay, now you only have two choices. The first choice is to tell me the whereabouts of Kogoro Mori. The other choice is for me to take you back and interrogate you slowly and carefully. I believe I can let someone pry your mouth open. open."

Kudo Yusaku's face changed drastically, and then he immediately took out a pistol from his arms and fired several shots at Xiao Bai. Like Mouri Kogoro's bullets, Xiao Bai felt threatened!

This time, Xiao Bai did not hide but He directly used a knife to chop the bullet, and the bullet was split in half by Daxia Longque and fell to the ground.

Looking at Kudo Yusaku, Xiao Bai sighed and said,"It's a pity that you made a wrong choice. I didn't know Who will benefit from a beauty like Fujimine Yukiko in the future?"

Xiao Bai's eyes narrowed and murderous intent overflowed from his body. In just an instant, Kudo Yusaku's arm holding the gun was separated from his body! The severe pain made Kudo Yusaku scream.

Xiao Bai moved toward him step by step. Kudo Yusaku walked over:"I think it's best for you to tell me. Otherwise, in order to avoid any accidents, I will cut off all your limbs and then smash all your teeth. Of course, you don't want to Thinking about committing suicide by taking poison, I can save you even if you die!"

If you want to ask Xiao Bai why he didn't transform Kudo Yusaku into a Faceless Man, the reason is very simple. If Kudo Yusaku transforms into a Faceless Man now, wouldn't he have nothing to play with? That would be too boring!

Meet Kudo Yusaku Indifferent, Xiao Bai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly!

"You don't even know if this is possible, but you have to force me and your wife to do something in front of you to make you happy?"

Xiao Bai really can't understand that Kudo Yusaku is really so loyal, and he doesn't want to say anything like this?

"Kudo Yusaku, you really deserve to die!"

Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku in front of him and let out a long sigh. He was unwilling to seize the opportunity given to him. Even when Xiao Bai revealed that he was playing with his wife in front of him, Kudo Yusaku was able to remain silent. How could it be that he remained silent? Is this Kudo Yusaku actually a green turtle?

He complained silently in his heart. Xiao Bai mentioned Kudo Yusaku and was about to leave. As for what happened to Kudo Yukiko in front of Kudo Yusaku, this kind of Xiao Bai still couldn't do it. Although Xiao Bai was not a good person, he wouldn't do such a thing..........

But unfortunately, just when Xiao Bai was about to leave with Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko came in with Kudo Shinichi.

However, after seeing the scene inside, the shopping bag Fujimine Yukiko was holding Falling to the ground in an instant, Kudo Shinichi stared at Xiao Bai, as if looking for an opportunity to launch an anesthetic needle!

"What a coincidence. Since you are back by chance, come with me!"

Xiao 5.5 Bai looked at Kudo Shinichi, Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi and said with a smile!

At the same time, he pressed the big summer dragon on Kudo Yusaku's neck:"Of course you can refuse, but if you refuse, I will There is no guarantee that something pleasant will happen. If I threaten you with Kudo Yusaku, will you accept the threat? For example, if you act like a husband in front of Kudo Yusaku?"

Fujimine Yukiko glared at Xiao Bai, Xiaobai shrugged and said to Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi:"Now I give you a chance to walk through that door honestly, otherwise I will chop it down. Kudo Yusaku one hand!"

Xiao Bai gestured to the location of the arbitrary door and said to Kudo Shinichi and Fujimine Yukiko.

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