Yae Shenzi A went up, and Yae Shenzi played GG.

As a great demon who has been around for more than 500 years, how could he be Xiao Bai's opponent? Not to mention that Xiao Bai was determined to give this fox a little good look. Naturally, this fox was under Xiao Bai's control. I didn't get even a single advantage in my hand.

Xiao Bai left the shrine with Yae Shenzi with a resentful look on his face.

Raiden Jin and Raiden Movie looked at Yae Kamiko with a smile and the smile on their faces never stopped.

After not seeing Yae Shenzi for hundreds of years, the character of Yae Shenzi changed, making both Raiden and Raiden Ying a little helpless.

With Raiden Shin and Raiden's character, he naturally wouldn't care too much about Yae Kamiko, so this also encouraged Yae Kamiko's arrogance.

But it would be different if it were Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai would not be used to the Eighth God Son. Although he would not say that he would beat the Eighth God Son, it was normal to teach the Eighth God Son a lesson.

Thunderbolt 08 Shadow looked at the angry Yae Shenzi:"Son of God, do you think Xiao Bai will spoil you? I don't think so, so if you die, don't implicate us."

Raiden Zhenze said lightly He smiled and looked at Yae Shenzi, and slightly poked Yae Shenzi's face with his finger:"You're pretty good this time. Next time, I think Xiao Bai will most likely turn you into a little fox. It looks like you will be in trouble when the time comes"

"Haha, who am I, the Eightfold Divine Son, afraid of?"

Looking at Yae Shenzi's appearance, how could Raiden Shin and Raiden not know Yae Shenzi's character? Even though Yae Shenzi seems to be fearless now, in fact Yae Shenzi is already a coward.

"Speaking of this girl, although her chest is a bit flat, her legs are still very beautiful. Xiao Bai must not do it just because of these legs!"

Yae Kamiko decisively changed the subject and looked at Tohsaka Rin's legs. The originator of leg play, these legs are natural.

Tohsaka Rin's legs are comparable to those of Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie. No more, only Yae Shenzi can resist a little bit.

"Don't worry so much, let's change this girl's clothes first. Xiao Bai was also careless and didn't even know that he had dried this girl's clothes."

"Do you think it's possible that Xiao Bai brought this girl over directly after he picked it up, without having any time in the middle?"

"I think it’s impossible. We still don’t know what kind of person Xiao Bai is. He is a pervert. What do you think a pervert would do? It must be to take advantage of this girl!"

Yae Shenzi said swornly, but Raiden Zhen and Raiden Movie knew very well that this girl Yae Shenzi was just avenging her private revenge.

What kind of person is Xiao Bai? Can Raiden Zhen and Raiden Movie not know?

But neither of them would argue with Yae Shenzi on this kind of issue. The more you argue with Yae Shenzi, the more excited she will be!

"I think there must be something unique about this girl. Otherwise, this girl may not be able to be brought back by Xiao Bai!"

Thunderbolt really looked at Tosaka Rin and said to himself. The lightning on Tohsaka Rin flashed, and the clothes on Tohsaka Rin's body were dried in an instant.

But looking at the white crystallized thunder and lightning on the girl's body was really exciting. I frowned and then I was sure it was salt.

"Fell into the sea? Are those just seawater? I'll take this girl to wash up, and I'll help you get some clothes ready!"

After saying that, it didn't matter that Yae Kamiko hugged Tohsaka Rin and left.


In a shopping mall in neon

"I didn't expect Xiao Bai to be the emperor of this world. It's really surprising!"

Yura said in amazement. After saying such words, Yula naturally obtained the diary. Under Shitori Sona's explanation, Yula finally understood Xiao Bai and sighed with emotion.

"It's okay, but for us, Xiao Bai is quite good, at least much better than most men. Compared to finding an ordinary person, I believe most women are willing to choose Xiao Bai!"

Yura didn't answer this question, obviously she didn't care about it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Have you ever thought about, if you could never return to your own world but had to spend your whole life in this world, would you choose to die alone or choose a partner? If you choose a partner, then you Who will you choose?"

Yura hesitated for a moment, seeming to think that what Shitori Sona said made some sense. However, Yura didn't know that Shitori Sona was simply changing the concept, and more importantly, what Yula did after coming to this world. The only male she came into contact with was Xiao Bai.

So when Shitori Sona said this, Yura naturally thought of Xiao Bai immediately.

However, Shitori Sona just stopped there and started asking Yura. their world

"What is the world like over there?"

When Yura was asked about her world, she thought for a moment and replied:"I don't know how to describe my world. After all, most of what I know is only the city of Mondstadt 990 where I am!"


"Yes, our world is composed of 7 countries ruled by seven gods. The city of Mondstadt where I am is a free city-state established by Lord Barbatos, the god of wind. In addition, there is the god of rock. Liyue was founded by the God of Thunder, Rice Wife was founded by the God of Thunder, Xumi was founded by the God of Grass, Fengdan was founded by the God of Water, Nata was founded by the God of Fire, and the Seven Kingdoms of Winter were founded by the God of Ice."

"Barbatos, one of the non-pillar demon gods?"

"Barbatos won the Demon God War, gained the authority of the Wind God, and founded the city of Mondstadt!"

Yura gave some overview of the Demon God War and the general situation of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat. Then Shitori Sona also told Yura about her own world.

"It's really magical. If I hadn't come to other worlds myself, I wouldn't have thought that the world outside of Teyvat would be so wonderful!"

Then Youla looked at the mobile phone that Cang Na used for payment:"Then what is this!"

Shitori Sona told Yura a series of functions of the mobile phone, and then helped Yura buy a blue chrysanthemum mobile phone.

"If you don’t know anything, you can consult through the mobile phone network"

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