The eyes of Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi were full of anger when they saw Xiao Bai. Kudo Yusaku's face turned pale when Xiao Bai was holding him in his hand. Kudo Yusaku, who had broken a hand and was bleeding profusely, now felt weak all over.

The blood dripped to the ground. Xiao Bai looked at Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi and said calmly:"Now you can slowly make a choice, whether to pass or not, until Kudo Yusaku's blood dries up. , you all have time to make a choice."

After hearing this sentence, Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi's expressions changed suddenly, and their hearts were filled with anger towards Xiao Bai but they had no choice but to agree to Xiao Bai.

If he doesn't agree, then Kudo Yusaku will definitely die.

Kudo Shinichi and Fujimine Yukiko walked towards the other door step by step. The last two people walked into the arbitrary door.

Then Xiao Bai walked in carrying Kudo Yusaku.

After that, Xiao Bai withdrew the door and said to Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi:"You can do what I'm doing now. I want to ask Kudo Yusaku some questions. If he doesn't speak well, then you will suffer!"

Seeing Xiao Bai's gaze, Fujimine Yukiko looked a little ugly but said nothing, but Kudo Shinichi couldn't see the situation at all and glared at Xiao Bai:"What do you want to do!"

"It depends on whether your father cooperates. If your father doesn't cooperate, he may only be able to expose your mother!"

Kudo Shinichi's eyes turned red instantly when he looked at Xiao Bai. He just wanted to tear Xiao Bai into pieces and feed them to the dogs.

Xiao Bai didn't care. He looked at Kudo Yusaku and said,"Tell me your true identity. And your relationship with Kogoro Mori!"

Xiao Bai asked Kudo Yusaku calmly. Kudo Yusaku really closed his eyes and ignored Xiao Bai at all.

Xiao Bai didn't care and said to Kudo Yusaku:"Then choose one, son or wife!"

Xiao Bai asked Kudo Yusaku with a bad expression, but Kudo Yusaku still didn't answer. Xiao Bai glanced at it and then locked his eyes on Kudo Shinichi.

"Since you don't answer, then let me make the choice for you. Then Kudo Shinichi, if Kudo Yusaku doesn't answer one of my questions, I will chop off one of your fingers. When the finger is gone, Toes, after your toes are finished, go to your third leg, finally your arms, your legs, and then your head. Kudo

Shinichi's expression suddenly changed, and Fujimine Yukiko's expression also changed suddenly as she looked at Xiao Bai:"If you have any questions, come at me!" Xiao

Bai looked at Fujimine Yukiko and said calmly:"You should be happy that I didn't touch you. Why do you still want me to do it to you?" Xiao

Bai laughed meaningfully:"By the way, there could be something wrong with Kudo Yusaku, right?" Otherwise, how could you let me attack you?"


Kudo Shinichi cursed angrily and rushed towards Xiao Bai. A faint cold light flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes and he directly swung the sword of the building dragon bird in his hand.

"ah!!! Kudo

Shinichi screamed and then covered the place where his finger was cut off and screamed. Kudo Yusaku opened his eyes and took a look. His eyes were full of resentment towards Xiao Bai, but then he closed his eyes again.

But even though his son had one of his fingers cut off, Kudo Yusaku gritted his teeth and refused to speak. Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai gave Kudo Yusaku a thumbs up:"Very good, I admire you for being such a real man. In that case, let us continue. It doesn't matter. Your son still has 9 fingers and 10 toes. Let's take our time. It's still the same question as before, your true identity. And what is the relationship with Mouri Kogoro."

Kudo Yusaku still didn't speak. Seeing this, Xiao Bai didn't care and said to Kudo Shinichi:"Come and stretch out your hand. Don't worry, it's just a finger."

When Kudo Shinichi heard Xiao Bai's words, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes!

However, Xiao Bai did say to Kudo Shinichi:"If you want to blame it, blame your father. Who makes him unwilling to say it, so I have no choice but to blame you? I have taken action, but don't worry, I am a measured person, my knife is very fast, it only hurts for a moment."

Kudo Shinichi almost cursed. What is a momentary pain? I don't know whether it hurts after being chopped?

Kudo Shinichi, who was missing a finger, cursed in his heart, but he was obviously unwilling. Reach out your hand

"If you don't reach out, I might just be able to chop off your entire hand. It would be very unsightly!"

Kudo Shinichi looked at the demon in front of him, gritting his teeth in his heart and his hatred for Xiao Bai had already reached the sky.

"Now I give you one last chance. If you stretch out your hand and lose one finger, or if you don’t reach out at all, let me chop off your entire hand!"

Kudo Shinichi looked at Kudo Yusaku, hoping that Kudo Yusaku could answer Xiao Bai's question, but

Kudo Yusaku, on the other hand, closed his eyes tightly and refused to see all this.

Seeing this scene, Kudo Shinichi had anger in his eyes. Kudo Shinichi couldn't understand why his father didn't want to say anything.

On the side, Fujimine Yukiko was also angry. 157 Looking at Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko shouted to Kudo Yusaku:"Tell me, why don't you want to say it? Do you want to see this Shinichi be killed?""?"

Kudo Yusaku didn't open his eyes. Obviously Kudo Yusaku didn't intend to speak for this kind of thing. Seeing this scene, Fujimine Yukiko looked at Kudo Yusaku with anger and disappointment in his eyes.

Then Fujimine Yukiko said to Xiao Bai:"If you have any problem, come at me, don't hurt Shinichi!"

Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Shinichi:"I heard your mother said so, for your mother's sake, be tougher"Hurry up and stretch out your hand. Do you really want your mother to be fucked by me?"

Kudo Shinichi gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Bai.

"If you keep staring at me, I'll dig out your eyes first!"

Kudo Shinichi lowered his head and gritted his teeth without speaking, but did not take any action. Seeing this scene, Xiao Bai shook his head and looked at Teng Feng Yukiko:"Look, neither your husband nor your son has any courage and courage. Take responsibility."

Fujimine Yukiko's face was a little ugly, but she didn't say anything more:"You don't have to continue to sow discord. If you have any problem, come at me!"

"Do you know what will happen if I attack you?"

Xiao Bai sneered.

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