Not long after, Himeji Mizuki came out of the room and expressed his gratitude to Xiao Bai.

"You're welcome, Himeji Mizuki-san. After all, we are all classmates. How could I be indifferent when I see you in danger, and it's just a little effort."

Looking at Himeji Mizuki, Xiao Bai then said to Himeji Mizuki:"If necessary, I can arrange for you to go to a safe house. The world has been a bit chaotic recently. You can hide there with your family. Hide and come back when things get better!"

Regarding Xiao Bai's kindness, Himeji Mizuki hesitated and then chose to agree. Before, Himeji Mizuki thought that she would not be so unlucky, but now Ji Ruixi will not gamble again. This time, she After almost encountering danger, will"683" be his relative next time?

So Himeji Mizuki chose to accept Xiao Bai's kindness. At the same time, this is what Kirishima Shoko asked Himeji Mizuki to agree to before. Himeji Mizuki is just an ordinary person, so it’s better to go to the safe house honestly!

Xiao Bai used any gate to send Himeji Mizuki and Himeji Mizuki’s family to the small garden. There are many things in the small garden now. There are a few people, such as the family members of Tsuchima, and the families of Erina and Alice, or Kirishima Shoko, Kinokuni Nene, Sakayanagi Arisu, Kikuchichi Enoka, and Ichinose Hon. The families of these girls are now all in the small garden.

For this reason, Xiao Bai also specially built a villa area on this side of the small garden, and all kinds of household appliances are available, which is definitely no better than a five-star hotel. The so-called presidential suite is worse.

And there is no need to worry about food issues. Xiao Bai has already stocked up on all kinds of food and can grow his own vegetables.

But this also exposed some things, such as these individuals The parents knew about the relationship between their daughters and Xiao Bai. Although the final parents did not agree, they acquiesced. The main reason was that the daughters of this family were given away for free, and they were determined to What could he do? Naturally, he had no choice but to agree.

After arranging Himeji Mizuki, Xiao Bai spoke to Kirishima Shoko:"What did you and Himeji say?"

"you guess! Kirishima

Shoko smiled playfully at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai had a strange feeling:"You are looking for a sister for yourself, right?""

"That's right, Himeji and I are classmates, and we can chat with each other. In addition, Himeji is cute and you won't refuse, so I mentioned it to Himeji, just for a moment, and then the other person said Agreed!"

After knocking Kirishima Shoko on the forehead to tell him not to mess with things, Xiao Bai left and found Ophis to ask how the establishment of Kyushu Barrier was going. The establishment of Kyushu Barrier required Ophis plus Luko. Ya assisted from the side!

To be honest, when he saw Lucoa's true form before, Xiao Bai felt that he had squeezed Lucoa too much. Quetzalcoatl, who should have a huge body, waited until he escaped from the Kyushu barrier. It was already less than 100 meters away.

Xiao Bai also felt a little guilty towards Lucaya. After all, the other party was wiping his own butt.

After Xiao Bai asked him about the arrangement of the Kyushu barrier, Lucaya was a little distressed. Said:"The layout of the Kyushu barrier is okay, but what I'm worried about is that someone will destroy it!"

Xiao Bai understood instantly

"Don't worry, I will do my best not to let those monsters come and destroy it."

"Under normal circumstances, any door can complete the layout of the Kyushu barrier within a month, as long as there is a problem along the way! After saying that

, Lucoa looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"What do those things want to do?""

Xiao Bai also asked the Black Goat Mother Goddess and other contract spirits. For them, although this kind of world is interesting, it is not worth fighting. But in terms of the results, Yog-Sothoth and Naiadolati Something is obviously wrong with Pu.

What exactly do they want to do after all the trouble? Even the Black Goat Mother Goddess cannot guess any useful information.

If they want to hurt Xiao Bai, Yog-Sothoth and Nai Yatolatip clearly had such an opportunity but did not act. Since he did not harm Xiao Bai, but he caused trouble to Xiao Bai again and again, this is a bit incomprehensible. 0

Perhaps only Naiatolatip You won’t be able to understand until you really arrive at Advent, right?

"Lucoa, you should be able to travel between worlds. Can you"

"This thing cannot be done. The reason why I can travel across the world in the original world is because the original world has two rooms connected and you can go to another room after opening the door. But this world is different. After all, this world is not In my original world, opening the door was equivalent to a road. Once you walked out, you might get lost and never come back."

Although he was regretful, Xiao Bai also expressed his understanding. As for Orpheus, she didn't understand anything at all. She was just cute. However, Orpheus had the ability to see through people's hearts. Orpheus discovered Xiao Bai’s desire!

"Are you craving for power?"

"Yes I want power."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai does not hide his thoughts. The snake of Orpheus is also one of the powers Xiao Bai wants, but it is only within the scope of consideration.

"If you want power I can give it to you!"

Lucaya ran to Xiao Bai's ear and whispered to Xiao Bai.

After listening, Xiao Bai looked at Luckeya with a black line, but Luckeya put his hands on his hips:"This is the best thing to do. 0.5 method, you don’t need to pay any price, and there is no loss to you. What’s more important is that you can also harvest such a cute dragon. With this look, why should you hesitate to refuse!"

"I don't have any objections. Is Ophis willing? I don't want to use any deception or other means, after all, I still have a relative moral bottom line!"

"Don't worry, Ophis is definitely an adult, and Ophis also agrees that as long as you help Ophis fuck the Red Dragon God Emperor, it's fine"

"Then I seem to have no reason to refuse!"

Being able to gain strength and harvest a cute dragon like Ophis, Xiao Bai has no reason to refuse.

"Then leave the rest to me"

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