After sending Miyano Shiho and her sister to the small garden, Xiao Bai complained in his heart that Miyano Shiho was a bit of a tiger.

He actually pulled Xiao Bai into a kiss. Xiao Bai didn't even know what to say.

However, Fukushima Haku and Miyano Shiho, who also entrusted this, can be regarded as officially establishing their relationship.

Xiao Bai didn't react at first, but then Xiao Bai realized that Miyano Shiho, a woman, did this on purpose, and actually played such tricks, that is, Xiao Bai didn't check for a while, and was negligent. Let Miyano Shiho's conspiracy succeed, but in general Xiao Bai is not at a loss, but it is a bit speechless!

Back home, Xiao Bai saw Youra sitting on the sofa with her legs in the living room, watching a TV series with concentration on her face, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth slightly.

"only you?"

Xiao Bai's voice startled Youla, but then Youla breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Xiao Bai:"I was shocked. Cang Na said that he had to go out for something, so he left me alone. People stay at home, and I also watch TV series to understand the situation of the world."

Xiao Bai watched the TV series that Youla watched. A bloody romantic drama. The domineering president fell in love with me?

Through this TV series, he learned about the world. Xiao Bai was very suspicious that Youla would be deceived. To be precise, she was sold and helped. While counting the money,

Xiao Bai glanced at Youla sympathetically. Xiao Bai wondered whether she would watch these TV series about brain-dead people and look like a brain-dead person.

"You'd better watch less of this kind of stupid TV series, so you don't get infected by it! After saying that

, Xiao Bai went back to his room.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Xiao Bai about to leave, Youla quickly called out to Xiao Bai.

She stopped and looked at Youla:"What's the matter?"

"I want to ask you something. Do you know the plot in Teyvat? You and Sona have talked about the plot of their world, so what is the relevant plot on Teyvat's side?"

"This is hard to say, but since you asked, let me tell you briefly!"

Then Xiao Bai told Youla the news about the yellow-haired traveler in the world of Teyvat. Youla silently recorded all the news in her heart, and then prepared to tell the news to Captain Qin. Youchi

Cang With that cross-time and space communicator, Yora can completely convey all these plots back to Mondstadt City, so that Mondstadt City can take precautions as early as possible just in case.

"You want to know the plot from me, and then use Sona's inter-time and space communicator to transmit this information back to Mondstadt, right? Then I can only tell you that it is completely useless!"

"Why do you say that?"

After Xiao Bai knew what she was thinking, Yula was even more surprised at why Xiao Bai thought that it would be useless even if he knew the plot of Mondstadt.

"Except for a few people in Mondstadt, everyone else is just a bunch of giant babies. I believe you should know this in your heart. To be honest, if it weren't for Mondstadt and you guys, I guess it would have been done long ago. It's really bad. As for the acting leader of your Knights of the West Wind, how long do you think he is before he dies suddenly? The plot mentions that he works overtime every day and probably only sleeps for less than a few hours a day."


Youla looked at Xiao Bai and really didn't know how she should answer, because everything Xiao Bai said was reasonable, and even if she wanted to refute, she had nothing to say.

"And you know how the Lawrence family is treated in Mondstadt, right? You care about those individuals?"

After a moment of silence, Youla replied to Xiao Bai:"No matter what those individuals are like, they are them and I am me. What I want to do is not for other people but for myself.!"

Xiao Bai showed an indifferent smile when he heard this sentence. For Xiao Bai, it was just a casual comment. Anyway, Youla can't go back now.

After telling the general plot, Xiao Bai said nothing more. Pay attention.

Then Yura waited for Shitori Sona to come back and immediately borrowed the inter-time and space communicator.

After that, she conveyed all the news she heard from Xiao Bai to Captain Qin, and Captain Qin showed a look of horror on his face! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Thank you Splash Knight, I will verify what you said. If these words are true, then you will be Mondstadt’s biggest contributor, and all Mondstadt people will be grateful to you!"

"I don't do these things for you, I just do them for my own ideas, and I don't need your gratitude!"

However, he quickly looked at the disguised but still visible dark circles on Captain Qin's face.

"`Also, Xiao Bai told me that if you don’t rest, you will die suddenly sooner or later. It’s time for you to make a right choice. If everything is left to you as the leader, then the Knights of the West Wind What's the use of the other knights? It's better to let them go home and grow potatoes!"

"Xiao Bai told me that what you are doing now is not protecting Mondstadt at all, but destroying Mondstadt. If you are gone, will Mondstadt be in chaos?"

"I don’t care whether you listened or not, and I don’t care whether you live or die, but remember not to cause Mondstadt to be destroyed because of you!

After a moment of silence, Captain Qin spoke again:"Thank you for reminding Flower Knight how to do it.""

Yora curled her hair with her (Zhao's good) fingers, and then said:"If you really don't know what to do, go to Barbatos, the god of wind. That drunkard has been free for thousands of years. It's time to let him go. Get down to business!"

With this sentence, communication was interrupted.

"I hope that guy from the Gunnhild family can listen, otherwise Mondstadt may really be destroyed in the end!"

Yora, whose horizons have broadened after coming to this world, has already had doubts about Mond. Is Mond's freedom really freedom?

Yura doesn't understand, so she doesn't want to think about it. Anyway, it should be said. I have said it myself, but if the other party still can't listen, what can I do? After all, I am just a descendant of a sinner, and the other party is the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

"Moreover, I don’t know if I can ever go back to my original state."

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