When she came to the Knights of the West Wind again, Captain Qin was immersed in the papers. Looking at Captain Qin, Yula couldn't help but feel a little emotional in her heart.

Those giant babies in Mondstadt really haven’t changed at all. If those giant babies in Mondstadt had made some changes, the current leader Qin wouldn’t have to bury his head in the papers.

"Yula, what's wrong with you?"

Captain Qin raised his head from the papers, and then looked at the arriving Youra.

"I'm leaving, Xiao Bai is coming soon. In order not to attract a big enemy to Mondstadt, it's time for me to leave now."

Hearing this sentence, the smile on Captain Qin's face froze. Yulai was leaving. This was definitely not a good thing for Captain Qin, because Yula's existence, although Mondstadt City did not succeed in reform, it also got"Six"One Seven" has a lot of benefits.

But once Yora leaves now, Mondstadt City will be like a headless fly again.

Regarding the reform of Mondstadt Yora used the diary copy chat room to get it from other people Some methods were used to reform Mondstadt. Although the reform was not successful, the city of Mondstadt also benefited from it.

However, now Yora is leaving. Once Yora leaves Mondstadt, it will be equivalent to losing the guiding light. It would be difficult for Mondstadt to think of any changes.

"Can't you stay? I believe that sooner or later Mondstadt will be able to truly become what we ideally want it to be."

Hearing what Captain Qin said, there was a hint of ridicule on Ola's face, as if he was mocking himself:"It's simply impossible. As long as those giant babies still exist in Mondstadt, then what we ideally want will be impossible. Happens, you should know this!"

Captain Qin was speechless. Commander Qin naturally understood this, but Commander Qin was helpless. Even though Commander Qin had tried his best, the residents of Mondstadt City were used to being lazy. The previous Knights of the West Wind had already They completely rejected the requests of the residents of Mondstadt, such as looking for cats and dogs. However, because of the refusal of the Knights of the West Wind, the residents of Mondstadt began to belittle the Knights of the West Wind. It is said that the Knights of the West Wind began to ignore Mondstadt. The residents of the city said that the Knights of the West Wind wanted to be like the Lawrence family at first. Under pressure, Captain Qin finally had to give up.

Even before anyone threatened the Knights of the West Wind with suicide, the Knights of the West Wind were already direct Surrendered.

I don’t even know who spread the word that these suggestions were made by Yula, which has led to Yula being even more unpopular in Mondstadt City now. It is precisely because of this One reason is that Youla is now completely disappointed with Mondstadt, and coupled with Xiao Bai's threat, So Youla decided to leave Mondstadt.

Captain Qin looked at Youla when he saw her:"Do you really want to leave?"

"This is the only thing I can do for the Knights of the West Wind. If I don't leave, the Knights of the West Wind and Mondstadt City will definitely be destroyed in the hands of Xiao Bai. Even if I stop Xiao Bai, it will be useless. Xiao Bai can't He would let Mondstadt go because of my obstruction, and even Xiao Bai would be even more angry with Mondstadt because of my obstruction. Captain Qin understood that he could no longer keep Yula, so he took a deep breath and said,"I understand, I agree with your resignation!""

After Captain Qin agreed to Yura's resignation, Yura felt her whole body loosen up, as if some shackles had been broken off.

DXD World.

Shitori Sona immediately found her after finishing the conversation with Xiao Bai. elder sister

"I need to talk to you alone!"

After seeing her sister, Shitori Sona spoke immediately.

Although Serafall said that she didn't know what her sister wanted to say, for a sister-loving master, she would definitely not refuse what her sister said.

"Xiao Bai is coming to our world!"

Seraful's eyes suddenly lit up. Xiao Bai wants to be her brother-in-law, right? If he dares to come, let's see if she doesn't blow his head off.

Regarding her sister's thoughts, how can Shitori Cangna still do it? Unable to guess, he glanced at his sister Chitori Cang and said sympathetically:"Xiao Bai's strength is on the same level as the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus. Serafall was instantly petrified, and Shitori Sona continued:"This time Xiao Bai came to our world to inherit the position of the God of the Bible, which means Xiao Bai wants to become the new God of the Bible."....."

Serafall's eyes suddenly widened! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xiao Bai, a bastard, actually wants to become the new God of the Bible. This is simply unbelievable.Doesn't he know you are a demon?"

"Xiao Bai has a reason to do this!"

"You actually explained to this scumbag, I think you are really obsessed with this scumbag!"

Staring at my sister, Serafall, she jumped in anger. If that bastard Xiao Bai dared to appear in front of her, I would definitely give him skin and cramps.

"I can't tell you the specifics, but there is really a reason for Xiao Bai to do this!"

"And if Xiao Bai succeeds, it will also be of huge benefit to us, but I can't tell you the specifics. Sister, you just need to know that I will not lie to you."

She has no doubt about her sister Serafall, but Serafall doesn't believe in Xiao Bai. What if Xiao Bai, a bitch, deceives her sister?

So Serafall plans to cheat again." When Bai came, he taught Xiao Bai a lesson.

As for Xiao Bai having the strength of the infinite dragon god, Serafall didn't believe it. How could Xiao Bai, a human being, have the strength of the infinite dragon god.

Looking at her sister's It seemed that Chitori Cangna knew what his sister was thinking about in the first place, but Chitori Cangna didn't plan to say anything more, because Chitori Cangna knew that even if he told her, his sister wouldn't believe it. Wait until he saw

Xiao Xiao with his own eyes. After Shiro's strength, her sister had to believe it.

Then Shitori Sona asked her sister:"Is there any way to make Xiao Bai become the God of the Bible?""

"That man is just thinking nonsense. If it were so easy to become the God of the Bible, then it would be that man's turn. Michael would have already thought of a way to create a new God of the Bible."

Seraful had a disdainful expression on her face. Serafall knew very well what situation the angel was in now. If there was a way to give birth to a new God of the Bible, Michael would have taken action long ago.

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