Although Shitori Sona didn't notice what was going on, looking at Rias's appearance, she still didn't know that Rias had been tricked by Xiao Bai.

He pinched Xiao Bai angrily and whispered to Xiao Bai:"Can you stop being so petty?""

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm helping her improve her willpower. Look at how weak-willed she is. I'm already gentle enough without even using 1% of my willpower. Who knows what she does? So weak."

Xiao Bai did not hide it but said it directly to Rias!

Shitori Cang's face was speechless. Xiao Bai was really too narrow-minded. Then he glanced at Rias and wanted to see Li Yas. Did Yas get angry because of this? But the result surprised Sona Shitori. Rias didn't"one-one-seven" get angry because of it.

"Rias, aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry? Just because he glanced at me? I'm not so petty, and what's more, he is right. I am too weak now. Not only is my strength weak, my will is even weaker!

Rias, who had gained an understanding of herself, did not hate Xiao Bai because of this at this moment. Instead, she looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Can you help me exercise my will?""

"Of course you can, provided you don’t get scared to the point of pissing like you did just now!"

Rias's face suddenly showed a look of shame and annoyance:"I was not scared to death by what you said!"

Facing Rias's rebuttal, Xiao Bai didn't care!

"In summary, if a person wants to be strong, he must develop in these three aspects. The heart is the soul and the will, the body is the magic power, etc., and the skills only refer to things like your power of destruction. Among them, the spiritual will is the most important and key. Without enough spiritual will, even those with the most powerful power are just puppets of power. Which of those truly strong men is not strong-willed?

Rias looked at Xiao Bai:"How do you want to help me exercise my will?""

Xiao Bai said to Tan Lias:"Like what you just said, as long as you can hold on for a few minutes, you should be able to control the magic of destruction. Of course, you may be scared into a fool, so you can think about it carefully. Do you want to do this? After all, it was just a second that almost scared you to the point of peeing."

"I wasn't scared to death!"

Rias looked at Xiao Bai angrily, how could this guy slander people with his empty teeth?

"Do you know it in your heart? I ask you again, are you sure you really want to act like this?"

"Yes, I, Rias, have never been weak in my life. Now that the Sekiryuutei is gone, I have to work hard to become stronger! Xiao

Bai immediately applauded:"Okay, okay, you are worthy of Rias Gremory. No problem, I will help you train your will.""

Shitori Sona couldn't help but cover her face, almost predicting that Rias was deceived by Xiao Bai. The ultimate purpose of Xiao Bai's saying so much was to deceive Rias into accepting a severe beating. And he is still the kind of person who is willing to do it. Now I can’t stop it.

"So when are you going to start?"


Rias's eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but applaud. What he wanted was Rias's fighting spirit. If the other party didn't have fighting spirit, how could Xiao Bai abuse the other party?

And what's happening now is terrible. It wasn't Xiao Bai who wanted to be tortured, but Rias herself begged for torture!

Shitori Sona didn't know whether to say that her best friend had a bad mind or that she was too insidious as a man!

The next moment, Rias again Once I saw that huge figure, that huge figure stood in front of Rias. Just standing like that gave Rias endless pressure.

Just when Rias felt that she was about to suffocate. The pressure suddenly relaxed, and then Rias's feet went soft and she sat down on the ground.

"Rias, you should change your approach, like this"

Shitori Sona couldn't bear Rias' continued abuse. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, as it is, I believe I can definitely sustain it......."

Looking at Rias with a stubborn look on her face, Sona didn't know what she should say.

Shitori Sona looked at Himejima Akeno aside. After all, Himejima Akeno, as Rias's queen, might be useful if she came along to persuade her.

However, what Shitori Sona didn't expect was that Himejima Akeno had an incomprehensible expression on her face.

"Can you help me become stronger too!

Shitori Sona:"Did I hear wrongly?""

Shitori Sona had a tangled look on her face, wondering if she had heard wrongly why Himejima Akeno would say such a thing.

Xiao Bai just looked at Himejima Akeno:"Of course there is no problem, I want to participate. If you come in, we'll be together."

The next moment, Himejima Akeno felt what Rias had felt before, that feeling as if an invisible hand was pinching her neck, making her unable to even breathe and about to suffocate..

But Himejima Akeno not only did not feel fear or fear, but instead felt a kind of joy in her heart.

There is a hidden M in every S's heart, and Himejima Akeno is just a super It's natural for Akeno Himejima to be a pussy. In her heart, Akeno Himejima is actually a super pussy.

Now that Xiao Bai is looking like a 2.3 abuser, Akeno Himejima feels a sense of pleasure.

The closer this is, the closer The suffocation made Himejima Akeno feel like she wanted to burst out.

Suddenly this feeling disappeared. Himejima Akeno looked at Xiao Bai and found a trace of weirdness in Xiao Bai's eyes.

In her heart He was a little panicked, maybe he had been discovered by the other party!

Fortunately, Xiao Bai didn't say much, which made Himejima Akeno breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Himejima Akeno had some doubts in his heart. It’s not that I discovered myself

Xiao Bai ignored these things, looked at Rias aside and said:"Based on the current situation, you can't even last three seconds. Once it exceeds three seconds, there is a high probability that you will become a idiot"

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