Fei Yingli looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of astonishment in her eyes.

"I admit that I was a little angry with Mao Lilan because of Belmode, but after that, there was no conflict between Mao Lilan and I, so naturally I would not intentionally hurt Mao Lilan."

"But the premise is that you don't do something that gives me a headache again, like this time. If there is a next time, when you wake up, what you will see will be Mao Lilan's head in front of you.

Fei Yingli nodded with a complicated expression:"I understand!""

"You'd better really know it, rather than pretending to know it!"

Then Xiao Bai looked at Fujimine Yukiko who was still hungover and had not woken up. A trace of boredom flashed in his eyes. This Fujimine Yukiko

Seeing the undisguised murderous intent in Xiao Bai's eyes, Concubine Yingli said to Xiao Bai with all her strength:"It's natural for Yukiko to feel sad when something like this happened to her. Your son is dead and your husband is like that. You can understand it. 09 Please forgive me."

Xiao Bai snorted lightly after hearing this!

Xiao Bai doesn't care too much about Fujimine Yukiko, but Xiao Bai doesn't want Fei Yingli to stay with Fujimine Yukiko for too long and Fei Yingli will be affected by Fujimine Yukiko!

"Okay, what happens to Yukiko Fujimine has nothing to do with me, whether it’s Yukiko Fujimine getting drunk and having sex outside or anything else, it has nothing to do with me, but I don’t want these things to have any meaningful relationship with you, understand. ? Fei

Yingli nodded, and then Xiao Bai glanced at Fei Yingli and said,"Then I won't stay here any longer and just clean up the house myself.""

Looking at the empty cans and beer bottles on the ground and the smell of wine in the air, Xiao Bai frowned and said.

Fei Yingli was a little embarrassed, and Xiao Bai didn't say anything more, took out any door and left. After Xiao Bai left ,

Fei Yingli said to Fujimine Yukiko:"Okay, don't pretend to be asleep, get up quickly and clean the house with me."

Fujimine Yukiko suddenly opened her eyes, then looked at Fei Yingli and said with some envy and hatred:"Why!"

The look of gnashing teeth seemed to be filled with deep hatred, while Fei Yingli sighed helplessly.

"This may not be considered lucky, Yukiko!"

Fujimine Yukiko did not answer what Fei Yingli said, and there was still a trace of jealousy in her eyes when she looked at Fei Yingli.

"No matter what it is, I can never compare to you!"

"How about you try to seduce Xiao Bai?"

Fei Yingli looked at Fujimine Yukiko and suddenly said a suggestion that made Fujimine Yukiko feel outrageous.

"Is there really nothing seriously wrong with your brain?"

Fujimine Yukiko looked at Feiyingli strangely. Feiyingli would not be able to say such words in a normal mind, so now Fujimine Yukiko feels that Feiyingli may have a brain disease!"

"Whatever you think, but this is what I think now. If you can create some sparks with Xiao Bai, then maybe it is a good thing. At least I don't have to worry about you anymore in the future!"

Fei Yingli was really worried that one day Fujimine Yukiko would be beaten by Xiao Bai.

However, Fujimine Yukiko didn't know what was wrong, but she actually started to think seriously about this matter. feasibility!

"Then you help me create opportunities?"

Fujimine Yukiko's words directly silenced Fei Yingli. Is this appropriate?

Fei Yingli, who was thinking like this, nodded:"Okay!"


Xiao Bai never expected that Hui Yuan Ai would be so courageous. Now he still dares to wander outside. This is because he is not afraid of death at all, and he even brings his sister with him!

However, Xiao Bai remembered one thing. Haibara Ai, no, it should be said that Miyano Shiho is a brand-name bag controller. According to some novels that Xiao Bai has read, there are time-travelers who use brand-name bags to conquer the palace. Noshiho's.

Xiao Bai could only say that this operation was too cool, and he didn't want to think about who Miyano Shiho was. He had been in the dark organization for so long, and a time traveler could defeat it with just a few brand-name bags!

"I didn't expect to see you here!"

Miyano Shiho looked at Xiao Bai with surprise in his eyes.

"I should say that I was surprised when I saw you. After I told you about the current situation and the result, you actually ran out with your sister. Are you not afraid of death or something? Don’t forget that it doesn’t matter if you die, but it doesn’t matter if you harm the people around you."

"It’s not like I don’t have the power to resist, who do you want to see!"

What Miyano Shiho said made Xiao Bai a little surprised. Could Miyano Shiho be floating?

"I also have my own adventures, okay? Generally speaking, ordinary monsters are not my opponent at all. According to the strength, I have the strength of a ghost! Xiao

Bai had no expression on his face and looked at Miyano Shiho in front of him:"Then you are responsible for your own life!""

Xiao Bai and Miyano Shiho don't have a deep relationship. Being able to remind each other is just for the sake of knowing each other. Now since Miyano Shiho doesn't know what is good and what is good, Xiao Bai is too lazy to meddle in other people's business.

"Since it's rare to see you in person, how about you go shopping with us and then take us to the small garden? Xiao

Bai looked at Miyano Shiho with an expressionless face:"Do you think I am idle?""

"Is not it?"

Xiao Bai was silent and seemed unable to refute. He was really free!

"Of course, I will never let you pay in vain. You can make any conditions to me in the future."(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Xiao Bai heard these words, he glanced at Miyano Shiho with disgust in his eyes.

"What do you think you are selling yourself to?"

Miyano Shiho's face darkened.

"Who do you think I am? Even if I really want to sell it, I will only sell it to you!"

Xiao Bai laughed and didn't respond, looking at Miyano Akemi:"Your strength may be enough to protect yourself, but can you guarantee that she can protect herself like you?"

"Heed my advice and take your sister to the small garden as soon as possible. You will never know which one comes first, accident or tomorrow."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he didn't care about Miyano Shiho and left.

However, he was pulled by Miyano Shiho before he took two steps.



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