Xiao Bai didn't know what Nayako's purpose was, but Xiao Bai knew one thing. Nayako deliberately destroyed the Kyushu barrier, so there was no need for Nayako to live.

"Hehe, this has nothing to do with me. The most good thing Yog-Sothoth has done is to help him hide it!"

Nayako looked at Xiao Bai and said with a smile, but Xiao Bai's eyes gradually became cold. Now that it has been determined that this matter has something to do with Nayako, Xiao Bai has no intention of staying like that. idea

"Go get the Legendary Kitchenware, or die if you don't get it."

After realizing that Xiao Bai was coming, Nayako suddenly burst into tears. Nayako wanted to plead again, but Xiao Bai had no intention of paying attention to it.

In the end, Nayako had no choice but to leave. Then according to Xiao Bai's request, he went to Yog-Sothoth to obtain the last legendary kitchen utensil.

But before Nayako took action, Xiao Bai couldn't see countless glorious spheres appearing in front of him. Xiao Bai was cold He snorted:"Come out, you're here for me, why don't you come out and see me?""

A radiant body appeared in front of Xiao Bai. Looking at this radiant body, Xiao Bai groaned and said:"The last legendary kitchen utensil is in your hands, how can I get it?"

"If you pass my test, you can get this last legendary kitchen utensil.~"

The meaning conveyed by the other party made Xiao Bai feel a little interesting.

"What is the purpose of your so-called test on me all this time!"

It seems that Xiao Bai and Yog-Sothoth have always been tested by each other. What is the other's purpose? It can't be because they are awesome to him!

I really can't figure out what Yog-Sothoth is. Why does Xiao Bai find trouble for himself again and again? Xiao Bai doesn't remember any hatred between himself and the other party. The only thing that may cause conflict is the Black Goat Mother Goddess. Xiao Bai is just an ordinary contractual relationship. It can't really be true. It's because Xiao Bai made a living contract with Black Goat, so this attracted the other party's attention, right?

"You will naturally know after you pass the test!"

"What test? I don't have time now!"

The current Xiao Bai will not take the evil gods of the evil system lightly. Nayako signed a contract with himself and even played the contract to trick him. Now Xiao Bai is very suspicious of Yog-Sothoth. Find out what you want to do, and whether you want to trick yourself.

If the other party’s so-called test takes you too much time, for example, a day inside and a year outside, then Xiao Bai will be tricked to death.

"The last test for you is to find the legendary kitchen utensil I hid!"

"You're kidding me? The world is so big, where can I go to find it, and it was hidden by you on purpose!"

"Then if you look for it, nature will give you some clues. As long as you can find the legendary kitchen utensils through these clues, you will have passed this assessment."

After Xiao Bai listened to what the other party said, he was slightly silent.

"Tell me what the clue is!"

"You can see it, but you can't see it. It's in front of you, but it's not in front of you. In fact, it's already in your hands!"

Listening to the clues Yog-Sothoth told, Xiao Bai's mind began to work rapidly, trying to find where this legendary kitchen utensil was hidden as soon as possible.

But Yog-Sothoth obviously It is not so easy for Xiao Bai to find this legendary kitchen utensil. Xiao Bai has no choice but to ask other people for help. Strictly speaking, Xiao Bai is not a smart person. Since he can't guess When it comes out, let your own smart people guess and the other party will definitely be able to guess it. Then you have to let the other party tell you the answer.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Bai asked other people, but it was a pity that he got the result. But it was the same. They couldn't guess where Yog-Sothoth hid the legendary kitchen utensils for a while. If they couldn't guess, they would think about it slowly. They would definitely be able to guess it in the end, and Xiao Bai doesn’t necessarily have to put all his hopes on this.

"If I can't destroy the legendary kitchen utensil in three days, then I will completely destroy this legendary kitchen utensil!"

Regarding what Yog-Sothoth said, Xiao Bai's expressionless expression was as if he didn't care about the legendary kitchen utensils at all. But those who know Xiao Bai know that Xiao Bai definitely doesn't care. On the contrary, Xiao Bai cares too much about it. , and care to a certain extent

"So look for it!"

Xiao Bai ignored the other party, thinking in his mind what Yog-Sothoth meant.

Suddenly Xiao Bai looked at Nayako, and Xiao Bai's intuition told Xiao Bai about the last legendary kitchen utensil and Nayako. I'm afraid there is no way to escape the relationship, so Xiao Bai's eyes are fixed on the other party.

"The last piece of legendary kitchenware shouldn't be on your body!

Nayako laughed dryly:"How could it be!""

Nayako's performance made Xiao Bai more and more suspicious. It was just a casual comment at first, but now Xiao Bai's suspicion has come true.

"Master, would you believe me if I said this was a misunderstanding?"

Xiao Bai looked at the situation in front of him with a hint of coldness in his eyes:"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the legendary kitchen utensils."

Seeing Xiao Bai's look, Nayazi showed an innocent look on her face

"Since you won't give it, I'll do it myself!"

Xiao Bai took out Daxia Longque, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes. Nayako would have been killed 800 times by Xiao Bai if he hadn't left it before. Of course, the main reason was because Xiao Bai might kill him. No, after all, this is Naiyatlatip's clone. Although it seems to have been abandoned now, this is just what the other party said. If Xiao Bai believes what the other party says, then it is really a ghost.

"I'll give it. Isn't it okay if I give it?"

When she saw Xiao Bai coming, Nayako immediately screamed. If this bastard Xiao Bai came, it would be terrible for him. Xiao Bai wanted to kill him. It was no longer a matter of a day or two.

Nayako started from himself She took out a pot from under her skirt and threw it directly to Xiao Bai. This pot was the Jade Dragon Pot, but

Xiao Bai's face was ugly, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent when he looked at Nayako!.

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