Although what Xiao Bai got was a Jade Dragon Pot, it was completely contaminated. An evil dragon flew out of the Jade Dragon Pot in Xiao Bai's hand.

Looking at Naiyako and Xiao Bai holding the Daxia Dragon Bird tightly in his hand, Naiyako felt the killing intent in Xiao Bai and then trembled and said:"This matter has nothing to do with me, please forgive me." , please let me go!"

Xiao Bai, who was looking at Nayakko shivering, reached out and touched Nayako's head:"Don't worry, my knife is very fast, please be patient!"

Nayako shivered even more after hearing this. Get up, are you kidding? Who would want to die if nothing happens? Isn’t it good to live?

Not to mention that Nayako's life after leaving Nayatolatipu was so comfortable that he almost let himself go. That is to say, the"740" Nayako contract is still in Xiao Bai's hands, otherwise Nayako was about to reach heaven.

But Xiao Bai's murderous intention was determined at this moment. Nayako's head was separated from her body with a flash of the knife in his hand. However, the opponent's head was separated from his body but he did not die!

"Wow, you actually did it, so cruelly!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes, and then the Daxia Dragon Bird sword in his hand flashed. Nayako's head and body were chopped into pieces by Xiao Bai!

But Nayako still didn't die like this, Xiao Bai Snapping his fingers, countless monsters emerged from Xiao Bai's shadow at the next moment. These monsters ate all the pieces of Naiyako that were chopped up by Xiao Bai.

Then Xiao Bai took a hand that had been completely contaminated. The expression on the Jade Dragon Pot's face turned green and white, but in the end, I still took the pot to Narukami Taisha Shrine. No matter what, I still have to try it, just in case it succeeds. If it really does n't work, then just We can only give up the Kyushu barrier

"Is there any way to purify it?"

Looking at this evil-smelling Jade Dragon Pot, Platycodon grandiflorum showed a helpless look on its face:"It can't be done, it really can't be done!"

After hearing what Platycodon said, Xiao Bai was not surprised at all. Xiao Bai himself came to platycodon with the idea of ​​​​just in case, so when he heard this result, Xiao Bai was not surprised and just sighed with regret.

Xiao Bai He picked up the phone and informed Lucoa to stop. There was no need to continue to maintain the Kyushu barrier.

Lucoa on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and then said:"Okay!"

The next moment, Xiao Bai raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky seemed to be densely covered with cracks like a broken mirror. Then with the crisp sound of ping, the entire sky was completely shattered. No. , it should be said that the Kyushu barrier was completely shattered!

As the Kyushu barrier was shattered, this world completely lost its barrier. Next, Xiao Bai needs to let Ophis re-establish the cursed sister!

Oh! Although Faith's strength is not as strong as Lucoa's, Ophis's infinity means that there is no need to restore strength like Lucoa! It will take time to rebuild the Kyushu barrier. During this period, Xiao Bai didn't know what the situation would be, so at the same time, Xiao Bai also sent a text message to others, asking them to send their family members to the small garden as soon as possible. The small garden is not the world. It is an auxiliary space of this world. Without some special abilities, you cannot enter the small garden.

Those people can feel at ease in the small garden and do not need to worry about what will happen to them. At the same time, those people can A girl with no fighting ability was also sent to the small garden.

Suddenly, in Xiao Bai's consciousness, a message came from Shabu. The body of Naiyatlatip was about to come to this world, without the obstruction of the Kyushu barrier. , it is easy for Nyarlattip to enter this world.

Xiao Bai thought that the look on Nyarlattip's face was not very good-looking. Xiao Bai didn't know Nyarlattip's strength, but If nothing else happens, Naiatlatip will be very powerful.

Suddenly, he thought of one thing, that is, whether Shabu and the others can also come in real form.

Xiao Bai asked immediately, but

But soon the expression on Xiao Bai's face turned ugly. The reason was very simple. Xiao Bai got the answer. Although the Black Goat Mother Goddess and the others were said to be able to come, the final impact of too many foreign provinces coming to this world would be It is this world that will be transformed into an evil god0......

Just like those worlds occupied by evil gods, the people inside will become crazy one by one!

So if Xiao Bai doesn't mind, they can come in person!

Xiao Bai refused. Xiao Bai could not hope that the world would become like that.

In other words, Xiao Bai has to face Naiatlatip alone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fortunately, Xiao Bai has completed the task of collecting the legendary kitchen utensils, and now Xiao Bai has received all the task rewards.

After retrieving his memory, Xiao Bai realized one thing, that is, he might have to retrieve the system. As the first emperor of the Holy Emperor, he had a system, but this system disappeared. To be precise, it was destroyed by the Holy Emperor. Emperor Zong peeled it off and sealed it in Tushan.

And now, in order to deal with Naiatlatip who may come at any time, Xiao Bai must get back that system.

Only that system can give Xiaobai the power to fight against Nyarlatip.

After taking out any door and arriving at Tushan, Xiao Bai came under the bitterness tree, then took out a shovel and started digging.

Tu Shan Honghong brought her two younger sisters to Xiao Bai's 4.1

"Are you going to get that thing back?"

"Now I have no choice. Unless I get this thing back, there is no way I can deal with the next Naiatlatip."

Xiao Bai quickly dug out an iron box under the bitterness tree, and there was a spell on the iron box.

Then Xiao Bai cast a spell and opened the iron box!

A ball of light instantly reached Xiao's end. In Bai's body, and then in Xiao Bai's body, and then in Xiao Bai's mind, a voice came:"The daily sign-in system has been successfully activated. The system has been successfully bound. The system modules have been found to be integrated."

Xiao Bai exhaled, and then silently said:"Fusion!"

With the integration of Xiao Bai's silent thoughts, Xiao Bai's diary was integrated into the system at the next moment.

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