Seeing Yula and Shitori Sona coming back with big bags and small bags, Xiao Bai poured a cup of tea for the two of them:"Sona, you have really good taste. This outfit highlights your figure without making people feel astringent." What followed? Xiao Bai looked at Youla again:"I have one thing to ask you, who is the God of Thunder in your world!"

Xiao Bai was very curious that he had summoned the Thunder God, Thunder Movie, and the Eightfold Son of God, so if there are others on the other side of Teyvat? Another Thor movie!

Upon hearing Xiao Bai's question, Youla answered honestly:"It's Balzebub.""

"Have you ever heard of the name Yae Shenzi?"

"Of course I have heard of the name of Yaegamiko, the grand priest of Inazuma Narukami Taisha Shrine. What questions do you have about asking this?"

Youla looked at Xiao Bai curiously and asked. Xiao Bai took out any door and said to Youla:"Let's go, you will understand what I mean when you see it with your own eyes!"

As Xiao Bai walked through any door, Yora saw the sacred cherry tree and then remembered that Xiao Bai had summoned Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie, which meant that what she had to face next was the god of Inazuma, but

Arriving at Narukami Taisha Shrine, Yura met Yae Shenzi, Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie!

"Welcome to this world, Yora Lawrence!"

Looking at the twin sisters in front of her, Yura's face showed a look of shock, and then she became completely Spartan after seeing the Yae Shenzi next to her.

Is there something wrong with this?

Xiao Bai summoned early The God of Thunder came out, so who is the God of Thunder in the world of Teyvat where she is?

She looked confused, but Yura still bowed slightly to Raiden Shin and Raiden:"Yura Lawrence has met Mr. Thunder God."

Later, Youla asked:"When did Mr. Thunder God come to this world?.?"

"Hundreds of years ago, as for Teyvat, we have no memory of that place, or we were just born and then were pulled into this world."

"So there is a high probability that we and Teyvat where you are are not actually in the same world!"

"In the words of this world, it is a parallel world. The world you and I are in should not be in the same world!"

When Youla heard this explanation, she felt a little regretful. If possible, Youla would also like to find out from Raiden Shin and Raiken Yin whether they can find a way to return to Teyvat.

What a pity!

But then Youla's mood changed. It feels a bit heavy. Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie have not been able to find a way to return to Teyvat for hundreds of years, so can they find it again?

As a human, Yula does not have a long life like Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie. , Yura will grow old in a few decades at most. If she doesn't find a way to return soon, she may really have to stay in this world for the rest of her life.

And according to what Shitori Sona said, now this The world barrier has been destroyed. Xiao Bai is rebuilding the world barrier. He can leave now, but it will be difficult to leave after the world barrier is established. Once the world barrier is established, the world will become like this It's like a prison, Laura Lawrence is filled with silence

"You don’t have to be too pessimistic, you may be able to find a solution soon."

Thunderbolt really comforted Youla, who smiled bitterly!

"Maybe it’s okay if I don’t go back. My disappearance may also be a good thing for the people of Mondstadt!"

Thinking about how disgusted she was in Mondstadt, Yora suddenly felt that maybe it would be a good thing not to go back.

"Don't hate yourself. No matter how many people hate you, there will eventually be people who like you and people who care about you. I dare say there are people in Mondstadt who don't hate you, right?"

The members of the Knights of the West Wind appeared in Yula's mind, and then she thought of the red rabbit, Amber!

Seeing Yula's mouth, a slight arc appeared at the corner of her mouth. Lei Dianzhen looked at Yula:" Apparently, there is someone who likes you, right?"

Leiden Zhen laughed. Leiden is really a gentle god, so Leidenzhen couldn't bear it after seeing Urana giving up on herself, so he comforted Urana.

"Yes, although most people in Mondstadt hate me because of my last name, Lawrence, there are also people who don't care about my last name and communicate with me as an equal."

"So don't give up any hope, there are still people who care about you and are waiting for you, right? After hearing Raiden

's words, Youla looked at Raiden:"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would probably have given up!""

Raiden Zhen smiled. He was quite satisfied with the girl Yula. Moreover, although the other party may not be from the same world as him, he is still a fellow countryman, so he can help Raiden Zhen. I don’t mind helping the other person.

Yula took a deep breath and then looked at Raiden Zhen:"I will not give up easily again. I will try my best to find a way to return to my world Teyvat. Even if it fails by then, I won't have any regrets in my heart"

"We will do our best to help you, but our ability to help you is limited. The person who can help you the most is Xiao Bai!

Youla hesitated and asked:"What do I need to do to get Xiao Bai's help?""

"It depends on what Xiao Bai wants, but at least you don't have to worry that Xiao Bai will use this to threaten you to do something you don't want to do!"

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on

Youla's face. Indeed, an idea of ​​what she would do if the other party used this to threaten her and let herself and the other party do something else flashed through her mind! She didn't expect the result. It was immediately exposed by lightning!

"You don't need to think too badly of Xiao Bai. Although Xiao Bai has a bad character, Xiao Bai is actually a good person in a strict sense. Xiao

Bai looked at the two of them and said,"Hey, hey, good person is a derogatory term. I never think of myself as a good person.""

"The good person we are talking about is not the good person stuck in the good person card, so you don’t have to worry!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lei Dengzhen chuckled and started teasing Xiao Bai, while Youla looked puzzled.

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