In the student union, Shitori Sona looked at Xiaobai and Rias with headaches on their faces. No matter how Shitori Sona asked Rias, Rias always seemed to refuse to tell them.

In desperation, Zhichi Cang could only look towards Xiao Bai, wanting to know what happened.

Seeing Shitori Sona looking over, Xiao Bai put down the tea cup in his hand:"The thing is actually very simple. I just came here and I am not familiar with the school, so I got lost, so I happened to see this Li Yas Gremory, naturally I went to ask for directions, but I didn’t expect that I just called her and she started to take action. What happened after that is what you saw."

Shitori Sona looked confused. Looking at Rias in front of her, she knew Rias, her best friend, Chitose Cang. She had grown up with her best friend, and it was impossible for Rias to start a fight with Xiao Bai for no reason, but what Xiao Bai said should not be the case. Cutting corners

"Rias, can you tell me what's going on?"

Rias said to Shitori Sona with a gloomy face:"Why didn't you ask him what he called me!"

Shitori Cangna looked at the stall owner setting up the stall on Xiao Bai and then said:"I just subconsciously shouted"Princess Switch!""

God damn Princess Guan!

Of course Shitori Sona, who has read the novel, knew what this meant, but Shitori Sona never expected that Xiao Bai would say such a title in front of Rias. Knowing that Rias hated this title so much that she even gave up on Hyoudou Issei as a dependent.

Looking at Xiao Bai helplessly, Shitori Sona said to Rias:"I apologize to you on Xiao Bai's behalf.! Rias looked at Xiao Bai with a livid face and said nothing. She stood up and said to Shitori Sona,"Then I'll leave first!""

After Rias left, Shitori Sona looked helplessly at Xiao Bai:"Are you satisfied now?.!"

"I really didn’t mean it. After seeing Rias Gremory, my first thought was to call her breast battery. When I realized that it was rude, I subconsciously changed it to switch princess. I think it is better than breasts. The battery switch should be more acceptable to the other party."

If it weren't for knowing Xiao Bai, Zhichi Cangna would never believe what Xiao Bai said. However, Zhichi Cangna, who knew Xiao Bai, knew that Xiao Bai was not lying.

"Find a time to apologize to Rias about this matter. You must know that since reading the novel, Rias has deeply hated the titles of Switch Princess and Chest Battery. For this reason, Rias did not even recruit Hyoudou Issei. This dependent"

"Rias didn't recruit Hyoudou Issei as a dependent? So what's Hyoudou Issei's situation now? Is he cool?"

"According to Hyoudou Issei, he is now a dependent of Sigvira Agares. After all, the two of them also have a common language in the original plot."

Xiao Bai thought about it for a long time and couldn't remember who this Sigevera Agares was. Later, after being reminded by Ji Feng Cang Na, Xiao Bai realized that the other party was the Grand Duke Agares. The successor to the clan leader.

One of the four novice kings, the highest-level demon, like Sona, a strategic and tactical woman wearing glasses, and the queen of the family is the upper-level demon humanoid dragon male Alivian. Her characteristic is to manipulate time, and she is a fanatical fan of robots. Therefore, they have something in common with Issei, the girl with glasses who helped Issei Hyoudou awaken AA in the original plot.

"So who on Rias Gremory's side will help her break off the engagement? Could it be said that it was directly lifted?"

Shitori Sona pushed up her glasses and looked at Xiao Bai without saying a word. Xiao Bai pointed at himself with a somewhat dull finger:"Me? Shitori

Cang nodded affirmatively:"Yes, it's you!""

"I don't remember that I agreed to help Rias Gremory solve this matter!"

"I don't believe you are not interested in Rias, so I arranged this matter for you!"

Xiao Bai was silent

"Do you think there is such a possibility?"

Before Xiao Bai could finish speaking, Zhiticang directly interrupted what Xiao Bai was about to say:"Don't say anything, this matter is settled."

Xiao Bai shrugged indifferently:"My words It doesn't matter, but I don't think Rias Gremory would be too happy to agree. After all, she had such a conflict with him before. It would be weird if Rias Gremory could agree."

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will find a way to solve it."

Xiao Bai stared at Shitori Cangna for a while and then said:"Okay, it's just a piece of cake anyway, just be happy."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai didn't care about helping Rias Gremory.

Then Xiao Bai asked Shitori Sona:"On the other side of the angel is a What's the situation? Are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Shitori Cangna shook his head regretfully:"The angel tried it out, and the other party's attitude was very firm."

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona and consoled him:"It's okay. If those angels don't understand, then I'll kill them all. I'll just make a new batch after I get the identity of the god of nerves."

"You are really simple and violent"

Looking at Xiao Bai speechlessly, Chitori Cangna obviously didn't expect that Xiao Bai actually planned to do this.

"Otherwise, it would be a little awkward to have a good talk with Heaven and kill people directly."

Chichi Cangna felt that he had done his best to be benevolent and righteous. If those angels (who took Qian Zhao) still didn't understand current affairs, then it would have nothing to do with him. When the time comes, Xiao Bai's death would be in vain.

He complained in his heart. Then Chitori Cangna reminded Xiao Bai:"My sister has a little opinion on you, please be more tolerant in the future.""

"Don't worry, your sister is my sister-in-law, and I won't do anything to her even if it's for your sake."

Xiao Bai's promise is still worthy of belief. With this guarantee from Xiao Bai, Zhitei Cangna breathed a sigh of relief.

His sister shouldn't have to suffer too much torture in the future.

Who is Xiao Bai? Don't be too unclear. If I hadn't said this, my sister would have been miserable.

Although she wouldn't have died, but...

Xiao Bai had many ways of torturing people..

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