Xiao Bai himself did not expect that the diary would actually be a part of the system. After the diary was integrated, Xiao Bai discovered that the system's rewards for daily check-ins would no longer cause any harm to the world barrier.

In other words, as long as Xiao Bai checks in the system later, he doesn't need to worry about causing damage to the world barrier.

But now this thing came too late. If we had such ability back then, we wouldn’t have what we have today.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting the hairy crab!"

It's another food that captures the world's ingredients, but to be honest, Xiao Bai thinks it's not as important as improving his own strength. What Xiao Bai needs most now is a way to improve his strength, rather than getting these ingredients. , it’s a pity that these people are not at all influenced by Xiao Bai’s will.

"How about it? Tushan

Honghong asked Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai shook his head. 07"It doesn't have any effect yet. It will take some time!""

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Tushan Rongrong said:"It seems that the next period of time will be very busy!"

Tu Shan Rongrong and the others also expected that they would be very busy in the next period of time, and if nothing happens, there is a high probability that something will happen.

Xiao Bai shook his head without saying anything and glanced at Tu Shan Rongrong. The three of them said:"You will most likely need to work harder in the next period of time!"

Xiao Bai looked at the girls in front of him and said with some embarrassment. In the next time, it is very likely that the efforts of the Tushan sisters will be needed.

"We don't care about these things. You can just figure out how to compensate us later."

Mu Bai laughed twice, unable to respond to what Tu Shan Rongrong and the others said.

What can Xiao Bai do?

Of course Xiao Bai can only eat it cold.

"Well, I will try my best to find a way, and he will satisfy you when the time comes!"

"If you want to satisfy us, you know the easiest way!"

Tu Shan Yaya looked at Xiao Bai indifferently. Xiao Bai felt a little guilty about Tu Shan Yaya's gaze. What should he do after work? Tu Shan Yaya looked like she was not easy to mess with. Xiao Bai could only swallow his silence..

Let Tushan Yaya be proud for the time being, and Tushan Yaya will cry later. She cursed in her heart, and then Xiao Bai left decisively. After Xiao Bai left, Tushan Yaya Liuyi was a little dissatisfied. The voice sounded:"If you have any problem, just come to us, if you don't take care of us, you're just a bastard!" Tushan

Rongrong smiled and looked at Tushan Yaya and said,"Sister Yaya, are you jealous?" Tushan

Yaya's face turned dark and she looked at Tushan Rongrong:"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be jealous!""

Tu Shan Rongrong chuckled and did not refute Tu Shan Yaya at all. As a sister, how can we not understand Tu Shan Yaya's awkward character?

However, Tu Shan Rongrong had no intention of continuing to irritate his second sister.

Xiao Bai had just come back, but before his butt was even hot, he received all kinds of news.

Things from outside the world had begun to enter this world.

People kept reporting that murders had occurred, and these people were killed. The body of the dead person seemed to have been bitten by some wild beast, causing the body to become tattered.

However, according to the surveillance video, it was found that it was not a wild beast but some humans!

Knowing this, Xiao Bai instantly I realized that some creatures like ghouls might have appeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The appearance of these creatures shows that there are some more things in this world that did not exist before..

The murderer was soon found out. However, after catching the murderer, Xiao Bai found that he was a little bit over the head!

Kibutsuji Mukai!

Xiao Bai did not expect that what came was such a thing. He was caught The murderer is just a ghost created by the other party!


Xiao Bai was a little speechless, but fortunately, Xiao Bai created a Warcraft for ghosts through Warcraft Creation. This Warcraft can actively search for ghosts, and as long as it finds it, it can swallow it up.

If it weren't for this ghost's body, There is too little blood belonging to the Ghost King in it. Xiao Bai even wants to create a cursed monster to kill him directly? It's a pity that Oniwu Tsuji Mumei

In the following time, various troubles continued to occur, but fortunately, with the cooperation of Xiao Bai's side and the officials, there were no major problems.

The only difficult thing is that the ghost king who caused trouble for Xiao Bai is still alive, but Xiao Bai is not in a hurry. The other party will die soon. Various warcraft created by Warcraft are now all over Neon.

Even if this ghost king buries these monsters in the ground, he can dig them out.

Originally he thought it would just be like this, but Xiao Bai didn't expect a phone call to come to him.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka called Xiao Bai!

"I found the one!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bai was thinking about whether he should contact Horikita Suzune. If Horikita Suzune knew about this matter, she would definitely want to do it herself, but 560 Horikita Suzune's character would definitely cause trouble. So now Xiao Bai is hesitant whether he should tell Horikita Suzune about this matter.

After much deliberation, Xiao Bai feels that he should tell Horikita Suzune. After all, Horikita Suzune has suffered so much in order to be able to take revenge personally. Suffering, if Horikita Suzune is not with him now, I think Horikita Suzune will hate him for the rest of his life!

Xiao Bai took out the arbitrary door and then came to the back of the shrine.

"Stop for a moment, I want to take Horikita Suzune out!"

Xiao Bai said to Kikyo, and Kikyo nodded and called Horikita Suzune over.

"The murderer was found!"

Xiao Bai's words made Horikita Suzune's eyes light up instantly.

"You go change your clothes, and then"

"No need, we can go now."

The spiritual power on Horikita Suzune evaporated instantly and dried her clothes.

Xiao Bai looked at Horikita Suzune and couldn't help but sigh:"This talent is really powerful. Normally, it would not take several years to achieve this step. It's impossible to do it through training, but Horikita Suzune, you have achieved this step in a short period of time.

Horikita Suzune didn't care about this and said:"Then we can go now.""

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