The next day, Xiao Bai got up and saw Youla squatting on the sofa with her legs in her arms, looking pitiful. Didn't I tell you, girl, who bullied you?

"What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Bai didn't understand why Youla, who was fine yesterday, suddenly started to act strange today, as if someone had done something to her and then gave up.

Xiao Bai secretly doubted himself in his heart. Did he sleepwalk yesterday night and give Yura to something?

Otherwise, why would Yura look like this ?

"It’s nothing, I just think about Mondstadt again. Is Mondstadt really hopeless? I thought about this problem all night yesterday, and then I realized that Mondstadt seemed to be really hopeless!"

Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Xiao Bai thought that something had happened. The emotional part was that Youla was here. She was sad for the spring and autumn. The emotional part was for those people in Mondstadt. Worried about the giant babies.

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes speechlessly and then said:"You'd better relax, it's not your turn to care about the group of giant babies in Mondstadt City. To put it mildly, you Eura Lawrence is the descendant of sinners, and those noble residents of Mondstadt will not accept your kindness!"

Youla gritted her teeth secretly. Xiao Bai was really abominable. What the other party said was just poking her heart out!

She was so angry that she glared at Xiao Bai fiercely. Then Youla said Sighing, even though what Xiao Bai said was poignant, he had to admit that what Xiao Bai said was right. The

Lawrence family is the sinner of Mondstadt, so what happened in Mondstadt has nothing to do with it. Let him worry

"Have you ever thought about going beyond Mondstadt? You shouldn't just be limited to places like Mondstadt!"

"I dare say that with your ability, if you reach the Liyue side, not to mention becoming the 7th star of Liyue, but at least your status will be much higher than yours in Mondstadt City. But as a result, you don’t know what Mondstadt City is like in your own mind. clear!"

"do not talk!"

Youla puffed up her face and looked at Xiao Bai. Youra could see that Xiao Bai had bad intentions!

But Youla still picked on Xiao Bai, and there was nothing that this dog man said. Every word he said was true, but every word he said was true. It was like a knife stabbing into Yura's heart.

"Take my advice, you'd better ignore those giant babies in Mondstadt, otherwise sooner or later you will be killed by those giant babies."

Yura didn't say another word but instead asked:"You said before that our world of Teyvat is dangerous?"

"Yes, you have been here for a few days. You should know the game. The world of Teyvat is a game. I won’t go into the specific plot of the game. I told you yesterday that according to the final situation, to be precise, According to the nature of those plans, the final one will definitely be a knife of all kinds!"

Yura swallowed her saliva and her heart began to beat a little. Could it really be like what Xiao Bai said, and the final outcome would be a knife?

"Don't tell me I'm lying to you, this kind of thing is so commonplace. Those people who planned it are really not human beings. They are worse than dogs, as if the game cannot be played without knives!"

Youla was silent. After listening to what Xiao Bai said, Youla began to worry about what to do if it turned out to be what Xiao Bai said.

Suddenly, Youla's eyes lit up and she thought of a way, that is. All the knives have been broken, and it is very simple to break the knives.

As long as you have absolutely strong enough strength, you can do this kind of thing, but the premise is that you have strong strength like Yura at the moment. It does not have such strength.

Although it is very reluctant, it is a fact, but Yula is not helpless. Yula first has to get a copy of the diary. The reward for the copy of the diary, Yula (ajba), is withdrawn from Cang Na knew about it, so as long as he can get more diary copy rewards, he can become stronger and break all those knives for him!

But then Yula suddenly became frustrated again, then First of all, he must be able to go back, but now he may not be able to go back!

Looking at Youla's expression for a while, Xiao Bai also showed a strange expression on his face. What is this?

"If one day you are so powerful that you can break all the knives, then I hope to ask you to break all the knives."

"Let’s talk about it when the time comes. I’m not qualified now. Let’s wait until I am qualified to talk about this matter!"

Xiao Bai did not agree to Youla. Now Xiao Bai still has a very clear understanding of himself. He has strength, but he is not to the point where he can act recklessly! The water in

Teyvat is very deep for those people. The gods are all like riddles, and they are full of scheming. If you are not careful when dealing with such people, you may be betrayed.

Therefore, if Xiao Bai does not have the ability to absolutely crush the table in the future, he will not be able to go there. Teyvat Xiao Bai also had no intention of going to Teyvat!

"Don't you know you should comfort me at this time? At least you should lie to me."

Youla looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and couldn't help being speechless. Is this guy not interested in her? Youla began to doubt her charm. Xiao Bai was not even willing to lie to her. What did this mean? , this shows that Xiao Bai is not interested in him

"You are overthinking, why are you lying to me, what is it about you that is worthy of my deception? Even if I want to get you, I will not use this method of deception. Understand!"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and then left without caring about Youla!

Looking at Xiao Bai's leaving back, Youla stamped her feet in anger!

"Damn it, I’ve remembered this grudge!"

Shitori Sona walked out of his room, happened to see Matata stamping his feet angrily, and Xiao Bai's leaving figure, and immediately understood what was going on.

"What did you say to Xiao Bai again that made you look angry like this!"

Hearing Shitori Cangna teasing herself, Yula said angrily:"I will bear this grudge!"

Shitori Sona smiled, the title of"Knight of Grudge" is really correct.

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