Fujimine Yukiko crossed the arbitrary door and looked at Kudo Yusaku with a hint of unspeakable anger in her eyes:"Kudo Yusaku, answer me if you have an illegitimate child outside!"

Kudo Yusaku raised his head and looked. At first glance, Fujimine Yukiko didn't seem to expect that Fujimine Yukiko would know about this.

But Fujimine Yukiko was unable to get an answer from Kudo Yusaku. Kudo Yusaku's silence made Fujimine Yukiko even more angry!

"What did I do wrong to let you have an affair outside? Tell me the reason why Kudo Yusaku betrayed me!"

Kudou Shinichi saw his parents like this and wanted to defend his father, but now Fujimine Yukiko can't even listen to what Kudo Shinichi said.

Now they have Tinfoil just wanted to know why Yusaku Kudo betrayed him, and what he did not do well enough to make Yusaku Kudo treat him like this!

Xiao Bai added jealously:"This is not simple, of course it is because you are not passionate enough. , I saw that the mistress Kudo Yusaku found all over her body revealed one important point, that is, it is enough to burn!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai took out a photo and threw it to Fujimine Yukiko. Fujimine Yukiko just looked at the woman on the photo, with fire almost coming out of her eyes. She actually lost to her. Such a woman!

Looking at Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko asked Kudo Yusaku:"Is this the reason? On the other hand ,

Kudo Shinichi quickly said to Fujimine Yukiko:"Mom, how can you believe this bastard? Dad must have been wronged!""

"Being wronged? Would he not say a word if he was wrongly accused? If you are wrongly accused, people have already obtained the paternity test report. Is this wrong?"

Fujimine Yukiko stared at Kudo Shinichi. Kudo Shinichi opened his mouth and had nothing to say. He looked at Kudo Yusaku with eyes that seemed to be asking what should be done.

Kudo Yusaku naturally did not answer this question. He just responded with indifference, Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku and shook his head and said:"You are really a cruel guy. You have two sons in my hands and you are still unwilling to speak. Is it possible that there is a third one? I'm not in a hurry, I'll look for it slowly, but I want to see how many illegitimate children you have!"

Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but grit his teeth secretly. Xiao Bai's words were undoubtedly a slap in the face!

His father's illegitimate son

Kudo Shinichi was a little furious when he heard this, let alone Fujimine Yukiko!

There is actually more than one!!!

Fujimine Yukiko stared at Kudo Yusaku, but Kudo Yusaku remained calm and silent as if nothing had happened.

Fujimine Yukiko had a look of extreme anger on her face, and Kudo Yusaku didn't even want to give an explanation?

Xiao Bai watched from the side and couldn't help but sigh that Kudo Yusaku is a ruthless person, and he can actually be indifferent to this.

Seeing the look of Kudo Yusaku in the ventilation room, he completely gave up. He looked directly at Xiao Bai next to him:"You have done so much, don't you just want me? I promise you, let Kudo Xin Once I leave, you can do whatever you want to me in the future."

Xiao Bai looked at Fujimine Yukiko and sneered:"You seem to overestimate yourself too much. You think that everything I do is just for you, so you can only say You really overestimate yourself!"

A dull look appeared on Fujimine Yukiko's face, while Xiao Bai patted Fujimine Yukiko on the shoulder and said,"The reason why I do these things is just because I want to see Let's see if Kudo Yusaku will honestly tell me everything I want to know. As for you, I really don't have that idea. Is Eri worse than you?"

Fujimine Yukiko's face turned green and white. Fujimine Yukiko thought that Xiao Bai did all this just to let herself take the initiative to have a relationship with Xiao Bai, but now she was directly slapped in the face, and the face was slapped!

"Since you are fine, you can leave now. For the sake of Yingli, I will not pursue your case, but it is only limited to you alone. Now you can leave!"

Fujimine Yukiko wanted to say something more, but Xiao Bai still said with a smile but in an extremely cold tone:"You have to continue to give me a face, don't let this face fall to the ground!"

Fujimine Yukiko felt the indifference in Xiao Bai's tone but still wanted to say something. Xiao Bai just glanced at Fujimoto Yukiko lightly. In an instant, Fujimine Yukiko felt a boundless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood coming towards her face! Her expression was He suddenly became pale and staggered, almost sitting on the ground.

Xiao Bai stepped forward and supported Fujimine Yukiko:"Then get out of here!"

Xiao Bai said that this brought Yukiko Fujimine to any door, and then opened another door and pushed Yukiko Fujimine through. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Afterwards,

Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku And Kudo Shinichi said:"Okay, now it's almost time to really ask."

Xiao Bai opened the door for you, and not long after, several people walked through the door:"I don't want to know the process, I just want the result, pry open his mouth."


Xiao Bai also opened the door and left, leaving these individuals to ask Kudo Yusaku. As for whether he can pry Kudo Yusaku's mouth open, Xiao Bai really has no doubts. Jin Yiwei has many ways to pry open people's mouths. No one can survive the interrogation of Jin Yiwei.

Xiao Bai comes back to Fei Yingri's side. At this time, Fei Yingri is comforting Fujimine Yukiko!

"What have you done."

Fei Yingli looked at Xiao Bai and was a little annoyed. What had Xiao Bai done? Why did Yukiko Fujimine seem to have lost her soul when she came back?

"I didn't do anything, so don't accuse me unjustly. Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Fei Yingli didn't quite believe it, but anyway, Fei Yingli glanced at Xiao Bai and said:"

Yukiko has nothing to do with this matter, don't involve Yukiko!""

"It depends on whether she is smart or not. If she is stupid, what can I do if she joins in?"

Xiao Bai spread his hands. As long as Tengfeng Yukiko doesn't stupidly get involved, Xiao Bai will naturally not do anything to Tengfeng Yukiko, but if the opposite is true, then Xiao Bai will not show mercy.

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