Let Shitori Sona take Eura Lawrence with him, and Xiao Bai returned to the Ming Dynasty. Some things needed to be dealt with. The previous Xiao Bai knew who the so-called Tian Locust was from the mouth of Ayanokouji Atsumi. Xiao Bai naturally could no longer let the other party go.

To be honest, Xiao Bai never thought that this so-called Locust from the Restoration Society would actually be a prince of the Ming Dynasty!

King Ning of Ming Dynasty!

Who could have imagined that a prince of the Ming Dynasty would actually want to restore Neon. Even Xiao Bai, who shouted the slogan, could not have imagined that the main messenger behind the scenes would be a prince of the Ming Dynasty.

When Xiao Bai came back, the leader behind the Restoration Society had already been controlled and taken back to the Forbidden City. After all, as long as the news leaked, the other party would die without a burial!

"People have captured"797" for you. It's up to you what to do with it!"

Bai Yuekui glanced at Xiao Bai and said, Bai Yuekui will not stupidly overstep his authority in this kind of matter. Bai Yuekui is favored, but there are some things that Bai Yuekui is very clear about. What can and cannot be done. Bai Yuekui knew it well

"Leave it to the cabinet to handle. After all, we are still members of the old Zhu family. I don’t want the blood of the old Zhu family to be stained on my hands."

Bai Yuekui rolled his eyes when he heard Xiao Bai's words. If he really believed the lies told by Xiao Bai, then Bai Yuekui would be really stupid and sweet. To put it bluntly, Bai Yuekui thought Xiao Bai was fully worthy of the title of butcher.

And Is it possible that the lives in Xiao Bai's hands were not affected by the people of Lao Zhu's family?

"See if I believe what you say! Xiao Baigang laughed and then said:"Okay, okay, let me tell you

, I just want to see if I can catch a few fish. If I can catch a big fish, I will make a lot of money."."

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Bai Yuekui didn't believe everything.

However, Bai Yuekui didn't want to care about these things. Bai Yuekui didn't like intrigues and intrigues. On the contrary, at this time, Bai Yuekui felt that it would be better to do more research. Research is better than these so-called Machiavellianism is much easier to understand, right is right or wrong is wrong, there are not so many twists and turns.

Xiao Bai did not go to see the Ming prince but directly announced that Ling Chi wanted to see if anyone else would come. He saved the other party, but the result was that Xiao Bai was disappointed.

After finally squeezing out all the value of the other party, Xiao Bai arranged a Lingchi package for the other party!

If the other party did something else, Xiao Bai might still forgive him. The other party, but the other party actually wanted to restore Neon. Xiao Bai couldn't accept the fact that Neon was restored.

So even if the other party was a member of the Lao Zhu family, Xiao Bai had no idea of ​​mercy. It’s the other party’s fate!

Before leaving, Xiao Bai took a special look at Mao Lilan. Seeing Bai Yuekui’s eyes as if he was guarding against thieves, Xiao Bai was speechless.

"If I really want to do something, do you think you can stop me?"

"I know I can't stop you, but no matter what, I can't let you do anything to Mao Lilan, and I don't even want you to appear in front of Mao Lilan!"

Xiao Bai had a black line. Bai Yuekui's behavior simply chilled Xiao Bai. Can't there be more trust between people?

In the end, Xiao Bai didn't bother much. After saying something to Bai Yuekui, Xiao Bai Bai turned around and left.

This time Xiao Bai returned to Fei Yingli's house!

However, after Xiao Bai appeared in the living room of Fei Yingli's house, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched slightly, looking at the two women who were drunk in their underwear and lying in the living room. Xiao Bai couldn't help but the veins on his forehead were twitching.

Xiao Bai couldn't help it anymore, Fujimine Yukiko let it go, what did Fei Yingli mean?

He poured water directly on Fei Yingli's face.

"Clean up and wake me up within 10 minutes, otherwise Mao Lilan's head will appear in front of you in 10 minutes."

Fei Yingli, who was still a little confused due to alcohol, suddenly sobered up after hearing these words.

"You bastard!"

Fei Yingli cursed at Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai looked at Fei Yingli coldly:"Ten minutes, one more second, I will put Mao Lilan's head in front of you!"

Fei Yingli stood up and staggered towards the bathroom. 0.........

But the paralysis of alcohol makes Fei Yingli now weak.

Finally, after finishing some tidying up, Fei Yingli came out and looked at Xiao Bai:"What do you want, what are you going to do before you let Xiaolan go!"

Faced with Fei Yingli's question, Xiao Bai said nothing and just looked at Fei Yingli. :"What's going on with you? Are you saying that the appearance of Fujimine Yukiko makes you not even want to wear clothes now?"

Fei Yingli showed some embarrassed expressions on her face, but then Fei Yingli said to Xiao Bai Said:"We are all women. What are you worried about? I am not wearing no clothes outside!""

"Moreover, I drank so much that I didn’t even know what I had done, and even after things like this happened, why don’t you allow me to use alcohol to anesthetize myself?"

Xiao Bai was speechless, but this was still not the reason for Fei Yingli to indulge herself.

"This is the last time. I hope you are still the undefeated queen of law and not a drunkard like a puddle of mud. As for Fujimine Yukiko"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes. If it weren't for Fujimine Yukiko, Fei Yingli would not be what she is now. 5.3 Xiao Bai hates troublesome spirits, so the best way is to make troublesome spirits disappear.

Sensing Xiao Bai's killing intent, Fujimine Yukiko, who was still hungover, curled up as if she was a little cold.


Fei Yingli's face changed suddenly. She looked at Xiao Bai and shouted. Xiao Bai naturally watched Fei Yingli coldly without taking action. The expression on Fei Yingli's face changed on her own. She finally looked at Xiao Bai and said,"I said it!""

"Remember what you said, next time Fujimine Yukiko will disappear from the world!"

Facing Xiao Bai's ruthless words, Fei Yingli fell into a long silence.

"I just went to see Mao Lilan. Don't worry, I didn't think about her. She is doing well with Boss Bai. You don't have to worry. It's your fault."

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