The method of intertwining dragon and snake achieves the point of being one mind through intertwining. One party can use the power of the other party. Xiao Bai doesn't know where Lucoa got this, but with this wave of Xiao Bai's The strength has been improved rapidly.

At first, Xiao Bai thought Lucoa was letting him and Ophis interact, but he didn't expect that even Lucoa himself would be involved.

However, Xiao Bai's gains were also unimaginably great, directly rising from the destruction of the city to the level of a single universe, and this strength came from Lucoa.

Lucoa also relied on Ophis' infinite power to return to its heyday, and Ophis also relied on Lucoa's power to advance to the level of a single universe.

As for Xiao Bai, he was the one who benefited the most. He got all of Lucoa and Ophis without paying anything, and he was suddenly upgraded from the city-destroying level to the single-body universe level!

Ophis is very satisfied with this. For Ophis, even if he is facing the real Red Dragon God Emperor, Ophis feels that he can knock the Red Dragon God Emperor to the ground in minutes!

Strength is confidence. With this strength, Xiao Bai also has confidence. What surprises Xiao Bai even more is that Xiao Bai has made a huge improvement in the creation of World of Warcraft!

Nowadays, Xiao Bai has infinite power. He can create millions of Demon King-level monsters with a wave of his hand. Xiao Bai has scattered these Demon King-level monsters all over the world. Once something appears, he will immediately Solve it!

As Xiao Bai created millions of magical beasts, the original turmoil gradually subsided.

Without those miscellaneous things, Xiao Bai began to focus on improving the research on the creation of Warcraft!

With this increase in strength, Xiao Bai has a new understanding of the creation of Warcraft. Xiao Bai has barely noticed the upper limit of the artifact created by Warcraft. Of course, it may be that Xiao Bai's current strength is not enough to detect the upper limit of Warcraft creation.

Xiao Bai was also a little shocked in the world of DXD. Orpheus's Infinity was already buggy enough, and now there is a World of Warcraft creation that may have no upper limit.

And as Xiao Bai's strength increases, Xiao Bai's creation of anti-Cthulhu monsters has also been greatly improved!

"Sure enough, a thousand years of practice is not as good as one day of cheating!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but sigh. He had only reached the Demon King level in three lifetimes and hundreds of years. As a result, his strength suddenly improved by an unknown amount! With strength, Xiao Bai naturally doesn't have to hold on tight, but

Youla couldn't help but feel a trace of resentment in her eyes when she looked at Xiao Bai, who was lying on the sofa like a salted fish. Xiao Bai, a bastard, was indifferent to her. She was obviously no worse than those other girls, but On the contrary, it seemed that she was ignored.

Youla, who was furious, stretched out her foot and kicked Xiao Bai, who was lying on the sofa.

Xiao Bai grabbed Youla's foot, and then looked at Youla:"What are you doing!"

Xiao Bai grabbed the sole of the foot, and a trace of shyness appeared on Youla's face.

"You, you, you, you let go."

Xiao Bai looked at the foot he was holding in his hand. Under the fair skin, you could clearly see the blue blood vessels. There was no nail polish applied but the pink toes made Xiao Bai want to slurp. Impulse.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai controlled himself and did not let this impulse turn into reality, otherwise it would really be a social death.

He let go of Yula's little feet in his hand, and then Xiao Bai looked at She said to Youla:"Why are you kicking me?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's question, Youla snorted softly, but did not answer the question. Instead, she said to Xiao Bai with a trace of pride on her face:"Did you just become a pervert and want to kiss me? Toes!"

"I now strongly suspect that you are deliberately trying to induce me to do something to you!"

"Don't change the subject, you must have wanted to do something perverted just now, right?"

Seeing Xiao Bai change the subject, Youla will not let Xiao Bai off easily!

How should I put it, at this moment, Xiao Bai strongly felt the malice from Youla!


There is no way Xiao Bai will admit that he really had the idea to put it in his mouth just now. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Xiao Bai's stubborn mouth, Youla was a little proud, at least Xiao Bai’s behavior proves that Youra is still charming

"You are strong enough now, so I hope you can promise me that if you find a way back to Teyvat, you can prevent the tragedy of Teyvat if possible."

"With my strength, I may not need to care about the gods of Teyvat now, but"

Looking at Youla, Xiao Bai said to Youla:"But what kind of compensation can you give me? After all, asking for help requires payment!"

"The reward is me. I will give you a chance to get me. I advise you not to be disrespectful."

With a blushing face, Yula said something that even she felt ashamed of!

"Who taught you this sentence? Don't think it was taught by some idiot from a 460 TV series."

Xiao Bai glanced at Youla and asked, her eyelids twitching slightly.

"It’s none of your business. In short, just say you are satisfied or dissatisfied with this remuneration!"

"What if I say that the remuneration is not satisfactory?"

Youra's face, which was originally blushing, turned dark all of a sudden, and her eyes looked at Xiao Bai with an awe-inspiring murderous intent!

"Am I that bad? To think that even a pervert like you has no interest!"

Yola once again had a trace of doubt about her feminine charm. She couldn't even win over this pervert?

However, Xiao Bai's next words made the corners of his eyes twitch slightly:"Tivat. How could I hang myself from a tree with so many beautiful girls? Only children take multiple-choice questions, but as an adult, I want them all!"

It turns out it's not that I don't have feminine charm, but that this bastard actually wants them all.

"Go to hell, you big pervert!"

She glared at Xiao Bai fiercely, but compared to her previous belief that she had no feminine charm, Youla was more able to accept that Xiao Bai, a bastard, was just a simple playboy.

But she was still very angry, and her white and tender feet moved towards her angrily. Xiao Bai kicked him over...

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