Strictly speaking, Xiao Bai was not good at interrogation, so Xiao Bai did not continue to interrogate Kudo Yusaku himself, but handed it over to other people.

There are professionals conducting the interrogation. Xiao Bai believes that Kudo Yusaku will tell everything soon. After all, Xiao Bai does not believe that Kudo Yusaku has received professional anti-interrogation training.

And not to mention that Kudo Shinichi, Kudo Yusaku's only son, is in his hands. Kudo Yusaku will definitely say it in the end.

But what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that Xiao Bai received another piece of information. Kudo Yusaku actually had an illegitimate child outside. No wonder Kudo Yusaku didn't care about Kudo Shinichi's life and death. It turned out that Masahara wanted to die. One Kudo Shinichi had other illegitimate children.

When Xiao Bai got this information, he felt a little surprised and surprised. Yusaku Kudo and his beautiful wife Fujimine Yukiko were actually having an affair outside. It was incredible!

But it seems normal when you think about it. There are so many girls around Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai still falls in love with each one, so Xiao Bai is not qualified to say anything about Kudo Yusaku!

Who wouldn’t want a pretty girl, and who wouldn’t want to hang out with a pretty girl!

It’s just that Xiao Bai is thinking about telling this matter to Fujimine Yukiko. If Fujimine Yukiko knew that Kudo Yusaku had an illegitimate child outside 620, then he would probably be able to understand why Kudo Yusaku didn’t care about Kudo Shinichi. Well, I just don’t know if Fujimine Yukiko will want to kill Kudo Yusaku after knowing this.

Xiao Bai directly handed this information to Fei Yingli, and asked Fei Yingri to give it to Fujimine Yukiko!

After getting this piece of information, Fujimine Yukiko looked at Fei Eri in disbelief!

"This is fake, right? This must be fake, and it was used to deceive me!"

The expression on Fujimine Yukiko's face became a little ferocious. Looking at Fujimine Yukiko's appearance, Fei Eri felt some sympathy.

Fujimine Yukiko couldn't accept the fact that Kudo Yu had cheated!

But this also made Fujimine Yukiko aware Now, why is Kudo Yusaku so indifferent? No wonder Kudo Yusaku can watch Kudo Shinichi’s fingers being cut off and remain indifferent. No wonder Kudo Yusaku can see Fujimine Yukiko being taken away by Xiao Bai without any emotion! It turns out that the reason for all this is Because Kudo Yusaku has other women and illegitimate children outside!

Fei Eri looked at Fujimine Yukiko and really didn’t know what to say. Now Fei Eri also understands Fujimine Yukiko’s emotions! It was Fei Eri now I'm afraid they all want to kill Kudo Yusaku with a gun!

Fujimine Yukiko looked at Fei Yingri and said:"I want to see that Xiao Bai!""

Fei Yingli glanced at Fujimine Yukiko and frowned slightly. Fei Yingli didn't want Fujimine Yukiko to do something bad under irrational circumstances.

"Yukiko, you are quite irrational now. Calm down first, and I will help you contact Xiao Bai later!"

Fujimine Yukiko said to Fei Yingli:"I am very calm now!!"

Calm down, calm down. Seeing Fujimine Yukiko looking like she might go berserk at any time, Fei Yingli couldn't tell where Fujimine Yukiko had lost her composure. Now Fujimine Yukiko looks like she's going to go berserk at any time. Exploding bombs are the same.

Not only will they blow others to pieces, they will also blow themselves to pieces!

As a good friend, Fei Eri cannot just watch this kind of thing happen.

Fujimine Yukiko wants to say something else, but Fei Eri But he didn't give her any chance at all.

The most serious Yukiko Fujimine was silent. Yukiko Fujimine's eyes were filled with the anger of being betrayed. Yukiko Fujimine couldn't understand why Yusaku Kudo behaved like this. Yukiko Fujimine couldn't understand at all. Is there anything I did wrong?

Not at all. After marrying Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko (cife) has been a good wife and mother, but Kudo Yusaku betrayed Fujimine Yukiko.

Today's Fujimine Yukiko Full of resentment towards Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko just wanted to ask why Kudo Yusaku treated her like this, but now that Kudo Yusaku is in Xiao Bai's hands, Fujimine Yukiko must go through it if she wants to see Kudo Yusaku. Xiao Bai!

The only one who can contact Xiao Bai is Fei Yingli. If Fei Yingli is not willing to help her, then Fujimine Yukiko will not be able to contact Xiao Bai at all.

"I just want to ask for an answer, help me! Fei

Yingli looked at Fujimine Yukiko and said helplessly:"Let me contact you and give it a try. I can't guarantee whether it will work or not!""

Fei Yingli started to contact Xiao Bai. When the call was quickly connected, Xiao Bai's voice came from the other end of the phone:"It was Fujimine Yukiko who asked you to make this call, right?"

"Since you guessed it, tell me the answer directly and stop nagging!"

Xiao Bai heard Fei Yingli's tone and knew that Fei Yingli had figured out his purpose. He smiled and then said:"I want to know if Kudo Yusaku knows about this, will he be honest? Tell everything honestly"

"Of course, I think there is a high probability that Kudo Yusaku will not say this because of Fujimine Yukiko. It is just an attempt, and there is no loss to me. Fei

Yingli couldn't help complaining:"If you let others lose your feelings for you, you won't lose anything, right?""

"If you want to blame it, it’s Yukiko Fujimine’s fault for choosing the wrong person. Yukiko Fujimine chose Yusaku Kudo, so Yukiko Fujimine will have to pay the price for her choice!"

Fujimine Yukiko snatched Fei Yingli's mobile phone over there:"I want to meet Kudo Yusaku. No matter what you want to do, I can cooperate with you. I just want an answer. With Kudo Yusaku's What betrayal to me!"

Fei Yingli looked at Nanfang Yukiko with a wry smile. Now Fujimine Yukiko has obviously lost her mind.

"Okay, since you want to see Kudo Yusaku, then come over."

A door appeared in front of Fujimine Yukiko. Fujimine Yukiko opened the door without saying a word and walked in.

Looking at Fujimine Yukiko walking through the door, Fei Yingli had a feeling that she might have sex with Fujimine Yukiko in the future. I feel like a sister, I hope it’s just my illusion!.

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