Before going to the DXD world, Xiao Bai needs to get rid of the two remaining twelve members of the Restoration Society.

Today, Xiao Bai has found and solved 10 of the 12 members. Even the Locust behind the Liberation Meeting was found by Xiao Bai, pulled out and cut into pieces. Nothing can happen to the remaining two Xiao Bai. Let it go.

As Xiao Bai eliminated the 10 members of the Restoration Council who were on the bright side, the remaining two did not dare to show their faces at all, but this is not difficult to solve for Xiao Bai today.

Xiao Bai has been able to create some conceptual monsters. By creating conceptual monsters, Xiao Bai found the two remaining members of the Restoration Society.

Yagami Yue!

Shinjou Akane!

After Xiao Bai found the last two members of the Restoration Society, he directly made them disappear into this world. If they had no use value, they would naturally have no use in living.

Since then, the Restoration Society has all been dismantled, and Xiao Bai can safely go to the other 15 worlds to get tickets to become a multiverse-level boss.

After staying for more than two months, Xiao Bai then went to the world where Shitori Sona was.

"How do you go to Sona's world!"

A group of people looked at Xiao Bai curiously and wanted to know how Xiao Bai planned to go to the world where Shitori Sona was.

"I really can’t do anything to you. I told you it’s no big deal, but you still don’t believe me!"

The next moment, the space in front of Xiao Bai gradually became distorted, and then a whirlpool appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai walked into the whirlpool and disappeared. Others were eager to try, but gave up in the end, and we can only do it next. I was waiting for Xiao Bai to come back!

After spinning around like he was stuffed into a pipe, I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Bai finally used it. The first time Xiao Bai came to DXD, the Infinite Dragon God Ophis felt Xiao Bai and appeared next to Xiao Bai

"Long time no see Ophis."

Looking at Ophis, Xiaobai smiled and raised his hand to pinch Ophis' cheek. It still felt that familiar touch.

"Welcome to the world of DXD. Sona has already told me about you, but it is not that easy to become the God of the Bible. If you want to become the God of the Bible, you must first accept the system left over from the time of the Bible. Rather than talking about the God of the Bible, God is the God of the Bible, but rather that system is the God of the Bible."

As for the fact that Xiao Bai wanted to become the God of the Bible, Ophis had already gone to inquire about the news in advance, so after Xiao Bai arrived, Ophis immediately told Xiao Bai the information he had learned. After listening Xiao Bai nodded at the information provided by Ophis and then asked Ophis:"Is there nothing happened on Cangna's side?"


"Then contact Cang Na first. You should be able to get in touch, right?"

Now Xiao Bai doesn't have Chichi Cang Na's phone number. There is no need to waste the time and space communicator here, so Xiao Bai looks at Ophis, using Ophis' ability to find Chi Chi Cang Na. What's the problem?

With the help of Ophis, Xiao Bai came to Kuou Academy!

Unlike Yula's side where only more than 20 days had passed, more than two months had passed in this world.

Xiao Bai came Kuoh Academy did not specifically notify Shitori Sona, and planned to give Shitori Sona a surprise.

In the student union, Shitori Sona's eyes were slightly dull. After returning to this world, Shitori Sona often experienced this situation.

When Shinra Tsubaki next to her saw Shitori Sona's appearance, she knew that Shitori Sona must be thinking about the man named Xiao Bai again. Since Shitori Sona disappeared some time ago, this has often happened. After that, after really Luo Chunji listened and learned that Shitori Sona met a man named Xiao Bai during the period when she disappeared, and this man named Xiao Bai also took away Shitori Sona's heart. As long as such a situation occurs, then I must be thinking about that man named Xiao Bai

"President, President."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shinra Chunji called twice in succession before calling Shitori Sona back to her senses. When she came back to her senses, Shitori Sona's face looked a little embarrassed, but fortunately What's more, it's not the first time now, so Shitori Sona quickly stopped caring.

Shinra Tsubaki said helplessly:"As for that Shirou Shigen, do you still want to recruit him? Shitori Sona shook his head:"

No need. Although the Black Dragon Vein is not bad, it is no longer necessary.""

Shitori Sona is now fully capable of being at the Demon King level, and in addition to this, Shitori Sona also has a transcendent level monster arranged by Xiao Bai in his shadow. Naturally, Shitori Sona will also look at it. It is not as good as Shigen Shirou's Black Dragon Vein.

And Shitori Sona is very aware of Xiao Bai's character. He will definitely be jealous when the time comes, so he directly eliminates Shigen Shirou as an option. Suddenly, a wave of anger broke out among the students. A powerful magic power, this magic power is very familiar to Cang Na


What is the reason that actually caused Rias to burst out 780 such powerful magic power in the school?

Shitori Sona immediately took Shinra Chunhime and rushed towards the place where Rias burst out the magic power!

When Shitori Sona came to the magic power After seeing the scene at the location of the outbreak, his expression changed instantly.

"Show mercy!!!"

Xiao Bai's fist stopped in front of Rias, and then he turned his head to look at this and Cangna:"Long time no see, do you miss me?"

Xiao Bai took back his hand as if nothing had happened. Shitori Cangna quickly stepped forward to confirm that Rias was okay, then he took a breath and asked Xiao Bai:"What happened! Xiao

Bai spread his hands and said,"I'm not to blame for this. She was the one who made the first move. I was just a passive counterattack. I've always been a peace-loving person. I won't offend others unless they offend me.""

Knowing that he couldn't find anything from Xiao Bai, Shitori Sona turned his eyes to Rias. Shitori Sona couldn't understand what was going on between these two people and why they started fighting as soon as they met.

Rias's face turned green and white but she never opened her mouth to explain.

Shitori Cang looked helplessly at Rias and Xiao Bai:"Forget it, you two come with me first, this is not the place to talk."

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