What's more terrible than death?

What is more terrifying than death is waiting for death to come step by step, watching death come to you bit by bit.

Theodora Astaroth is suffering from this kind of suffering at this moment, especially the blood that is constantly dripping into the bucket below her like water drops. Every drop of blood represents Theodora's The passage of life is one step closer to death.

The perpetrator will eventually become the victim. Theodora's ugly appearance really opened Xiao Bai's eyes. This so-called blood relative of the Demon King Beelzebub seemed to be nothing. Xiao Bai thought that the other party would be tougher and the result would be It's just like this. It's really disappointing.

"That's almost enough."

When Rias arrived, she looked at Theodora Astaroth who was hung in the air and had her limbs chopped off. Rias said to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai looked at Rias and smiled meaningfully. Get up:"I guess they must have approached Cang Na first, and after Cang Na refused, they approached you again, right?""

Rias silently acquiesced to what Xiao Bai said, and Xiao Bai then said to himself:"Why do you think Cang Na ignored them? Because Cang Na knows that I will never let it go."

"Cang Na knew he couldn't stop me, so he refused. Then you thought Cang Na couldn't stop me. 380 Why do you think you can?"

Rias pursed her lips and felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart. Xiao Bai continued:"Maybe it was my help before that made you think I have a crush on you, so you think I will listen to you?"

"Let me tell you one thing, even the girl I like cannot interfere with any decision I make, so don’t be self-righteous anymore, leave here or wait with me here for Theodora to welcome death, wait until this I will leave after Theodora is dead"

"Rias, hurry up and save me!"

Seeing Rias arriving, Theodora seemed to have seen a savior. However, Rias ignored Theodora's shouts. Rias was equally disgusted by Theodora's actions. It's so painful.

The reason why Rias appeared here this time was just because she couldn't stand being hung up here in the underworld like this, so Rias was asked to see if it was possible to kill him simply. drop Theodora

"Theodora is definitely not the only one with this kind of thing. Do you know why I hang Theodora here? Just to set an example for those other demons. Of course, if other demons jump out, Theodora won't be the one hanging on."

Rias' body trembled slightly, obviously not expecting that Xiao Bai didn't just target Theodora alone.

"You shouldn't have come. Your arrival caused some fish that had already emerged to shrink back again."

Looking at Rias's heavy heart, Xiao Bai affirmed again:"But yes, with your heavy heart, people who say you have big breasts and no brains are indeed right."


She has the urge to kill someone, especially this person named Xiao Bai. Rias wants to cut him into pieces.

"Before being stabbed next time, the best thing you can do is ask Cang Na, so as not to be fooled again."

Rias's face was dark. What does it mean to be fooled by others? Are you that stupid?

"Yes, you are stupid."

Xiao Bai seemed to hear what Rias was thinking and gave an affirmative answer.

Rias turned around and left with an expressionless face. If she continued to stay, Rias doubted that she would be unable to control the desire to kill in her heart. Emotions.

Xiao Bai did not try to persuade Rias to stay, but looked at Rias leaving with a hint of coldness in his eyes. Could it be that the person who deceived Rias behind her back thought that he would not be able to investigate?

(bibh) The shadow at Xiao Bai's feet suddenly squirmed. Then a monster came out of the shadow, and its eyes projected a screen.

There was only a group of people visible on the screen. No, it should be said that it was a group of demons who were discussing how to use Rias to achieve their own goals.

"Sure enough, novels and animations are just novels and animations after all. The real world is much crueler than novels and animations."

Xiao Bai sighed with emotion. What is shown in the world of novels and animations is only a corner, and the darkness shown is only a part of it. In order for the novel to be published smoothly, some of the darkness in the novel will be edited. delete

"Go ahead and tell Sirzechs this matter. I am very curious whether Sirzechs will use thunderous means to protect his sister in the face of these guys' calculations."

As Sirzechs' sister, what kind of person is Rias who dares to use Rias to plot against Rias, or even use this to plot against Sirzechs? To say that Sirzechs doesn't know Xiao Bai. I don’t believe it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai doesn’t think that those individuals asked Rias to stop him just because they know Rias. They think they will care about Rias. Si's face was saved online.

Xiao Bai felt that the other party wanted to use this opportunity to achieve some ulterior purpose, such as provoking a conflict between himself and Sirzechs, and then using Sirzechs to

It’s not like Xiao Bai has never played the game of eradicating and annihilating oneself. Killing someone with a borrowed knife or something like that. I really don’t know how these guys think that they and Sirzechs can’t see through this kind of trick, but what Xiao Bai wants to know now is What choice will Sirzechs make?

Continue to pretend to be deaf or mute or clean up these scum with thunder.

Like those demons, Sirzechs also wants to clean up these demons with his own hands.

This is It is a method commonly used by superiors. Xiao Bai used this method frequently at the beginning. He was so eager to play with ZZ.

Sirzechs even used his own sister to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, Xiao Bai not only did not fall for the trick. , on the contrary, he directly put the evidence of the devil's plot against Rias in front of Sirzechs and let Sirzechs make a choice.

Only an idiot like Rias would not be able to see it at all, and then become stupid and become someone else's A knife in his hand was used by others, and what was even worse was that even his brother Sirzechs was one of the people.

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