The God of the Bible has been resurrected, which has become the biggest news in the DXD world in recent times.

Shitori Sona saw that Xiao Bai's life was more or less complicated. If others didn't know, how could Shitori Sona not know?

The resurrection of the God of the Bible must have nothing to do with Xiao Bai

"Does the resurrection of the God of the Bible have something to do with you?"

Despite some speculation in his mind, Shitori Sona still asked. He hoped that this matter had nothing to do with Xiao Bai, but unfortunately Xiao Bai nodded.

"I found Cao Cao before and wanted to have a good discussion with the God of the Bible to ask him to hand over the person of God to me. Unfortunately, the other party was not only unwilling but also looked like he was facing each other with swords, so the final situation became like this. , I was also helpless."

If I hadn't known Xiao Bai's character, I would have really believed Xiao Bai's lies.

"Are you confident you can win?

Xiao Bai grinned:"Who do you think I am, just the God of the Bible!""

The strength of the God of the Bible is definitely not at the level of a single universe. At most, it is better than the Dragon God level and may not even reach the EXE Evil God level.

Faced with such a Bible God, Xiao Bai has no idea at all. You will lose, and the other party will find it impossible to stand up.

"Okay, then you should pay more attention to yourself"

"Don’t worry, the God of the Bible cannot cause any trouble."

Shitori Sona sighed and said:"Because the resurrection of the God of the Bible has caused a big fuss on the underworld, and there are even many demons who are worried that the God of the Bible will attack the devils after his resurrection."

"After all, the God of the Bible fell because of the devil. Now that the king has returned, it is understandable to worry that the God of the Bible will take revenge on the devil. But aren't your sister and Sirzechs well prepared?"

"I don’t know. I didn’t ask about these things. I just complained to my sister before. Obviously they also guessed that this matter was probably a good thing you did."

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something. I looked very unhappy with that Theodora. Let me kill that guy."

"I can't make the decision on this, but I think the Demon King Achuka won't have any trouble with you because of Theodora."

"As long as it looks like this, I'll find an opportunity to kill this guy."

Just when Xiao Bai and Shitori Sona were about to get intimate, the magic circle in the student union office suddenly lit up, and the next moment Serafall walked out of the magic circle. She looked at Xiao Bai with resentment in her eyes, As a diplomat of the underworld, Serafall's resurrection of the God of the Bible has undoubtedly brought a lot of trouble to Serafall.

As for Xiao Bai, the initiator of all this, Serafall will naturally not give any any good looks

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Shitori Sona looked at her sister's arrival and asked, Serafall's arrival can't be okay.

"Sirzechs and the others wanted to have a good talk with Xiao Bai, so they asked me to come over and tell Xiao Bai, asking Xiao Bai to go to the underworld."

"Now that the God of the Bible has been resurrected, Sirzechs and the others, as demon kings, cannot leave the underworld at will to avoid causing any trouble, so let me invite you to the underworld.

Xiao Bai glanced at Serafall:"What if I don't go?""

"Whether you want to go or not, I have already brought the words here. Serafall said with a dark face, but Xiao Bai looked at Serafall:"Actually, I can also go to the underworld, but there are some prices for letting me go. As long as you are willing to pay these prices, Then I will go to the underworld with you now"

"Do you want to go or not? Don’t try to hold me hostage."

"In this case, I won't go."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Serafall and Xiao Bai were in a stalemate. In the end, Serafall didn't look like a defeated rooster:"What on earth do you want? Sample"

"come here."

Xiao Bai hooked his fingers at Serafall. Serafall pursed her lips and then walked towards Xiao Bai.

"kiss Me! Serafall

's eyes widened. Serafall had thought that Xiao Bai would kiss her, but Serafall never expected that Xiao Bai would actually let her kiss him.

If she was kissed by Xiao Bai , Well, it's nothing, but now Xiao Bai actually wants to take the initiative to kiss him. Serafall can't accept it, but

Very angry, really angry!!!

Serafall knew very well that if she didn't do this, Xiao Bai would never go to the underworld with her. For the sake of the demon clan, Serafall could only force herself to kiss Xiao Bai on the face.

"This is enough. Serafall said to Xiao Bai while holding back her nausea, but Xiao Bai just looked at Serafall with a smile:"No way, no way, no one thinks that kissing on the face counts as a kiss, right?""

The fists suddenly clenched. Serafall looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and her eyes were about to tear Xiao Bai into eight pieces.

"Don't go too far, I tell you! Serafall warned Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai would be crazy if he listened to Serafall's warning. He looked at Serafall with a smile:"I'll give you one last chance!""

"If you refuse, then there is no need to ask again. Even if you agree later, I will not go to the underworld."

Serafall's face turned ugly after hearing Xiao Bai's threat. Serafall looked at Shitori Sona, hoping that Shitori Sona could help her. However, what Serafall didn't expect was that Shitori Sona But not helping is just adding insult to injury:"I think this is not bad."

Seraful looked at Shitori Sona with difficulty. Her sister actually helped Xiao Bai, that villain. Serafall's eyes gradually became dim.

After all, it was a wrong payment, and her sister was already It took the shape of Xiao Bai.

Looking at Xiao Bai, Seraful looked like she was broken.

Then she kissed Xiao Bai directly on the mouth as if she was giving up on herself.

After a long time, their lips parted. Serafall looked at Xiao Bai:"You can go now."

"Of course, I am the most trustworthy person!"

Serafall's face twisted when she heard what Xiao Bai said, but in order to avoid causing trouble, Serafall did not say anything more.

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