In the end, Xiao Bai, who was helpless, was dragged by Sona Shitori to the Supernatural Research Department where Rias Gremory was located.

Rias Gremory would naturally not have a good look when seeing this annoying guy Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai would not greet him with a smile. Xiao Bai would not lick his face just because he is beautiful.

No matter how beautiful you are, what's the use? Will Xiao Bai never meet someone more beautiful in the future?

So from the beginning, on the contrary, he had no intention of trying to please Rias Gremory. Rias Gremory was not worthy of Xiao Bai, but Sona Shitori gave Xiao Bai a favor. When she saw Xiao Yi Zhizhi Cangna couldn't help but glared at Xiao Bai.

Then sighing helplessly, Shitori Sona said to Rias:"Your fiancé is coming soon. Can you defeat him with your own strength?-"

"I can!"

Looking at the stubborn Rias, Shitori Sona no longer cared, and then said to herself:"This time, Hyoudou Issei didn't come out to steal the marriage. If you lose, thenThere really is no room for regret anymore. Rias should not let her anger lead to something that no one wants to see happen."

Rias pursed her lips with a trace of dissatisfaction on her face, but she couldn't refute Shitori Sona's words.

"So at this time, you need someone to help you. You should understand Xiao Bai's strength in your heart. As long as Xiao Bai helps, there will definitely be no problem!"

Rias Gremory naturally knows Xiao Bai's strength. If she is willing to help, then there will be no problem, but Rias feels unhappy.

Xiao Bai's previous title of"Switch Princess" can be remembered by Rias for the rest of her life..

When I think of Rias in the novel I read, I go crazy.

That is simply stupid!

Seeing Xiao Bai's indifferent look, Zhiji Cang kicked Xiao Bai angrily and then said to Rias :"If you continue like this, you will be the one who suffers."

Rias had a frustrated look on her face. When Shitori Sona saw Rias like this, she decisively stopped talking. She glanced at Xiao Bai beside her and said,"This guy was so unobtrusive before. Asking this guy to help you solve this matter is an apology for being so arrogant! Rias glanced at Xiao Bai, who was kicked by Cang Na again and said helplessly:"I was the one who spoke freely before, so this time it is my fault for speaking freely before." Apologize."

Rias's face looked much better.

At least Xiao Bai apologized. Although his attitude still made Rias very unhappy, at least he apologized, so Rias chose to forgive him.

See you. After Rias and Xiao Bai reconciled,

Shitori Sona breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Bai suddenly said:"Speaking of which, have you tried every means to become stronger? The destructive power of the Barr family It is also a powerful force for you in this world. Your brother Sirzechs's strongest power is the destruction mode."

Rias showed a trace of embarrassment on her face. Then Rias explained:"I have tried to develop the power of destruction, but it has no effect at all. Although I said that I can use the power of destruction, butIt is completely impossible to operate the power of destruction in detail, let alone develop the destruction mode like my brother."

"It should be that your magic power is too weak. You pure-blooded demons don't know how to practice at all. You only want to rely on time to improve your strength. It is really happy for you immortal races. As long as you You can continue to become stronger while you are alive."

Xiao Bai's words made Rias even more embarrassed, because Rias knew very well that she was what Xiao Bai said and relied purely on time to become stronger.

Pure-blooded demons can possess the strength of superior demons as long as they reach adulthood, like Rias and other pure-blood nobles have the strength of the highest level demons as long as they reach adulthood. They don't need to work hard to practice, so that now Rias Gremory can't even do it temporarily. Nazao glared at Xiao Bai fiercely, because Chitori Sona himself was the same. If he hadn't met Xiao Bai, Chitori Sona's current strength would be on par with Rias.

But Chitori Sona didn't There is no way to deny what Xiao Bai said.

Nowadays, most of these immortal demons are in the same situation as Shitocang. For them, there is no need to practice hard without war. As long as they survive, there will always be hope. You will become stronger in one day

"Let me give you a suggestion. You won't be able to increase your magic power in a short period of time, but you can improve your willpower!"


Shitori Sona and Rias looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment. It was obvious that they didn't understand what Xiao Bai meant by will.

"To mobilize the powerful power of destruction requires a huge amount of magic power, but if you have a strong will to surrender the power of destruction to yourself, you can also use the power of destruction."

"To use a simple metaphor, the power of destruction is a powerful general, and the huge magic power is a huge army. Therefore, if you want to make the power of destruction surrender, you need to use a huge army to defeat the opponent with more and less."

"As for a strong will, it's even simpler. A strong will means that you are strong. You don't need to defeat the opponent one-on-one and make the opponent surrender to you!"

"In a nutshell, this is what it looks like."

Rias and Shitori Sona fell into thinking. Xiao Bai's words made some sense, but

"How do you make sure what you're talking about is useful?"

Xiao Bai looked at Rias's unconvinced look and rolled his eyes. Then the next moment, a sudden huge pressure in the Supernatural Research Department made Rias's body tremble.

Even Zai Li In Yas Gremory's eyes, Xiao Bai's figure grew infinitely higher and finally turned into a giant that towered over the sky and the earth, as if the opponent could crush him to death at will. The next moment everything disappeared and returned to normal, but Rias The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water, and Xiao Bai had a smile on his face. He was definitely not deliberately seeking revenge!.

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