After knowing the cause, Fei Yingli also smiled bitterly. Of course, what can be done is to leave it alone. Xiao Bai did not do anything to Fujimine Yukiko, but Xiao Bai did everything. This can be said to be cruel. The dignity of Fujimine Yukiko was cruelly trampled under her feet.

Who can bear it? At this time, Fujimine Yukiko was not only betrayed by her husband, but also had all her dignity trampled under her feet by Xiao Bai. It was good that she didn't collapse just like this..

However, as a good friend, Fei Yingli naturally could not look at Fujimine Yukiko sitting there like a wooden figure.

She glanced at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai was completely indifferent, as if she didn't see anything. Fei Yingli rolled her eyes fiercely and followed"870" and then gestured to Xiao Bai. Bai was indifferent again, and finally Concubine Yingli couldn't bear it anymore and walked forward directly.

"You should deal with whatever you caused!"

"Please, if I don't do anything to her, it's all for your sake. Is it possible that you really want me to pick her up? That's not a pure joke!"

Fei Yingli was speechless. She glanced at Fujimine Yukiko but didn't know what to say!"

"If you can really recover Yukiko, I don't think it matters even if you pick her up!"

"Do I think there is such a thing? This makes it seem like I'm dealing with Kudo Yusaku just for her sake. Don't I want to lose face? Moreover, the current Yukiko Fujimine has a bad background. Who knows if she is just pretending. Can you guarantee that Yukiko Fujimine will have no problems?"

Fei Yingli bit it and couldn't guarantee it. Although Fujimine Yukiko said that there seems to be no problem now, Fei Yingli couldn't guarantee that there would be no problem if Yukiko was there, so she could only keep silent in the face of Xiao Bai's inquiry.!

"Otherwise, you can transform Yukiko into your dependent. Once she becomes your dependent, you don’t need to worry about anything!"

Xiao Bai's family members are absolutely unable to resist Xiao Bai, so Fei Yingli proposed such a method, but Xiao Bai looked at Fei Yingli and said,"I won't do this." matter."

Fei Yingli was speechless. Xiao Bai was really stubborn at some point! Fujimine

Yukiko next to her looked at Fei Yingli and Xiao Bai with expressions on their faces that were a little speechless. When you said these words Can you avoid me as a client? You don’t avoid the client when discussing conspiracies now, right?

Fei Yingli noticed Fujimine Yukiko’s eyes and laughed twice, then said to Tengmine Yukiko:"This is for you is the best choice!"

Fujimine Yukiko sneered and looked at Fei Yingli:"You are not planning to plot against me!"

Xiao Bai sneered when he heard this, and then said to Fei Yingli:"Okay, I won't sit here anymore, lest some narcissistic woman at that time think that I am greedy for her. Body!"

Fujimine Yukiko probably thought that all the shinobi would covet her body. She was really confident. Although she was beautiful, Xiao Bai didn't tolerate her.

Then Xiao Bai used any door to leave, leaving behind Fujimine Yukiko and the concubine. Yingli.

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Fujimine Yukiko was silent again. She had misunderstood again for leaving so simply.

Looking at Fujimine Yukiko's appearance, Feiyingli said speechlessly:"Okay now, just leave The man was so angry that he ran away!"

Fujimine Yukiko glanced at Fei Yingli and snorted coldly and said:"It's better to leave, otherwise I'm worried that he will plot against me!"

After hearing what Fujimine Yukiko said, Fei Yingli gave a decisive thumbs up, very good!

"So I hope you won’t regret your choice today!"

Fujimine Yukiko rolled her eyes fiercely at the person in front of her. Fei Eri decided that she shouldn't meddle in other people's business. As long as she didn't meddle in other people's business, she wouldn't be slapped in the face.

However, Fei Eri didn't say anything anymore. Instead, she became curious. Who is Xiao Bai? What is the relationship between Xiao Bai and Fei Yingli? These things made Fujimine Yukiko very curious!

"Yingli, what is the relationship between you and this boy?"

Looking at Fei Yingri, Fujimine Yukiko asked what the relationship between Xiao Bai and Fei Yingri was. According to Fujimine Yukiko's understanding of Fei Yingri, it shouldn't be that kind of relationship!

"It’s the kind of relationship you want!"

Hearing these words, Fujimine Yukiko fell silent. Looking at the number one in front of her, she expressed that she could not understand............

"That boy should be about the same age as Xiaolan!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The implication is that you are already a mother at your age, and the two of you can actually have an affair. Fei Yingli's expression suddenly darkened.

Looking at it , In front of him, Fujimine Yukiko's concubine Eri said with a dark face:"It's none of your business!

Fujimine Yukiko stared in disbelief and said,"You actually said dirty words!" Fei

Yingli snorted and ignored Fujimine Yukiko, but said to Fujimine Yukiko:"You should think about it carefully now, what is your situation now, and say something unpleasant about you now at any time." They are all likely to be implicated by Kudo Yusaku. He will not show mercy to his enemy Xiao Bai, even for a beautiful woman like you!"

Fujimine Yukiko was silent for a moment.

What Feiyingli said makes sense, but what can Fujimine Yukiko do?

"If you had just agreed to become his 2.6 dependent, then this matter might have turned around, but it's a pity that you refused!"

Fujimine Yukiko:???

"Okay, until the matter is settled, just stay here honestly. As for other things, don’t think too much, otherwise you will get involved too!"

Fujimine Yukiko was silent!

"Otherwise, would you call Xiao Bai back? Fei

Yingli rolled her eyes directly:"You are still unwilling to miss me now. Go to sleep. I will help you next time I have a chance. Just becoming his dependent can make you immortal and stay young and beautiful, and even Is it possible to gain great power, but you need to be his woman?"

"There's no reason to refuse, right? Kudo Yusaku betrayed me first!".

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