This time, Xiao Bai didn't do any tricks and followed him to the underworld honestly.

Later, Xiao Bai met Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the four demon kings, who was Rias's brother.

"I have heard about the name for a long time, and I invite you here this time because I want to ask about one thing. Does this resurrection of the God of the Bible have something to do with you?"

After some polite remarks, Sirzechs went straight to the point, trying to figure out whether this matter had something to do with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai did not evade Sirzechs's inquiry.

"Yes, I did this, but the original God of the Holy Spirit was not dead. This time he felt the threat from me, so he was resurrected."

Although it looks like this and has nothing to do with Xiao Bai, Sirzechs is in a very bad mood.

Fortunately, Sirzechs did not show it.

"May I ask what your purpose is?"

"Didn't Serafall tell you? I want to be the new God of the Bible, I want to be the God of the Bible, but the position of the God of the Bible must be occupied by someone, so there is only one way to make the position vacant, either the other person gets out or I kill the other person.

Sirzechs' expression froze slightly:"Is there no peaceful way?""

In his heart, Sirzechs still hopes that it can be resolved in a peaceful way and does not want another war. Perhaps it is because there have been too many wars in the past. Sirzechs hates war in his heart.

"Of course there is, that is, the current God of the Bible will honestly abdicate and hand over the position of God of the Bible to me. In this way, there will be no need for war. Sirzechs was speechless. This is like a robber breaking into your home and then demanding all the valuables in your home be handed over.

"If you want to dissuade me, then the best thing I advise you is not to humiliate yourself. For the sake of Rias and Sona, I don’t plan to do anything to you demons, but if you interfere with me Sorry, I can only ask you devils to die."

Xiao Bai doesn't think there is any problem in threatening a demon king in person. Even if the other party can be called the top 10 strongest people in the world, so what?

In Xiao Bai's eyes, the other party is no different from ordinary people.

He took a deep breath With a tone of voice, Sirzechs calmed down his mood and then assured Xiao Bai:"We demons will never conflict with you!"

Seraful was easily crushed by Xiao Bai. According to the information provided by Shitori Sona, Xiao Bai is now invincible in this world. At the same time, behind Xiao Bai there is the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

Although I'm not sure what Xiao Bai's strength is, but the Infinite Dragon God alone is enough to make Sirzechs afraid.

Therefore, even in the face of a threat like Xiao Bai, Sirzechs has no idea of ​​getting angry.

"Being able to bend and stretch does a great job, and there is one more thing besides that."

Xiao Bai picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Then he said to Sirzechs:"Theodora, this disgusting guy, this guy, you should have no objections, right?"

"No, we just don’t know, otherwise we would never allow Theodora to do that kind of thing."

Leave aside the credibility of Sirzechs's guarantee, since the other party now agrees with Xiao Bai to attack Theodora, then this is enough.

That is, for the sake of Shitori Canna, otherwise Xiao Bai thinks Anyone who wants to kill needs the consent of Sirzechs.

After saying hello, Xiao Bai went directly to Astaros.

When Xiao Bai found Theodora, Theodora was still abusing one of his Dependents.

The retinues of Theodora are all saints whom Theodora deceived from the Holy See. That is to say

What a scumbag, no, this guy is not a human but a devil

"If all the demons in this world were like Theodora, then I would choose to destroy all the demons"


Looking at Xiao Bai who suddenly appeared, Theodora felt a hint of danger. It was this hint of danger that made Theodora give the order.

"kill him!"

The saints who were deceived by Theodora all had their eyes blank, as if they were eating puppets. After Theodora gave the order, they took out their weapons and attacked Xiao Bai.

Facing These saints, these broken girls, Xiao Bai looked at these girls with sympathy and then completely eliminated these girls.

These girls had no idea of ​​​​surviving. Now Xiao Bai actually helped them.

His family members were easily eliminated by Xiao Bai. Theodora finally started to panic.

".What are you doing? I am Theodora Astaroth, a blood relative of the Demon King. If you dare to hurt me, you will die."

Facing this threat, Xiao Bai laughed.

"Then open your eyes and watch carefully whether I dare to do anything to you."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, a murderous intention surged into his heart. Theodora Astalot was really a scum that made Xiao Bai feel a little disgusted.

Xiao Bai thought that he was not a good person, but someone like Theodora Even Xiao Bai found the scumbag a bit disgusting.

"I will drain your blood bit by bit."

Xiao Bai looked at the so-called devil's serum with cold eyes.

Xiao Bai dropped Theodora on the chandelier, and cut off Theodora's hands and feet (by Wang De), and then let go There was a bucket under Theodora, and as the blood kept dripping out, it fell into the bucket below. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Theodora screamed in horror , Xiao Bai took a chair and sat in front of Theodora, looking at the ugly Theodora.

It was obvious that he was so happy when he was the perpetrator, but he ended up being the victim. It was so ugly that it made people laugh.

Looking at Theodora like a clown, Xiao Bai did not let him go.

At first, the other party could still curse and abuse Xiao Bai, but as the blood dripped, Theodora didn't know how much blood she had shed. There was fear in her eyes and she began to speak softly.

But Xiao Bai did not let the other person go. He still looked at the other person like a clown. Xiao Bai just wanted to look at him. He died..

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