Looking at his sister who was tied up by the tortoise shell, Shitori Cang looked at Xiao Bai with a question mark, and Xiao Bai spread his hands:"I have solemnly warned the other party, but in the end, the other party not only refused to listen, but dared to continue. Attacked me, so I had no choice but to fight back!"

Listening to what Xiao Bai said, black lines appeared on Shitori Cangna's forehead. Apparently, Shitori Cangna understood what Xiao Bai was saying. The guy was just fishing for law enforcement, and then his sister took the bait without thinking.

Shitori Cangna looked at Xiao Bai helplessly. Xiao Bai, a bastard, is really petty. Shitori Cangna can guarantee that the reason why Xiao Bai treats his sister like this is definitely because of what his sister said to Xiao Bai before. A few words.

To put it simply, Xiao Bai was deliberately retaliating. Seeing his sister whose mouth was sealed with tape and her body was tied with tortoise shells, which highlighted her exquisite curves, Shitori Sona reluctantly stepped forward, and then removed the restraints on Serafall. It's lifted.

The first time Serafall was released from the restraints, she rushed towards Xiao Bai. Then three seconds later, Serafall was hung up by Xiao Bai again. Looking at her sister's appearance, she took out the money. Cang Na was completely stunned.

My sister's behavior is a bit too much, right? Brains are a good thing, but it's a pity that my sister doesn't have one. She knew she was not Xiao Bai's opponent but still rushed forward stupidly. Is there something wrong with her bad brain?

But forget it, she is her sister after all. Shitori Sona had no choice but to step forward and untie her sister again, and then held her sister tightly to prevent her sister from stupidly rushing forward to kill her again.

"Let me go, I'm going to kill this bitch today! Shitori

Sona helplessly covered her forehead after listening to what her sister said:"Even if you want to take action, you have to distinguish the strength of your opponent. You have been taught a lesson so many times. I doubt you did it on purpose." Make excuses for Xiao Bai to tie you up like that."

Shitori Sona's words instantly made Serafall stop. Serafall looked at Shitori Sona:"In your eyes, sister, am I that kind of person? Sona-chan, sister, I am so sad."

Looking at Serafall who wanted to take advantage of Zhitocang, Xiao Bai pinched Serafall's back collar with one expressionless hand, directly picked her up and threw her away.

"This is my wife, do you understand? My wife can only be held by me."

Seraful, who was thrown out by Xiao Bai, suddenly showed an angry look on her face after hearing Xiao Bai's words!

"Bastard, Sona-chan is mine, Sona-chan will never marry you."

Xiao Bai looked at Serafall with contempt and then hugged Shitori Sona and kissed her.

"Can I kiss you like this?"

"me me meI can too!"

After Serafall finished speaking, her eyes suddenly lit up. Taking this opportunity to kiss her sister openly, Serafall felt that this was feasible.

But unfortunately, Serafall forgot one thing. That is, Xiao Bai is right in front of him now. How could Xiao Bai let Serafall succeed? So before Serafall could even kiss her, Xiao Bai grabbed her face with his hand.

"Go away, you still want to take this opportunity to take advantage of me."

Throwing Serafall out again, Xiao Bai hugged Shitori Sona and gave her a tongue kiss.

Serafall's eyes immediately turned red. This was like facing a tauren!

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

Seeing her sister being held in the arms of another man and being kissed like this, Serafall suddenly showed a ferocious expression on her face. However, the next moment Serafall, who rushed over (bfbg), was beaten by Xiao Bai. Caught it.

Controlling Serafall, let Serafall watch him and Shitori Sona kissing at close range. Shitori Sona was a little shy and wanted to refuse, but Xiao Bai insisted on it. In the end, since she couldn't resist, Then just enjoy it silently.

After a while, Xiao Bai let go of Shitori Sona, looked at Shitori Sona's blushing face and showed a smile, and then looked at the bloodshot eyes. Serafall

"Do you want to have a taste of Sona-chan?"

Seraful was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes widened in the next moment. Xiao Bai actually kissed her. Shitori Sona looked aside and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, but there was no big surprise.

From Xiao Bai's point of view, Xiao Bai actually kissed her. This situation was expected when her sister started fishing with Cang Na.

Serafall pushed Xiao Bai away, but Xiao Bai said to Serafall:"You definitely don't want the smell of Cang Na-chan." Want to try it?"

Xiao Bai kissed her again. This time, Serafall's resistance was obviously reduced. Although she was bitten by Xiao Bai, the taste of Sona-chan was simply irresistible.

Xiao Bai just grabbed it. Seeing Serafall's weakness, Xiao Bai's heart was filled with joy when he saw Serafall's tangled look on her face, wanting to refuse but wanting to refuse. Face, there is a high probability that my sister is hopeless. Xiao Bai is holding her tightly, so what can I do?

Shitori Sona shook her head and then said to Xiao Bai:"Okay, I have something to do now. Let me tell you, let go of my sister first."

Xiao Bai obediently let go of Serafall, and then asked Chichi Canna:"If there is anything you can tell me, I don't want to deal with things that are too troublesome."

Xiao Bai spread his hands

"Rias's fiancé is coming soon, and it's time for you to take the stage!"

"Have you and Liasna agreed? Will she be happy to let me help?"

"Not yet, I just want to take you there to talk about this matter.

Xiao Bai:"I always feel that this matter is quite troublesome, otherwise just forget it!""

Although Soliyath Gremory is indeed very beautiful, and indeed very tempting, Xiao Bai hates trouble.

"No, you can't refuse!"

After Shitori Sona finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Bai:"You seduced my sister in front of me, don't you think too little of me?"

Xiao Bai's expression was a little strange, and then he looked at Shitori Sona and said,"Is it necessary for my best friend to be so serious?"

"Yes, and very much, I'm looking forward to Rias calling me sister!"

Xiao Bai:(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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