"So what is your method of advancing to the multiverse?"

What everyone is curious about now is how Xiao Bai will be promoted to the boss of the multiverse. According to the information provided by Lucoa, it is said that the bosses of the multiverse can be counted on two hands.

A smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face:"You know God. ?

A group of people nodded naturally:"Then do you know that God is actually an existence that is moving towards the multiverse level?""

Everyone shook their heads

"So do you know the New Testament and the Old Testament? In the Old Testament, God’s name is Jehovah, but in the New Testament, God’s name becomes Yahweh!"

Everyone seemed to have noticed something, but some couldn't figure it out. Xiao Bai continued to speak:"This is a competition. Jehovah and Yahweh are competing for the status of God!"

Everyone seems to understand that both Jehovah and Yahweh are competing for the status of God. As long as they become God, they can become multiverse-level?

Xiao Bai confirmed the guesses of these girls:"Yes, it is what you think. That look!~"

"Could it be that you also want to compete for the person of God?"

"Why not? The current God of the Bible, God, in Sona's world is dead. If I go to their world to take the place of their God of the Bible, then I might not be able to compete for God's Person"

"It sounds very sinister!"

"This is the so-called battle between the avenues, and the battle between the avenues uses all possible means!"

Seeing Xiao Bai say this, other people stopped talking because they knew that Xiao Bai had already made up his mind. Since they couldn't dissuade Xiao Bai, they might as well support him.

"So when do you plan to leave for Sona's world?"

"Some time will pass!"

Xiao Bai's eyes swept over these girls.

That night, Xiao Bai used a space-time communicator to contact Shitori Sona, and then Xiao Bai told Shitori Sona his thoughts.

"Do you want to be the new God of the Bible?"

Shitori Sona never thought that Xiao Bai actually planned to do such a thing. For a moment, Shitori Sona felt confused.

But then Shitori Sona seriously thought about the possibility of such a thing. , the final conclusion is that it is difficult.

Those angels created by the God of the Bible who have not fallen all have firm beliefs. It is almost impossible for Xiao Bai to make those angels believe in him and make himself the new God of the Bible. possible

"How can you know it's impossible if you don't give it a try? There is always hope if you give it a try. Maybe I will succeed. If I become the God of the Bible, then I will have a ticket to compete for God's status!"

If you want to become a multiverse level, you need to have your legend in the multiverse. Most worlds have Christian beliefs. So if Xiao Bai can succeed, he will have a ticket to compete for the status of God. It only takes one day. If there is no multiverse-level God, then Xiao Bai has always hoped to rely on this road to embark on the multiverse level.

"Then you need me to do something for you."

After Chitori Cangna was silent for a while, he decisively changed his attitude to support!

Regardless of whether he can succeed or not, this is an opportunity for Xiao Bai. Chitori Cangna will inevitably not be able to refuse Xiao Bai. All he can do is support and provide help

"After I arrive in your world, I will contact the angels in your world and see what their attitude is!"

"Got it, so when will you come over?"

"It will take some time. I have been busy studying the multiverse level in the past two years and have neglected other people, so I plan to accompany them for a while! Shitori

Sona nodded:"Okay, then just let me know when you come. In the remaining time, you can go and report to Yura that you are safe.""

Then Shitori Cangna took the initiative to interrupt the call with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai:

Later, Xiao Bai used a space-time communicator to contact Youla.

"We haven’t seen each other for two years. How is the situation over there?"

"I have only been here for more than 20 days."

Youla's answer made Xiao Bai a little surprised, but then he was delighted. Only more than 20 days had passed with Youla, which was not bad. He didn't need to worry about Youla's lifespan for the time being.

"I will go to Cang Na's world to do some things first, and then I will go to your world."

Xiao Bai looked at Youla with deep meaning:"I hope that by then I will see that you have left the cesspit of Mondstadt City!"


The contact between the two people was quickly interrupted. Xiao Bai could see that Youla had not left Mondstadt City, but Xiao Bai did not say anything. Xiao Bai's threats and warnings had been sent. If those individuals in Mondstadt City If you know it, then it's fine.

If those individuals in Mondstadt were ignorant of current affairs, then Xiao Bai would not be polite to them. Even if Yola stopped Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai would not mind overthrowing the entire Mondstadt.

Xiao Bai did what he said.

This side of Tivartmund City.

Yora was a little upset by the angel's gift. Xiao Bai's threat naturally meant that Yora knew that it was true. However, the current city of Mondstadt is still a cesspool. Yora had to admit that Mondstadt Decheng is really rotten to the core. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For more than 20 days, Youla and the others in the Knights of the West Wind have been trying every means to reform Mondstadt. However, if the reform is effective, now Youla will also No need to worry so much

"Maybe it's time for me to leave. At least my departure will not bring disaster to the city of Mondstadt, but my continued stay will only bring disaster to Mondstadt."

Yora put down her glass with a melancholy look on her face.

As a Mondstadt, Yura sincerely hopes that Mondstadt will change for the better, but she also knows that it is impossible for Mondstadt to change for the better now.

Since she cannot change It would be better for Mondstadt to just leave. At least this way, she would not bring disaster to Mondstadt.

Yula had already made up her mind that it was time to leave. She had already made her final attempt, but the final result told Yula that it was time to leave. La Lanni is just unable to hold up the wall.

Then leaving is the best choice. 7.

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