When Xiao Bai heard that Tohsaka Rin actually slandered him, he immediately yelled:"That's nonsense. How could I, Xiao Bai, stand upright and upright and be such a despicable and shameless villain? You are purely slandering me. I, Xiao Bai, would never do something like that to a minor. You are slandering me!"

Tohsaka Rin rolled his eyes and said to Xiao Bai:"If you firmly believe in your heart that you will not do such a thing, If not, why bother acting like this? It's obvious that you have a guilty conscience!"

"Fart, I am angry, I am angry after being slandered and slandered by you!"

Looking at Xiao Bai's self-deception, Tohsaka Rin had a sneer on his lips.

Xiao Bai's heart was also beating a drum, he couldn't really take action against the young girl Tosaka Rin, right? How could he be such a beast when he is still underage? This is all fake. This must be a method used by Tohsaka Rin to deceive him!

Xiao Bai comforted himself in his heart and firmly believed that he could not treat the young girl Tosaka Rin. Take action, so there must be something wrong with this. The most likely thing is that Tohsaka Rin is deceiving himself and wants to use this to make himself ashamed!

"I have seen through your plan. If you want to deceive me, you can only make me feel ashamed. You Tohsaka Rin is indeed worthy of the title of little devil, since you have such sinister intentions!"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Xiao Bai expressionlessly.

"You can choose not to admit it, but these are things you have done yourself. You can deceive others, but can you deceive yourself? Won't your conscience be condemned day and night?"

Words are like swords. Xiao Bai finally understood the meaning of this sentence. Tohsaka Rin is simply bad at my heart. It is difficult for Xiao Bai to imagine that he is really like what Tosaka Rin said -

Seems very touching?

The young Tosaka Rin shook her twin ponytails and used the soles of her stockinged feet with a look of disgust on her face. Hey, it's a bit sexy.

Xiao Bai was suddenly startled by his own thoughts. No, this bottom line is absolutely not acceptable!

This is the bottom line of being a human being.

After throwing the terrible thoughts out of his mind, Xiao Bai looked at Tohsaka Rin:"If you talk nonsense to me again, don't blame me for being rude. I don't mind using some abnormal means to get your Memory, if you really know me, then I think you should be able to do what you say."

Tohsaka Rin showed disgust on his face and then told about Xiao Bai.

According to Xiao Bai's understanding, simply speaking, Xiao Bai will most likely come to the 4th Holy Grail War in the future, and then Xiao Bai poached Tokiomi Tokiomi during the 4th Holy Grail War.

As for Tohsaka Rin?

That's naturally impossible. The young daughter Tohsaka Rin is still underage, so it's naturally impossible for Xiao Bai to do such a thing.

The previous Tohsaka Rin was just as Xiao Bai guessed. If you want to deceive Xiao Bai, the best thing is to be able to cook rice from raw rice.

Xiao Bai looked at Tohsaka Rin as if he was mentally retarded.

Tohsaka Rin sneered:"Look, do you think that although you didn't do that kind of thing back then, you thought you did less other things?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you are slandering!"

"Haha, how about we make a bet on whether you have done anything else?"

After hearing what Tohsaka Rin said, Xiao Bai was silent for a moment and then decisively changed the subject. It is impossible to bet with Tohsaka Rin. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to bet with Tohsaka Rin. Xiao Bai is not a fool. He knows this. Emotion.

Tohsaka Rin thinks that people are fools!

No one knows whether it is true or false, but even if there is only a little bit of truth, Xiao Bai will not bet. If you don’t bet, you will not lose.

Tohsaka Rin was obviously trying to trick Xiao Bai, and how could Xiao Bai not know it.

So Xiao Bai refused Rin Tohsaka's gambling request without hesitation.

Rin Tosaka had an obviously unhappy look on his face, as if Xiao Bai was still unhappy that he was not fooled.

He glanced at the original version with a smile, Li Ying reached out and patted Tohsaka Rin on the head:"Are you too young to play with me? Are you qualified for this?"

Tohsaka Rin's face darkened!

"I also know the general story about you. All in all, it’s you who is greedy for my body."

"You fucking summed it up in such a sentence?"

Tohsaka Rin immediately collapsed. Looking at Xiao Bai, the expression on his face could no longer be maintained. Xiao Bai, this fucking thing.

"Okay, stop the gossip, tell me why I defeated the sea monster, and then you fell out, so tell me what the reason is!"

"I used the second method of parallel world to go back to the past, and who knew, I was swallowed by the sea demon, and then when I woke up again, I saw you and came to this world."

Listening to Tosaka Rin's words, Xiao Bai always felt that the other party was deceiving him, but there was no evidence to prove it, so he ignored it.

"Okay, I just believe it if you say so, but since you have come to this world, remember to do things according to the rules of this world."

"Come on in!"

Then a group of people eavesdropping outside the door came in. The leader Yae Shenzi was not embarrassed at all.

"I'll leave it to you later!"

Pointing at Tosaka Rin, Xiao Bai said to Yae Shenzi. Xiao Bai didn't have time to slowly train Tosaka Rin's character, so he would just leave it to Yae Shenzi. Yae Shenzi's eyes lit up, and then Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin had a smile on his face, patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, leave it to me, I will never let you down."

Looking at Tohsaka Rin, Yae Shenzi's eyes showed a meaning. This little bitch will be handed over to me from now on.

Tohsaka Rin instinctively felt a bad premonition in his heart when he saw Yae Shenzi.

This woman seemed to be like Not a good person

"Well, that's it, Yula, are you leaving with me or staying?"

After hearing the question, Youla said to Xiao Bai:"Didn't I say that I would help you handle some things in order to get paid? I will not go back on my words."

"Okay, let’s go back now!"

Xiao Bai took Yula away, and then Yae Shenzi looked at Tohsaka Rin and showed a meaningful smile.

"Tohsaka Rin, right? From now on, we will have a good time making out and making out.

Tohsaka Rin's heart beat:"What do you want to do!""

"Haha long!".

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